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Army of Dad

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Everything posted by Army of Dad

  1. Were I not in a different mood towards this program as a result of a distinct lack of commitment to trying to win I'd find some nuggets of hope in the video. Just for internet/GMG funnies, we have a dramatic look AD, a sleeping giant reference, and a Diet freaking Coke in the foreground. Potential comedy gold mine on Bonnie Brea folks...
  2. I see this as a chicken and the egg. 90 is both called out and calling out in (nearly) every thread. I'd be just as happy if the white knight brigade followed their own advice to 90 and knock off the wild pendulum swing in the exact opposite direction (nearly) every damn thread.
  3. Not to mention the state that program was when she was hired...
  4. Actually, I don't think they are strange at all.
  5. As much as I'd rather not defend any AD that played any role on Benford getting five full seasons to destroy the MBB program, WB isn't wrong in waiting to use and hire a search firm. Searching for a coach while you have one under contract and you haven't announced he will be gone is bad form and sets a bad precedent for any potential candidates. Search firms are useful in modern college athletics. At a minimum they provide confidentiality that is often difficult or impossible to have when dealing solely between schools and applicants/agents. This alone is often worth the cost, and they may actually find candidates that an AD wouldn't have considered on his or her own.
  6. There are substantially fewer FBS jobs (AD and football coach) than even just head coach jobs at a D1 basketball school. Outside of the negative, I think 90 is right about Cross and I think most observers would feel the same way regardless of how they feel about UNT or @UNT90
  7. So much this. As for everything else you could use just about every point as either a positive or a negative design on the point of view or spin.
  8. And I believe he will still take a spot in a signing class if he's put on scholarship during his first two seasons/years here.
  9. Not to mention that Cross has the headline program at his school and wouldn't have that here. This is relatively small in comparison to your other points, but it's just one more reason for him to stay in Arlington rather than move to Denton.
  10. The right coach doesn't necessarily have to have HC experience, though it often helps. It was obvious Benford was the wrong hire very early on. The unforgivable error was keeping that level of a coach for five full seasons.
  11. His first coaching hire here. He's added some executive positions, but no coaches until now.
  12. Yes, thank you for you "quick" action...?
  13. Think that roll will stay on the menu for at least five years, drive away half of the customers and lead to failing health inspections three times. It does come with a "shooter" to help you "rebound".
  14. Well, this is it for the season and possibly Benford's head coaching career.
  15. Where else would a coach like that get 5 years so why not hit6?
  16. Speaking of, don't you have some more specious 'insight' to share? Like a reusing Fouts turf or some inside knowledge from a class that directly contradicts something put out my Smatresk?
  17. I'd guess this is more from a personal relationship. WB will tweet congrats to other folks he's met through the years and this could be that.
  18. Do I hear 1 3/4?, now 1 1/2, going once, going twice...
  19. That would be a very small IPF. As in 'why bother to have one' small...
  20. Does anyone else get the feeling that @Cerebus or @Harry or someone else has been playing with sock puppets lately?
  21. Even if they had no "extra" cash to pay a single year Benford buyout (and think of how sad that is) they could have sold an extra guarantee game or two and sacrificed a couple of the patsies Benford scheduled in a vain attempt to pad his W-L record to make up the difference. As a season ticket holder I'd have gladly made that trade.
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