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Everything posted by TheColonyEagle

  1. Yes. And You can listen to records on the iPhone and they have an alarm and electronic mail too.
  2. There's no other group remotely close to them in that regard. They are truly amazing.
  3. I am a little concerned….. I don't think there's any doubt La Tech will put 8-9 in the box and absolutely sell out to stop the run. I'm not sure we'll be able to push La Tech around like we did SMU. If we can't…..We're going to have to stretch the field. Our D is going to have continue to dominate. I'm still very concerned about our offense. I don't believe we've put together a long sustained drive yet this year. Two of our TDs were scored on defense and we've been given short fields. And this game is absolutely critical…..we do not want to start 0-1 in conference in a game we'll more than like be favored.
  4. So it sounds like if anyone wants to get upset at someone for not getting DW more playing time, they need to get upset at DW.
  5. That it is. And it's having an effect on NFL too.
  6. Yes. And first day for fall baseball too I have a TV question. Who decides to put certain games on TV? I Understand TV dictates start times.....but is the TV exposure more important than attendance? I think a 6pm start would've meant 5K or more in attendance.
  7. I don't know exactly what DW did to get in Mac's doghouse but at this point, I hope he gets out. Greer and McNulty aren't a threat to run, they're definitely not a threat to pass at this point. If DW can at least get the D to think about him keeping the ball in the zone read.....that's something.
  8. How much longer are SMU boosters going to keep putting money into that. Not much return on that investment.
  9. I see what you're saying. And yes….no doubt we lose the perception battle. But I didn't say they were our rivals. I was speculating on where some of the "hatred" may come from...
  10. In their delusional minds they don't…but deep down inside they're threatened by UNT on the Football field. They'll never admit it. But why do you think they've tried so hard to pull as many political strings as possible to keep their distance. They know that should UNT and SMU be in the same conference for example, UNT will crush SMU due to shear size. You said it yourself in another thread…look at the members of this board vs Ponyfans. Look at their pathetic attendance. They've never had any support, from alumni, the city of Dallas, etc. The only thing they supposedly have is $$ and political clout. They've never had any substance….EVER in their football program. EVER They're known by who they were associated with….even though they've never done anything on their own. I think that's where a lot of the hatred comes from. The only time in modern history they've sniffed real success on the football field was a 4 year period in the '80s and everyone knows how they did that. That's their legacy. Cheating. Wanting to belong so bad they'll do anything to get there. Spend spend spend. It's actually pathetic when you think about it. I would care less about their sad state but in the process….some of their fans look down at a school like UNT when they've never earned the right to do that. That's what bothers me... SMU is a fantastic school. Elite academically. But in football, they know put us on an even playing field, in the same conference, they can't compete with UNT. They have to keep working as hard as they can behind the scenes to make sure something like that never happens. Some will read this and laugh….maybe post it over there with a: "Can you believe this? A UNT grad thinks we're threatened by them. pfft!" But deep down inside they know they are. And now they're panicking once again because they threw $2 million per year at a coach that may or may not even want to be there, $2 MILLION PER YEAR!!….and now their money can't buy them out of this mess. I cannot believe they agreed to a 10 year deal with UNT. I would say UNT will go 7-3 or 8-2 in the next 10 years vs SMU. They're about to hit a down period after they fire June and have to rebuild. They will start this season 0-6 or 1-5. They'll miss a bowl game again. Then what do they do? Fire a coach they just gave an extension? If he comes back next year, they'll miss a bowl game again as they continue down that spiral. What a freaking mess they are…. And they are crying about it. And reaching back for the stupid "barista" comments and the ridiculous "I've never met a UNT grad." Which that statement in itself lends to the stereotype they hate: "Spoiled little trust fund kids that never get out of their bubble." Because if you've never met a UNT grad in a city with 100,000+ of them then you're daddy's not letting you out of his limo. That whole thing is stupid and supports their reputation as they act like entitled brats. So…….Not to speak for old-timers……..but maybe that's where some of the hatred comes from.
  11. After seeing SMU tonight, I'm looking more forward to next week. Our D has to be licking their chops watching that OLine for SMU And it's amazing how much smaller that D Line looks than the one we faced Saturday. Should be a good game for us.
  12. We do have one of the best OLInes in the country. And they got dominated. I just think that Texas D is VERY good. Will be the best D in the big 12. They've always had talent. Charlie Strong is changing their mindset now. They are FAST. and Strong has that speed playing pissed off now.
  13. When those 8 and 9 in the box are crashing down on your head.....it makes things a little tougher.
  14. Y'all are talking about Senior Derek Thompson. Not Sophomore Derek Thompson. Kind of unfair.
  15. Whoa. Another short hop. Yikes.
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