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Everything posted by Snowy

  1. This thread is hilarious. And the amount of green KoolAid some drink is frightening. Someone remind me how many games we've won in the past 10 years? Our sucess so far this season does not justify belittling UTSA, even if they are new to FBS. Wishing ill on your opponents doesn't do anybody any favors.
  2. Blatantly copying other's traditions is not something us students are too fond of. Even though it's not at midnight, students will easily see through it. If the ULL game is anything to go by last year then you won't have any trouble getting students to the game. You should really come up with something that will KEEP students at the game, especially after half time, as many will want to leave early so they can attend their Halloween parties.
  3. Will now have a full car! Me + 3 other students and my sister are coming (she goes to UT Tyler but likes to root for the Mean Green ) See everyone tomorrow!
  4. Officially going plus two friends. Didn't pick up tickets through UNT so will have to buy them on Stub Hub or at the gate. See everyone there! Also, the kick off is at 2:30pm, yes? For some reason thought it was at 5.... Good thing I checked!
  5. Was hoping that this would be the plan -- as it was a bus ride to hot springs in 2012 that really got me on board with loving the Mean Green. Unfortunately I don't see this happening... This bus ride to hot springs was planned out months in advance, and I have yet to hear anything about a bus ride to Ruston.
  6. Should be coming with 1-4 other students. Go Mean Green!
  7. I was the one who asked the question yesterday at the coaches show. I was pretty displeased with his answer (although I wasn't expecting much) What it comes down to is this: if you want to be a bowl team, you have to beat bowl teams. We may be lucky this year because CUSA is in a down year and we may get 6 wins without winning against a bowl team.
  8. I do graphic design. The posters need some work. Please PM me and I'll help out.
  9. There are actually advertisements on campus this morning for the game this weekend. Maybe we'll have a student crowd.
  10. TreeHouse is having a watching party as well! http://instagram.com/p/e-NkoDQ6-x/
  11. My roommate and I really want to go to is game but it would be just too expensive for just both of us to drive down.
  12. Kram and I are meeting at Rudy's BBQ Monday at 5:30 to discuss the flag idea. Would love to have your input!

  13. Thanks for the support everyone. Greenjoe -- could you delete a few of your messages you have in your inbox? I tried to send you a PM but it says your inbox is full.
  14. Hello, This post is basically going to be an email that I sent to the Athletic Director a few weeks ago. I initially got a reply asking for me to call him and discuss the idea, but I have not been able to get in touch with him after several messages and emails. Hoping maybe a few alumni/donors have connections to make this possible. I run a student organization with 100+ people that I could get to help with this. Long term this should be switched over to Talons... anyway.. ".... The neighborhood I live in during the summer (in Rockwall, TX) has a few people that come around door to door and offer to put American Flag's in people's yards for special holidays (Veteran's day, Memorial Day, 9/11, etc). It is a way for the people of the city to show their support without actually having to purchase a flag pole, flag, remember to put it out, etc. The people that do this show up early in the morning the day be fore the holiday, and take the flag out the day after the holiday. It is a great promotion and really gives the neighborhood/town a patriotic feel. I was in College Station a few weeks ago visiting my girlfriend and was there on game day. All business had Texas A&M flags out to show their support for the school. It gave College Station a very similar feel that my neighborhood gets around holidays. Everyone in the town is behind the same cause. At first I thought that businesses must just really like A&M, but I noticed all the flags were exactly the same, and knew that someone in College Station/A&M must be doing something a long the lines that my neighborhood is doing. I am writing to suggest that we do the same thing. I am even willing to volunteer for it. If I can get the University or Athletic department to provide the flags, I will go business to business asking if it's okay to put a "North Texas" or official UNT flag in front of their business on game day. I have come to the conclusion that game days in Denton are absolutely no different than any other day, which is a real shame. The flag project would be a very cheap and effective way to let the surrounding parts of campus (and the greater city of Denton) to know, "Today is Game Day. Get your butt to Apogee." ...." So, my offer still stands, but it will have to be fueled by Alumni/Donors rather than the AD. Maybe if someone runs into RV at the grocery store you can tell him I'm still trying to get a hold of him. If anyone is interested in helping with this idea, please post in the topic or send me a PM. Thanks
  15. You Alumni don't give yourself too much credit, alot of students came and sat on your side again. But yes, when it came to promotions for this game, the promotions department/AD basically hid the fact that this game was on television.
  16. Yes - I would guess around 16,000 due to the Alabama/A&M game being on at the same time. If we would have won last week, maybe more due to hype on campus. I did pick up my student ticket today and asked a friend who was in charge of handing them out. He said he was pretty busy today handing out tickets, but I don't know what "busy" is compared to "normal".
  17. This is definitely what the stadium intro video should have been.
  18. The fact that the coaching staff has waited this long to mention that DT has a good chance of being the starter tells a lot.... they don't want DT! They extended the competition an extremely long time in hopes of someone else stepping up. I don't know what the issues are with BB and him not taking the job. I listened to Coach Mac talk about him during the coaches show, saw him during the spring game... he clearly looked like he had the most talent, and he did have a high completion percentage. Not sure if it's attitude, not wanting to follow the coach's system, or what. Disappointed, but hopefully we're all surprised by DT's performance.
  19. Anybody know when these are going to be released?
  20. There was nothing in the spring game that made me think that Derick Thompson had improved greatly. His stats reflected a typical game from him. Eager to see the best QB emerge in Fall, but worried with Mac/Chico's comments and what I saw in the spring game. How many days a week do the guys practice during Fall practice?
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