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Everything posted by forevereagle

  1. There is also space by the parking lot there that could be used for offices, training space, locker rooms, etc. There also appears to be space to connect the two buildings so that you could access the indoor facility without having to go outside. The only issue with building there is that construction could impact use of the existing courts. We are lucky to have lots of space to build, so I think we should use it.
  2. It doesn't matter since Malik is my player from the past 2 years, so according to the adoption thread rules, I have him again. Sorry @MeanGreenMailbox.
  3. As someone that attended a CC before UNT, you are wrong. The classes are not any different than major university classes. Your insinuation that CCs dumb down their material because the students there are stupid is just wrong and borderline offensive.
  4. Is 10 points really that much? A TD and a FG doesn't seem like that big a gap to me. They beat us by 18 last year, so 10 seems reasonable. It's not like this assessment matters at all since, as has been pointed out, they are just setting a line so they can get even betting. This "prediction" will have no impact on anything.
  5. Correct, 75th is not anything special, but when you compare it to what we have done, it sure looks good for them, no?
  6. While I am sure the Big 12 would like to include A&M's positive achievements, it seems that the SEC might have an opinion on that.
  7. My guess is that the hire is waiting on WB. I think that a hire was delayed until we had an AD in place. If WB is smart, and I think he is, we may see this job filed by someone who could take over mid season.
  8. It sure put Ogdenville, Brockway, and North Haverbrook on the map!
  9. Pre-season lists don't mean much. Let's all hope that a lot of our guys give reasons to be on the list that matters - post-season all conference.
  10. Do women 60+ apply? Is age a stated requirement for the job? When you say "we don't hire people because of their age" it is discrimination based on age. If you require certain experience levels or pay in a certain way, you can cull out people of a certain age without explicitly stating it.
  11. Yes, it is prejudiced. It is also age discrimination, so admitting it in a public forum is probably not wise. I would quote the rest of it, but it just seemed that I could easily sum it up by saying that young people are dumb and they complain too much. The funny part of this is that it is a dumb post complaining too much.
  12. I read what you said. You said that his prior years wouldn't be as important to a new AD. I would hope that a new AD would take a look at his overall record, attendance numbers over his time, record prior, and attendance prior to gain full context over his time here. I don't see how a good year could save him at this point, only a great year could do that. If a new AD looks at an 18 win season and thinks that is good enough to keep a coach that has never put together a winning season prior, then we may have made the wrong hire.
  13. So our new AD is not going to be capable of looking up his overall record?
  14. I would bet on due diligence here. Talking to an internal candidate can give you perspective on the program and its needs for discussions with other candidates. It also makes other internal people feel warm and fuzzy that the guy they know is "in the running" even if he has no shot to land the job.
  15. I think I remember hearing about her, but that was not the part of FW that I ever really went to.
  16. Not sure that it should other than they are actually talking about us. Wouldn't the goal be to have no players on this list? That would mean that the team is so well rounded that a single player is not so important that he impacts the ability of the team over others. Not that this is how these lists work, but it seems that would be ideal, the whole team is good enough that it doesn't hing on a single player.
  17. Dave Campbell's isn't saying the 50 best, it is the 50 most important. Morris is far and away the more important single player on our roster. His play can make or break the season for us. I doubt we have any more players on the list.
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