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Everything posted by TheTastyGreek

  1. Sorry, buddy. All of my podcasting energy is currently directed at my other sports passion: fighting roosters. I miss The Peach Basket, but I have too much time invested in "The Combat Chicken Hour", available weekly on Apple and Spotify. Some people may have a voice strong enough to do more than one online radio show, but all those 'cocks are more than enough to wear out this old throat of mine. I used to wonder sometimes whether you were a listener or not. On the one hand, it was sound and not text, so you wouldn't wear out your mouth reading along, or need anyone to help you sound out the bigger words. On the other hand, there were no pictures to keep your attention. Mystery solved!
  2. Curious to see what people see as our greatest accomplishment after 6 years.
  3. Wells leaves Texas Tech at 5-3 on the season, and with a 13-17 record overall in his Tech career. Meanwhile, in his last 30 games at UNT, Seth Littrell has a 9-21 record. And 3 of those 9 wins are against FCS schools.
  4. We can't host cut-and-pasted articles taken from other publications. This goes back years... You can look up a batch of lawsuits filed over a decade ago by the Las Vegas newspaper (and then any number of other publications when the Vegas paper started winning) targeting web forums, message boards... Even a blog about cats. In this case, it's not just a full cut-and-paste, but also one taken from a gated, subscription-driven website. Since their whole model depends on people paying to access the full article, they tend to be even more aggressive and litigious. Nobody is suspended or anything... But it is absolutely critical that anyone who doesn't want to see Harry paying out thousands in lawsuit settlements abide by this clear, longstanding forum rule, and not copy articles here.
  5. UrbanDictionary has no guidance. We can only imagine.
  6. If I had to guess, he held out for better offers around 10 years ago that never quite materialized, and finally decided to jump on a shot at a decent mid major head coach position. Completely uninformed, total speculation.
  7. 18 years ago, Gonzaga was fresh off 6 NCAA berths in 8 years, including 8 tournament wins, an Elite Eight appearance, and multiple Sweet 16s.
  8. Thanks, buddy. Hadn't updated my signature in a few months.
  9. I mean... I had fun watching, but I'm a filthy, distant, casual observer at best these days. I'm glad for people who were heavily invested in the season. I know if this had happened 10 years ago or so, when I was traveling to see as many as 27 games in person one year... This might have literally killed me. Stopped my heart cold. Anyone who was ride or die all year, I'm glad they got to experience this as a possible once a generation or once a lifetime payoff. Hopefully there's more basketball to come.
  10. All I could think was that hopefully, somewhere out in the wilderness, @UNTflyer and Dewey the Bear were celebrating like crazy.
  11. Who can even think about that when I'm sitting here worrying that someone forgot to turn off the oven or unplug the iron before they left for Indianapolis. The whole damn Athletics Center may be gone by the time the team gets home!
  12. And maybe the bus back to the hotel will catch fire and the entire team will die in the explosion. Take 5 minutes and enjoy things. This is a neat thing that just happened.
  13. Enjoying Avery's insights into Coach McAllen... McCallum... McCasland.
  14. Both issues are fixed. I am very relieved that we would not have to face a Johnny Jones Texas Southern team until the national championship game. Here's to hoping both schools make it that far.
  15. Are we talking about this? https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/story/_/id/31047430/north-carolina-pulls-meac-tournament-positive-covid-19-test Let me know and I'll update the thread title. I don't want anyone accidentally concluding that Robert Jones is a classless coward when it's really Willie Jones that's a pathetic, sackless heap of gutterscum.
  16. I knew he was doomed the day he took a job at a school with an artificial home turf. Frankly, it's a miracle he hasn't starved to death already.
  17. "Railroaded" or not, he took his plea bargain. And neither he nor his cousin were ever willing to respect or abide by the probation regulations they agreed to in order to avoid incarceration. No matter if he was meanin' no harm... Ultimately, his actions show a complete and flagrant disrespect for law and order, and those brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to keep us safe. I'll say it: He's no modern-day Robin Hood. He's just a no good THUG. And I hope he suffers the full consequences of his choices.
  18. My sincerest apologies for taking an entire hour in the middle of a work day at the end of a hellish week to see this and act on it. There is no nefarious double standard at work. Whatever the destination, a week long involuntary vacation is in order here as well. And I will once again remind people that we have a report function, and things like this get dealt with much faster when it gets used. This only hit my attention because my name was quoted in it. But nobody flagged it with the report function.
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