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El Paso Eagle

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Everything posted by El Paso Eagle

  1. An even bigger joke than SMU's mindset is UTEP's - All you hear out here is how NMSU is not good enough to be in a conference with them. It's always good for a laugh.
  2. When Seth came in there were stories of coaches in the DFW area who said that UNT never visited. I have a friend who officiated n East Texas and he told me more than once that coaches told him that we visited less than any other D1 school in the state.
  3. UAB's was a strategic move; almost like a company filing for bankruptcy and reorganizing. They always planned on returning. They used it to be able to clean hose and get boosters to get behind them. Agree the 1AA is old. Our problem is after coming back there was not a commitment to building a FBS level program. Up until recently we had arguably to worst relationships with Texas HS coaches of any D1 programs in the state, and it probably wasn't even close. We wasted the opportunity with letting Dodge bring his HS staff. Seth and Wren, while the bottom line for fans is winning, have built a better foundation in the last 5 years than the previous groups combined since we returned from 1AA.
  4. If this happens look for SMU to make a push for the MWC
  5. If they go to 16 I would think in addition to BYU/UH/UCF/Cin they would add Memphis and maybe USF
  6. They're taking the whole social distancing thing a little too far
  7. Question: On the last play the QB/runner also lowers his head; Why is he not charged? Why is it OK for runners to use the crown of their helmets? http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=32162521
  8. Nice reply. Your correct, it is very easy to find a source that will validate what you want to hear. My problem with the media is that they can lie if they want and say their sorry, or as you say be "lazy" to get clicks and there is usually no repercussion. One well placed headline can ruin a person, or organization, and putting a back-page, oops, were sorry, is BS. It seems like the industry does not feel the need to uphold standards and accountability.
  9. And we wonder why people still question this university's commitment to football? We want to think UNT see's SMU as a rival and we don't even send our band.
  10. He might be a piece of trash, but does that make it OK for the magazine to lie? Seems to be a lot of people on both sides are OK with the media lying as long as it supports their narratives.
  11. And you can say in the DFW market we are behind UT, A&M, OU, TCU, and SMU
  12. @untjim1995These are valid points that will get some on here pissed at you, but are a reason that UTSA might move up (AAC or MWC) before we do. Much like FAU and FIU, these are "destination" cities. These are considerations, and the fact hat there are no competing teams in the market makes a big difference.
  13. Hard to remember a time when this many of the green Nation went after a QB who won his first game after being in camp for what about a month. It's a good thing none of our previous quarterbacks ever had a bad game (nice our standards are so high that 40+ is a bad game) or we would have been switching quarterbacks four to five times per season.
  14. People hate on him because he feels the need to trash our players he doesn't think are as good as someone he supports.
  15. We are going to give up a lot of yards in PB's scheme. The key will be to lock down in the red zone and minimize big plays.
  16. You honestly don't think the coaches help develop Darden?
  17. So you don't want to give him credit for Darden but want to blame him for the others. I bet you are one of those who thought that GH was not helping the team when he was here
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