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Everything posted by NT93

  1. I see you got dinged with 11 negatives, but I've got to admit this sadly gave me a little chuckle. This, on the other hand gave me more than a chuckle. Simple, complex, I don't care...just put some points on the board and win some games!!!!!
  2. Never said it wasn't effective. You're doing a great job of getting downvotes.
  3. Everyone put this guy on your ignore list. haha I hope to make it to this game and support the Mavs/Mean Green.
  4. No offense man, but you come across as a real (p)rick on this message board, this post being a very minor example. Someone should start a poll: "Who would you rather have banned Ryan Munthe or UNT90?" I bet you'd be surprised at the results...and you'd probably have an excuse for them as well. Speaking of excuses, RV's responses in this article remind me of a quote: "An excuse is a reason to fail."
  5. While I completely get what you're saying in bold, I can't help but think of Jerry Jones and how sometimes his loyalty to players cost him (ie, resigning players when it was time to let them go). Better to part ways too soon rather than too late. That being said, I do appreciate the honestly and forthrightness of your post.
  6. While I get what you're saying, I think that was the whole point of this thread.
  7. Have you considered the fact that if the person in charge of scheduling is allowed to stay the problem continues into 2021, 2022, etc., etc.? Not making a change doesn't fix the problem either.
  8. Honestly, while I prefer lower level P5, I'd take some upper level G5. I'd be okay with a home/home with most schools from the AAC, MAC, or Mountain West. Out of the schedules listed above, give me Marshall's. Followed by ODU, then FIU. Rice's is good too, but maybe a little too good. A few others look promising, but too many OPEN dates for me to make a determination at this point.
  9. I wasn't aware that we'd played BYU, but I do remember the Colorado game now that you mention it. I won't even try naming others because I'll probably just name more schools we've already played:)
  10. Not that it's a new or original thought, but I've been saying this for years: 1. Colorado 2. Purdue 3. Virginia 4. Syracuse 5. BYU (not a bottom feeder, but it'd be cool to have them at Apogee) Apologies if we've already played any of these schools. This is off the top of my head, so I might make a few changes if I were to really think about it.
  11. But we haven't had any threads with HIM talking about coming here. At least I don't think we have. I couldn't fight my way through all the threads you linked. Haha.
  12. What a derail of a thread. Our best recruit of this years class talks about coming to UNT and the thread is 100% about trends/fashions???? Talk about burying the lead.
  13. And this is so true in far more circumstances than just rushing a football field.
  14. I just had a friend who is a fairly high-up at a major financial institution tell me that UNT is a good school and that they have gotten several great employees from UNT,
  15. True for me as well. Not too impressed with our recruiting class as a whole, but throw in the transfers and consider the timing of the hire, etc. and I think they did pretty good. It's going to be a long wait for Aug. to see how it all plays out on the field.
  16. Now that's funny!!! I may have to borrow that line..minus the "work for RV" part.
  17. +1. And it's being generous to say he was just a rung below.
  18. After your original post, I thought you were nuts. After the most recent one, I think we basically agree (which probably proves that you're nuts).
  19. Ever heard the quote, "It's the Jimmy's and Joe's, not the X's and O's."? My theory has always been that there are about 10% of coaches who will win anywhere, 10% of coaches who can't win anywhere, and 80% of coaches will have success/failure based on their athletes. Bottom line is that's it's a combination of coach/talent. Saban ain't winning national titles at UNT same as Bama ain't winning them with McCarney as coach.
  20. Couldn't disagree more.
  21. Honestly, I'd rather lose without him than win with him.
  22. This thread basically shows the personalities and mindsets of the membership here. Some are "glass half full" kind of guys and others are "glass half empty." I think the bottom line is that this kid is a stud QB at a small school in Oklahoma that has everything but the size to be a great QB. Would he be anyone's first choice? Of course not. Will he ever play a down for UNT? Who knows. Have there ever been other guys who had everything but size that ended up being great? Of course. Have there ever been guys who had everything but size who ended up doing nothing? Of course. My point being that every argument made for or against the kid can be easily countered depending on your perspective. If we're all just being honest with ourselves, this is the truth about this signing.
  23. http://michaeljohnsonperformance.com/ Someone better tell Michael Johnson.
  24. Tough school. Glad it's now his OLD school. Congrats to him on the 3rd place finish. Hopefully he keeps working hard and places one or two spots higher in the future. That would be pretty awesome.
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