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Everything posted by UNTMike81

  1. Don't really have time to comment because I need to go to church, but reciever ranks are directly affected by QB. AS LONG AS COACH MAC BENCHES DW in favor of "NO ARM" McNULTY (SP), then our WR's are going to suffer. It's going to be hard to watch UNT this year since I usually go to sport bar or other restaurant. I don't know if I can stomach the sports bar tab and watch subpar QB play when I know we have a real QB barried on the bench for God knows what reason (??? insert stupid made up reason here).
  2. I would also believe our new coach is recruiting this talent so that the first year she has a shot at recruiting her own HS Class that those players will know/see that our coach is putting the best talent availible around them. As a recruiting tool this is great strategy since top HS talent wants to play with other talented players. I would think all school especially P5 school use their current most talented players help recruit in coming quality HS talent. If we have to sacrifice one year for this type of coach's forward thinking then bring it on. Heck...we've all suffered through coach Benford killing a very talented team that JJ left him with some recent history at the time of NCAA tournment success. Coach Benford all but destroyed our men's BB team. Past that RV won't even get rid of Coach Benford because we're so broke we don't want to fire coach Benford when we should have a year or better yet 2yrs. ago. I won't even want to get into Coach Mac benching our most talented QB on roster for what reason, probably control and pride. Now I'm left with watching another McNulty "Ground Hog Day" over and over, NUTS!!! Maybe we finally hired a stand up WBB coach who can both coach and recruit. Time will tell!!! Go Mean Green.
  3. Fuzzy's Pizza has the dish and they'll turn to game if you ask. Watched UNT/SMU their (Westheimer at Fondren). BB's Cafe (Westheimer closer to fountainview-next to House of Pies) has Direct TV and will show game if it's on DTV which it should be. I live around Hwy 6 and Westheimer, Triple Crown will show game, but limited food so probably will watch at one of the above locations with a friend.
  4. RV how about looking at UNT's license apparel agreements with stores that sell caps, T-shirts, Golf/Polo shirts etc. I live in Houston and you don't know how frustrating it is to see stores selling university apparel and other logo items for every other university in the State of Texas, but UNT gear. I bet if fans had access to UNT apparel they might not wear other university logo'ed apparel to UNT games at Apogee stadium. You can blame UNT fans all you want about not supporting athletics by wearing other university apparel to home games, but if we can purchase your product then who's fault is it really!!!!!????
  5. English never was my strong suit. After all these years on the board I really feel like I've arrived, much like a new pledge at the frat house, Green P1 called me a Goober. I now feel like a more enriched human being. Maybe I'll go back to school and get my Master's or Doctorate in Gooberness. If commonsense makes me a goober then I'll ware the badge proudly.
  6. I really don't care if the Stadium is LEED certified. I wonder if the construction cost for stadium were inflated to acquire LEED Certification? If so, then big waste of money. In the energy capital of the US I really question the need for 3 windmills. Wonder what the ROI was on the windmills. Oh, probably a government grant gave us the money which my taxes paid for. Yes, I'm totally apposed to the "green movement" bashing energy production that will grow our economy and provide high paying jobs for American's. America has more natural energy reserves than any country in the world. The green movement is heck bent on not allowing the US use it's natural resources effectively. We can get these natural resources to market very safely and the oil business, or energy business doesn't want to kill anyone. But to listen to the "greeny's, code pink, and others you'd think the oil industry was out to destory the US population. Who provided all the money for Houston's world renowned "Medical Center"!!! Texas Oil MEN!!! If I ever get cancer I hope I have the resources to get to MD Anderson, even through it's part of UT!! The "green" movement say's they're all about conservation, but how many Eagles, yes our mascot are kill every year by "Green windmills" do the research. If you or I kill a balded Eagle big brother will throw you in jail and throw away the key. If a "Green Windmill" kills a balded Eagle, oh well, no harm, no foul. Kind of like belonging to a P5 conference or being on the outside looking in. Not really much worst. If you take a good hard look at the "Green movement" if your a true American you'll be appalled by what you find out if your honest enough to believe the truth. And yes I'm all for conservation, just not at the expense of energy independence, quality manufactoring jobs in the US, and an economy that made America the greatest nation on Earth!!! Oh, the "Green movement believes in a carbon tax, who's going to pay the tax, you and I that's who. So the "Green Movement" can ultimately control my and your behavor. Wow, that's priceless!! The green movement say's carbon dioxide is enemy number 1, but what needs carbon dioxide to live? What does the thing that need carbon dioxide provide for humans and other animal life to live, oh that would be oxygen.
  7. Wow, tapp the brakes on your criticism. Carlos Harris is a freaking WR at UNT. It's not like our beloved UNT is QB factor of passing QB's. I'd assume Carlos has been a WR at a school where he might as well be caught in quick sand in the Sahara dessert, and what does he see in the distance as he trudges closer, is it an Oasis, or a mirage? DT, Greer, McSomeboby-Mirage, or DW the freaking worlds largest Oasis ever to show up on UNT's door in decades!!! If I were a WR at UNT I'd be sing the DW, Black Jesus tune all around campus. I'd even be in my dorm room writing and song for the 1 O'clock Lab Band to win a Seventh Grammy!!! Some folks are way to serious here, or can't see when someone actually sees what they consider to be there saving grace and actually gives them due credit for there help. Does anyone really thing Carlos Harris would have a better chance impressing pro scouts with McSomebody at QB, or DW? I vote is for DW and at least Carlos Harris is smart enough to know the difference also.
  8. Dodge deserves all the bashing in the world that could come his way. DD took about as much bashing as Dodge ever did with far superior results!!! I don't want to rehash anything about these 2 former coaches because Mac and his staff are about to blow the doors off the buick no w that Mac has decided to go with an extremely talented all be it young and a lot to learn in DW!!! UNT football has the opportunity to become nationally relavent with DW at the helm provided he matures as a QB in the way I know he can and avoids injury over his career. If there was ever a time to start or contenue to drink the "Mean Green Kool-Aid it's NOW!!!
  9. Don't believe dicision to be here was his. Can't remember if JJ or Benford pulled the trigger. As many players as JJ let develope could have been Benford's, but believe JJ might have had a hand in Forrest's leaving. Glad to see Forrest landed at DePaul.
  10. Our Car Salesman, Pizza Man, Micro Machines Guy, has a "Man Crush fascination" with 1 Coach Benford!!! Wonder how much he can concentrate on the rusume's of the coaching canidates Coach Mac brings to RV desk?
  11. Thank goodness one of our own Alumni's was able to compete in the free enterprise market place, even in higher education where tenure is a staple, and be paid well for his professional skills. Hopefully, RV, the AD department, and the BOR will accept the fact that the AD department needs to be run like a business. Seems at least were coaching salaries are involve UNT thinks like the government trying to fill coaching positions to the lowest acceptable last bidder. Thank goodness the rest of our coaching staff is willing to work for what it seems is sub par salaries based on market conditions.
  12. Don't you know DD had these same discussion with RV that Coach Mac has had or is bound to have in the future with RV? Wonder if better facilities or better funding to hire assistance coaches would have made DD job any easier? Makes you appreciate DD Sunbelt Conference win streak, and 4 straight Sun Belt Title's all the more!!! Coach Mac said he was in no hurry to fill Walters vacancy. I should be no suprise Mac will take his time filling a assistance position that he has $63,000 bullett's in his gun or dollars to offer an assistant coach. Wonder how much high school assistant coach's make a year. Maybe Mac is trying to wait long enough to get RV to give him more assistant coaches salary dollars to work with. If UNT althletic budget is this tight no wonder RV doesn't have the guts to fire his "Man Crush Love Coach Benford" Begining to think UNT is UT's or A&M's UAB? What is the AD department doing with all the profit from HOD ticket sales and CUSA bowl money?
  13. Would love to see RGIII put in a good word for all of his old team mates with Washington and other teams. Let's hope the rumors about RGIII's close tie's to Washington's new coach are correct. Go Mean Green!!!
  14. Your frustrations with UNT's basketball season won't end until RV's "Man Crush" with coach Benford end's. From the looks of things RV is still in that dreamy phase of love over reality on Valentine's day. Doesn't appear RV "Man Crush" will end anytime soon. We will indeed miss Mr. Orr. Hope Zack get's drafted or quality undrafted free agent shot at training camp with good team. Go Mean Green!!!
  15. RV has a "Man Crush", RV has a "Man Crush", RV has a "Man Crush"... Benford is going to run our program into the Ash heap!!!! Said it a Million times if I said it once. I hardly ever look at BB board any more or post. Had to do the same for FB after the DD years. I miss JJ so much it makes my heart ache.
  16. I guess Mr. Chumley's foot healed properly. You can't put up those types of numbers with bad "wheels"
  17. DD originally asked Quinn to be a preferred walk on. DD thought we should be able to recruit a bigger, faster WR. Assistant coaches lobbied for Quinn so DD finally offered JQ scholly 2 days prior to signing day. Quinn and his dad weren't looking for preferred walk on status. JQ and his dad have the same outlook about being a preferred walk on as a lot of others in same situation. DD and Mac have done very well convencing kids to become preferred walk on's. Go Johnny Go. I hope the publicity helps JQ fund his training efforts!!! Maybe he can get some professional endorsements. JQ should call Mattress Mac about doing a commercial here in H-Town.
  18. Plumm, I know how long merchandising issue has been going on. My point is any AD or university President for that matter should understand how important marketing your university is. Not to mentioin how effective winning college men's and women's athletic programs are to building brand loyalty. The marketing of UNT brand isn't hendered by not being in a BCS/P5 conference. Based on the volume of students that have attended UNT should and would be the driving force behind how much apperal could be sold in Texas and across the US. Which is a very inexpensive way to market your brand positively. A marketing stratagy where the consumer purchases your product to do the marketing for you!!! Freaking full proof!!! Mattress Mac spends million to promote Gallery Furniture and paid customers 7 Million dollars in "The Big Game Promotion" and another $600,000.00 two weeks before. This makes me remember RV and other AD's and coach's complaining about UNT fans attending UNT sporting events and wearing other Big 12 school apperal. Well, if UNT is going to put me in a catch 22 and won't allow it's brand to be properly marketed then NUTs on UNT. You can't hold the fan base hostige then we're discussing a university that I would assume offers a degree in market. In the same breath that same university doesn't properly know how to market itself "out of a paper bag"!!!! Again, are we discussing a university, or an elementry school. Maybe the folks, can't call them professionals that are responsible for marketing UNT should be working at an elementry school instead of the 3 or 4 largest university in one of the largest states in the nation. I don't know that the root cause of UNT brand marketing issues are, but from the outside looking in I'd say however is responsible for UNT's marketing which includes apperal you can't make be believe they have any more than a GED!!! If they do have a higher level of education then they should just "resign" based on the shamefull job proformance they've put in over no telling how many years. Yes I said it and I mean it!!!!
  19. It's The HULK, NO it's Johnny Quinn bringing new meaning to the words "Mean Green", breaking down walls/doors in Russia to represent the USA in the Olympic's!!!! Lou Ferrigno would have been proud!!!! Go Johnny Quinn, Bring home the Gold!!!!
  20. RV strikes again!!! I guess I'm pinning this on him because the UNT's AD, if he wanted our apperal branding and I'd assume other branding issues resolve he'd bitch, complain, and use his authority to get branding issues changed. I live in Houston. When I go to any sport apperal outlet, even the Keyosk's (sp) in every major mall in Houston I never see UNT apperal!!! I alway blame this on retailer and not UNT just because I know how marketing and merchandising works. Never once thought how small minded the employees of our university acctually think!!!! This is crazy. When I'm buying clothes my first thought isn't to go to a university website to purchase items because the profit margin for AD or university. I FREAKING DON'T BY APPERAL FROM A WEBSITE BECAUSE I NEED TO TRY ON PRODUCT. So, my university that I want to support won't even give me the opportunity, NUTS!!!! THESE FOLKS IN BRANDING AND PROMOTIONS DEPARTMENT WORK IN A University for GOD's sake, not an ELEMENTRY SCHOOL. BUT WHO CAN TELL THE DIFFERENCE!!!
  21. DT, Best of luck. Hope your knee injury has healed properly so you can be your best with quarterback guru. I never studied DT's game enough to know his true QB strenght's and weaknesses. If I tried I'm not educated enough to know if he can make it at the next level. I do know this though, DT is one of the toughest QB's I ever seen. DT, will play hurt and if injury isn't truly debilitating DT would always surprise me with his preformance under the circumstances.
  22. I hadn't paid to much attention to Wallace. My dad lives in Eugene, OR. and follows the Duck's and Oregon St. pretty well since he's retired. I'll ask my dad for a little imput about Wallace. I wouldn't worry about Wallace as a transfer. Oregon's weather and culture are much different than TX. Eugene only has about 3 to 5 months out of the year are sunny and rest of the year is overcast and rainy. Much like Seattle, WA. It's a lot different living in Texas!!! Just thing Mr. Wallace might be Homesick for some decent weather!!!!
  23. I'd find it hard to believe coach Canales wouldn't follow up to see who this (I would assume) Florida coach prospect is. It's a long shot but what if the HS player is a 3 or 4 star prospect with Texas roots. Coach Calales might not tweet about calling interested Fl. coach to inquire about propect but I'm sure it's worth a follow call. If nothing else just ensuring you show Fl. coach professional courtesy to build a quality recruiting foundation. It's good to see that HS coach's across the US are following up with our coach's on prospects based on prior professional relationships ie coach Canales time in Fl. with USF, or HS coach's awareness that UNT played bowl game on New Year's day!!!
  24. Jim McIngvale..."Matress Mac" for those of us in H-Town owner of Gallery Furniture also donated money to UNT and family of Andrew Smith to come Andrew's funeral arrangements and other transportation costs for the football team to attend Andrew's memorial service, funeral and so forth. Mattress Mac played for UT and NTSU/UNT. UNT has many wealthy, powerfull, influentical alumni and I don't know why our coaching staff and athletic department don't do more to get these folks to donate, or promote UNT more. Norm Miller CEO and I believe founder of Interstate batteries is UNT allumni but I don't believe I've ever heard of him manking any kind of donation to UNT. Hard to believe his company spends $20 Million a year with Joe Gibbs Racing. Yes, that's former Washington Reskins coach and Superbowl Champion Joe Gibbs. On the UNT althetics donation front with all these wealthy and powerfull alumni, zip, zero, nada.
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