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Everything posted by GRN-WHT

  1. The North Texas good ol' boy system is alive and well. This was probably RV's last act as AD. Doing his enabler a solid by giving his grandson a scholarship that he probably doesn't deserve at this point. RV has to thank Ernie somehow for letting him stay as AD for so long.
  2. I'm sure his granddaddy has absolutely NOTHING to do with this.
  3. As long as it isn't Hank or god-forbid, Paul Batchelder.
  4. Are we the only team in the country that has a totally different style between our home and away unis?
  5. The man is delusional. Not only does he need to be relieved of his duties, he needs to be sent in for mental evaluation.
  6. Exactly why I absolutely hate our billboards that have the girl with green hair that says "Creative by Choice" yuck. That's our worst billboard yet.
  7. I'm ready for new content from our AD and administration. Every game tells the same story from the same people. It's old and tired.
  8. So we're concerned about losing players from a team that went 12-20. Makes sense. According to @flyonthewall the big donors said Benford had to win this season ... unless firing him will make their little buddy look bad, then winning can wait. In case you didn't need anymore proof that there's no commitment to winning here, this athletic department operates and the big donors give just enough to build infrastructure to keep up the appearance of a healthy FBS program and to preserve their loser buddy his job. Vote with your wallet, there are plenty of other ways to fund scholarships for students with limited opportunity without giving to the athletic department and giving RV a vote of confidence.
  9. RV will be gone when he wants to retire or when the 17 no longer want him here. Do as I and others have done and vote with your pocketbook. There are plenty of other ways to help fund scholarships for students with limited opportunities without giving to the athletic department. The athletic department doesn't have a monopoly in helping out students that may not otherwise go to college.
  10. A neutral site surprise like a loss to a D2?
  11. RV won't fire him because it'll make him look bad to fire the 2 major sport coaches in the same school year. The 17 don't want him fired because it'll make their little buddy look bad.
  12. Fly, people aren't buying the "things are changing" line anymore. We've heard it at every turn for RV's reign here. We hired Dodge, things are changing. We built Apogee, things are changing. We got into CUSA, things are changing. We hired Mac, things are changing. We got Brock Berglund, things are changing. We hired Petersen, things are changing. We won a bowl, things are changing. We extended Mac, things are changing. We built a BB practice facility, things are changing. MBB beat Creighton, things are changing.... So forgive me when after listening to the diarrhea of the mouth from the likes of RV and McCarney that I don't believe anybody when they say things are changing.
  13. Zero faith in Smatresk. At this point it's obvious that the 17 run this thing.
  14. No ticketmaster fees when buying at the gate. That's what I do...buy GA tickets then go sit in the seats where I used to have season tickets. So much easier than dealing with the ticket office.
  15. Capper works for a guy who is a known liar and buck passer, that's how this athletic department operates, not buying the CBS excuse.
  16. The graphic promoting the event is embarrassing. It's something that a junior high booster club would put out, and that's not even considering the spelling mistake. Just like most things we do, it's not up to the level of FBS college football. Capper should be ashamed. The day RV and his crew are gone couldn't come soon enough.
  17. Gotta keep those high expectation having pissants away from the new coach.
  18. No you didn't, in RV's athletic department, the games sell themselves.
  19. Hold on.....you're telling me that RV got to make this hire??? Crap.
  20. That wasn't even a great season, it was a good season. What would have made it great is if we had taken care of business against weak Tulane and UTSA teams and hosted the CUSA championship.
  21. History tells us how this hire will probably work out. Hopefully this time it's different, but I have no faith in any RV hire.
  22. I talked to him a few years back, he's no fan of RV. That "leadership" could be a shot at him.
  23. Yet, you ask everybody who will be holding back money what their donation level is. Obviously it's friendship. Nobody on the pro RV side can give any real reasons as to why he should stay other than "vision" Are you going to be calling the organizer of the pro RV banner out for a bait and switch?
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