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Everything posted by Rudy

  1. I may give some players crap, but I still appreciate their efforts. Stupid post.
  2. I don't have a problem with the refs standing over the ball so the defense can change personnel, but once the offense is lined up, if the refs are preventing the play, stop the damn play clock.
  3. Add to that, fire DJ Question Mark, the other DJ whatever, and get a new PA guy.
  4. So if a fan spends their hard earned money to get to a bowl game, ie flight, hotel, food, tickets, etc, tell them the game means "nothing". They are there to watch their team win. They may even be there to see a player that sits out. So its still cool for them to sit out at the last minute then?
  5. Initially I was very meh, but he's starting to grow on me. I hope for the best. Also, he reminds me way to much of Harland Williams
  6. Yep. reason number 1 to hate those fvcking douchebags.
  7. Plenty of coaches are interested. Nice little attempt at a backhanded compliment. All because your golden boy didn't pan out. Just because you said yes to the first person to give you their number doesn't mean we will.
  8. The $mut basketball rejection method from last spring.
  9. Mattress Mac spent the last 15 years shitting on NT, and using his money to support cougar high, and NOW we are supposed to believe he gives a shit about NT and has our best interest in mind?
  10. @SilverEagle thoughts? Ready for round 2?
  11. Would he have us executing in all 3 phases?
  12. Right, because Rice, FAU, FIU, USM, and UTEP have been world beaters.
  13. A more important question...If the next coach beats $mut, will you forgive his past sins?
  14. I'm not sure a .500 record over seven years qualifies as successful by national standards.
  15. Light the tower!.... Oh wait. Nevermind.
  16. As I understand it, an agreement to hire Harbaugh was agreed upon, but when he flew out back home, Stanford was waiting by the jet with a truck load full of cash.
  17. No, no, no. You're confusing him with Leth Sittrell.
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