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correcamino last won the day on August 4 2013

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  1. I applaud your objectivity, greenminer. Would've been a very soft call if called. Both were handfighting--it's not like Texada had his hands up or anything. Texada is a great corner but it's not uncommon for great offense to beat great defense...and Clark is the best receiver in the conference and absolutely elite at high pointing the ball. Probably the only one out of UTSA's three top receivers that is a shoe-in to get drafted. Amazing game. I thought Littrell had a really great gameplan. This is probably how y'all felt after Fine orchestrated the drive.
  2. P6 move boys This is good for the AAC. Good luck with your next hire.
  3. Sup fellow P6ers
  4. One of those is not like the others though. If you look at the series records, the team that looks down on the other team has dominated the series. UNT OTOH is 3-3 against UTSA and was down 3-1 at one point. All games except one have been one possession games. I'd call that having delusions of grandeur, not dominance.
  5. Please kill us. Don't take your foot off the gas pedal. Shut us out and hang 60 on us. Make it abundantly clear that Wilson is a complete fraud. Inspire our AD to hire a real coach like Litrell instead a f'ing "recruiting guru".
  6. edit: can a mod please remove my old school email from under my username? thanks.
  7. All in good fun, ladies. Relax. Looking forward to the game. Should be a good one. I know both sides like to look down on the other, but this year atleast, it's looking like we are both contenders to win the West.
  8. Is going down on Saturday. Bye.
  9. Y'all could also combine the press box and have two separate fields.
  10. I didn't know band teachers had people working underneath them? Has UNT added a College of Engineering yet?
  11. UTSA was absolutely outrecruiting UNT under Coker. We weren't at the top of conference recruiting rankings like we are with Wilson, but hauling better recruiting classes than UNT isn't a novelty. Neither is recruits with offers from both schools picking UTSA over UNT. Ask BillySee.
  12. It's a shame recruits don't agree with your assessment of UTSA and San Antonio. I'm just saying, two coaching staffs since joining CUSA and the results are the same on the recruiting trail. At some point you have to start looking inward instead of blaming it on someone like Litrell, who again on paper looks like a solid recruiter. Although tbf, I understand that it is a difficult thing to accept.
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