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  1. I really believe that this new stadium at NT will have a positive effect on all areas of the FB program. It may not be some miracle 200% increase in attendance or anything like that, it might be a gradual thing, but I think over time we will see incredible results. This is a game changer, IMO. No pun intended
    2 points
  2. tech is not so well known outside texas. just ask. unt will not climb unless we make our desire to do so more known in the media. we have to put our name out there for consideration and sell ourselves more to other conferences. tell the general public about our sports programs and future goals. let people know the bandwagon's destination.
    2 points
  3. You think you're just allowed to change your avatar anytime you want? I don't like change.
    1 point
  4. This is not racial profiling. Racial profiling is detaining someone for the sole reason that they are black, hispanic, white,, asian, etc.. That's right. The only reason for the detainment is race. In your above example, there is a speeding violation, which gives the officer probable cause to believe a crime has been committed, therefore more than enough reason to stop the vehicle. In Arizona, proof of American citizenship is required before you are issued an Arizona driver's, therefore producing an Arizona driver's license is producing proof of citizenship. If you really want the supreme court's definition of racial profiling, read this: http://aclu.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=573 It basically says that it does not matter what the officer's subjective reason for stopping a vehicle/person is, as long as there is an objective violation of the law. Arizona is 3 for 3 with the 9th circuit upholding previous immigration laws in the past several years.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Rivals has an article about offensive "diversification". You'll have to read the article to see how they figured out the whole thing, but North Texas got a first-page mention as among 8 schools to have 6 runners (same player can count more than once) with over 1000 yards/yr. Now, if we could just get one of those 3000 yards/yr passers, and some of those 1000 yards/yr receivers. If anyone wants to give a shout out to their fav running back of the last decade, now would be a good time! Here's the link: Offensive "diversity" measures.
    1 point
  7. I totally agree with your post. We have to do more. I am almost 100% sure the SEC has no interst in us other then scheduling some bodybag games, but they see the $60,000,000 in profit the Big 10 network earned last year, and can speculate about how much more it will earn from expanding into new markets after the shake-up. I think the SEC wants a network too. With that kind of money out there, if they don't, they should. If they can't have Texas, then the won't get A&M. The state makes those two a package deal. Would the SEC hold its nose and take UNT and Houston, in order to maximize profits in an SEC network? Shouldn't we at least bring it to their attention? Are there two better markets in the south, that would bring more T.V.s to an SEC network? We need to market our program better, and play to our strengths in this current environment, which is the additional revenue our media market would bring to the schools of the SEC, not what our university's performance brings.
    1 point
  8. Look, this will be enforced very similiar to how No Insurance is enforced. You don't see cops pulling over people just to see if they have insurance, and you won't see cops stopping hispanics just to see if they are legal. The one exception is the drivers license and insurance checkpoints ran by a lot of states (not so much here). These may also be able to be legally used to determine citizenship. But these are ran by checking everybody, or every third car, or some other objective standard. All hispanics will not be targeted. Let's also not forget that there are illegals from other countries that are not hispanic.
    1 point
  9. baseball is needed but non revenue sports in general are just fluff. who won the 2009 national titles in tennis, volleyball, swimming, golf, soccer, or track? me neither. we need to become a power in football and all other sports will get more respect and recognition, not the other way around.
    1 point
  10. please, no more 5-10 guards. i love josh white but he gets stuffed every time he drives to the basket. in fact we have enough guards. need more good big guys.
    1 point
  11. I know there are occasionally times when juco players can leave the juco after their freshman season. (Most don't). Anyway I wonder if we're looking at Redmon for signing immediately (to be able to play next fall) OR....if we're looking at him as a November signee (to be able to play 2011-2012).
    1 point
  12. It will also take the Mean Green Nation rising up and supporting UNT with its donations and season ticket purchases. This, too, is improving, but still has a long way to go. Time it will take, but time and desire most members of the Mean Green Nation have in spades. With the new stadium and all the conference alignment talk, I am looking forward to the possibility of record numbers of attendees at this year's Mean Green games...both football and basketball where it seems to matter the most in this sort of thing.
    1 point
  13. Or, Rudy's barbeque chain wins over Metzlers just around the corner.
    1 point
  14. gangrene, Agreed. My wife is from Mexico and came here legally. And, it isn't easy to come here or stay here legally - even if you are married to a U.S. citizen. Sometimes when her brothers come to visit, they can't bring all of their families because getting the visa paperwork renewed is tedious and precise. And, that's the way it should be. I've got a real problem with people who think a "pathway to citizenship" should be opened to those who came here illegally. Is the government trying to find a way to sell a cars cheaper to auto thieves? If I trespass, does the government try to find a way to give me part of the land I trespass upon? When people are here illegally, they are here illegally. I don't want to put the cart before the horse for anyone here but illegal mean "not legal." Stop me if I'm going too fast. The idea behind the visa is that only people who have jobs and can support themselves in Mexico (or whatever country) can apply for and receive the visa. The assumption is that if they are already making a living in the homeland, they aren't going to try to stay here illegally. And, that makes sense. If another country - insert Mexico here - has an economic/unemployment problems, we should not be the default safety valve to get them out of that government's hair. Arizona's new law aside, the problem always has been - and continues to be - that our stupid government doesn't apply the law already on the books! Why not? If I steal, rape, or murder, they would apply the law to me, and with great measure. So, why not just enforce the laws against people here illegally? It's so damn simple that it's maddening. And, it's costly to States to have to take care of these people while the federal government sits back in Washington, D.C. not giving a crap in most cases and getting in the way of actually enforcing immigration law in others. It is not fair to people like my wife who played by the rules to get here either. I understand the economic situation in Mexico isn't great. But, it's way, way past time for the Mexican government to take care of its own house. But, look at it. It's so corrupt and incompetent that druglords rule whole swaths of the country in the northern parts of the country, and they are making inroads into traditional tourist territories. Mexico needs to privatize many of its industrial sectors - mainly in the areas of energy and technology - and allow it's citizenry to have a shot a developing a true middle class. Everything else is bullsh*t. The American hispanics who foment protest against common sense immigration law are the worst. They are true traitors in every sense of the word. This country gives them more opportunities than they can ever know and all they can do is spit on it. And, spit on those, like my wife, who followed the rules to get here. I know things will get worse before they get better in this endeavor, but I'm all for what Arizona and other Mexican border states do to protect the economic and safety interests of their citizens.
    1 point
  15. The law requires police to have reasonable suspicion in order to be able to ask for citizenship documents, which in Arizona is an Arizona drivers license or state ID card. This is the same standard that police need to detain anyone for any reason, so the fear of racial profiling is unfounded. I'm sure there are those that will say that police will use this offense as a reason to stop hispanics, but that is bad logic. Police could use any offense to stop a hispanic (which, by the way, if they are committing that offense, is not racial profiling), so why focus on one law out of about a 1000? The challenge in the courts will be whether or not a state can enforce federal immigration laws.
    1 point
  16. Sure, why not? Missouri is always as overhyped and underachieving as any Big 10/11 team. They'd fit right in.
    0 points
  17. All the Puerto Ricans I've known (mostly in the Army's 82nd Airborne Division, but now I work next to a Lieutenant from Fire Rescue-he also served in the 82nd) have been hard working people. By the way, Puerto Ricans are already American Citizens. You have some reason for starting this thread, other than attempting to perpetuate some really tired cliches?
    -1 points
  18. So I emailed Phil Steele with the following: I was checking out the Phil Steele blog today and noticed a glaring error. If you look at the attached screen capture you will see a list of teams and their percentage of offense returning for the 2010 CF season. Listed at number 9 is North Texas State in the Sun Belt Conference. Unfortunately, this is incorrect. There is no North Texas State in the Sun Belt conference. In fact there is no North Texas State in ANY conference. There is, however, a University of North Texas that competes in the Sun Belt conference. (NOTICE there is no “STATE” in the name? And there hasn’t been for well over 20 years.) I just received this response. " I do apologize and have asked the person that does our daily blog to please fix this and to proof more carefully in the future. Thanks and have a great day....Debbie"
    -1 points
  19. I don't know if this will help, but I tried. Hi Joe, here is the reply I do apologize and have asked the person that does our daily blog to please fix this and to proof more carefully in the future. Thanks and have a great day....Debbie here is my note to Phil. On 4/29/10 4:49 PM, Phil, The University of North Texas stopped using the word state almost 22 years ago. Please stop referring to us as North Texas State. Thanks Joe Holland GO MEAN GREEN
    -1 points
  20. From what I've been reading, the conference expansions seem to be driven by generating more money through T.V. deals, increasing the gap between the auto bid conferences and the mid-majors, and possibly creating a framework for a playoff. The Big 10 and PAC 10 are expected to act first. After that the Big East and Big 12 will want to replace their lost teams, but I can't see the ACC or SEC sitting back and letting them reload. I think a more likely sitiation will be the ACC trying pick the bones of what used to be the Big East. I don't think the SEC will want to expand into the north, so they would probably try to attract teams from a weaker Big 12, but I don't think they get any. If increasing the T.V. money through adding top markets to keep up with the Big 10, is the greatest issue driving the SEC expansion, then could they end up inviting Houston and North Texas? The conference could afford to take the hit in the competition area because it is the strongest, they would add the number 5 and 10 T.V. markets in the country, both are large state school, and they'd play more games in front of Texas recruits. I know it sounds crazy, but I think it could be a possibility. Any thoughts?
    -1 points

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