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Everything posted by emmitt01

  1. Congrats to Jason and Crystal On top of being a former Mean Green kicker Jason is a fellow Dentonite and I knew him when we were younger...a great guy as well as a great player for us.
  2. Cassidy Gayle Jackson checked in at 7:27pm at 6lbs 14oz....mother and baby girl are resting comfortably. Pics soon forthcoming.
  3. But do we really want the tradition of being called dog pund? That is the question... How about "soylient green"....it is people after all.
  4. Ok, but only I can also cheer for the occasional black. And that is totally a uniform color comment and not a racial one. Wouldn't want to "bait" any of our posters.
  5. So you're saying the city of Arlington is gonna pass a bond issue for our stadium too? Or just that we have a billionaire behind it if anything were to fall through? Man, you really do know some inside information that we don't.
  6. Awesome...the guarantee that they will find ANYONE willing to listen this late in the game is where? *crickets* That's nice but answer me this. How does this make one single dollar magically appear...and why isn't this simply the red flag that we may need to get together one of our ever so successful coach "search" committees soon? I'd be interested to see the minutes from that meeting...then again so would ANYONE in this fan base. Nope. I'd settle for a meeting with all of the "share holders" in some large room where even minute details are shared or the presence of a plan, any plan, is revealed. Just for giggles maybe it could done, oh I don't know, quarterly...
  7. I must ask again, if Obama is such an easy target with regards to his stances on energy, foreign policy, etc...why does the politics of fear continue to be the path most taken?
  8. It's the group dynamic of killing (and really crime in general). When people kill in groups of 2 or more there are set, very distinct roles within the social dynamic. The dominant person, the one to whom the others look for acceptance and direction, commonly is also the most sadistic and once he/she starts down a violent path the others follow suit...kinda like monkey see, monkey do but not really a mimicing behavior and more a matter of following someone's lead. Seeing violence (even senseless and brutal violence like this) perpetrated in front of you anesthetizes you to what you are doing if you are already predisposed to being violent. It's much like when police officers gang up to beat a criminal. Once the first blow in thrown a "us" versus "them" dynamic is formed and morality is defined within the group and situation and not outside of it. And as to "hate crime" it is a moot and overplayed point in this case. Aside from the fact that I think the idea of "hate crime" based punishment is nothing more than punishing thought...not to mention a way to sensationalize high profile crimes to prove how tough we are on criminals...this case doesn't even call for it. If the victim had been white and the perpetrators were also white the bad guys would deserve the death penalty for the nature of the crime. And eulesseagle, your stories would seem to suggest...by the way that they are presented...that blacks are somehow more criminal and in need of more police supervision. I don't assume that that was your attempt and think you probably fall prey to over simplified anecdotal evidence that a great many "conservatives" cling to. In truth, though, there is no meaningful disparity between the criminality of whites vs. blacks vs. hispanics and so on by virtue of race simply. There is, though, a marked disparity in terms of criminalization of acts committed by different races, police enforcement, prosecution strategy, and incarceration decisions. And I would even argue that it isn't "racist" per se but rather a matter of socio-economics and the production of positive "numbers" that can be sold to the public. (This simplistic explanation of course leaves out the existence of true racism within the general citizenry, self-fulfilling stereotypes within cultural communities, the influx of violence based music which correlates with lifestyle choices, and the presentation of popular media of certain groups as more criminal)
  9. I think this analysis from the FAU board gives a pretty good indication that things might be pretty bright after all. .
  10. "I've been told we'd open in 2010," Dodge said. "That's when I'm holding them to it. For this program to go where it needs to go, we've got to get a new stadium." Rick, I think this answers one of the biggest questions you and I have discussed.
  11. Is it just me or are our cheerleaders getting more attractive?
  12. We got a little momentum back. Two new commits today on the recruiting board.
  13. Thanks, Remind me to summarily write off your every comment from here on out.
  14. You can imagine my smiling face after taking the time to reserve the gateway center, set it up and follow through...only to see the money "donated" for lack of effort on the AD's part.
  15. Ok, maybe I'm just dumb but how do you get these songs onto your PS3?
  16. Just out of curiosity since you are talking out of your ass... 1)What is your donor level? 2)How many personal dealings have you had with Mandy? (You know, at the NCAA tournament, bowl games, and away games I am sure you attend since you're singling out those who do) I await your responses with baited breath.
  17. Im extremely happy to see more potential DE players.
  18. I dont find it odd at all...Jones is trying to make inroads at the local high schools and Todge's old stomping ground makes for prime territory.
  19. No mention of 2-10, good article.
  20. If they could've just stopped when they were up by 40...
  21. This whole thing stinks to me. How does it feel Mean Green Nation? How does it feel to be the girlfriend who is waiting on the "real" commitment from her boyfriend? First he tells you he's too young to get married. Then after a few years, he tells you he's not financially stable and doesn't want to commit to anything until he can give you "the life you deserve." Then, a year or so after that, it's "I like where we are right now. What does a ring do that changes our relationship?" Face it boys and girls, we'll always be the baby momma.
  22. Not saying anything in particular but dont get too hyped up over a couple of the names you mentioned...the attrition this season is not over.
  23. The #1 reason this guy wouldn't have stood a chance at NT.
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