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Everything posted by nautique

  1. Obviously, nobody on this board has seen any practices or Saturday's scrimmage. Ask Vito or Harry about who the CLEAR CUT QB is on this team. If you see them play and practice, it's a no brainer. I don't believe Riley is as far along as Vizza LAST season more less this season. Vizza looks extremely poised and seasoned compared to Riley. I am not knocking Riley, but he is definitely NOT in Vizza's class as of now. Riley has good feet. Giovanni is the total package and way ahead at this point. Both kids are doing well as is Meager and Tune. Great problems to have but it's crystal clear right now.
  2. All the best to Dan and his mother.
  3. Darien Williams is going to be one helluva player when its all said and done. He hits like Roy Williams and backs down from no one. I expect Dunbar to get major playing time as well. He will be used at RB but will also be used heavily in the slot opposite Casey in certain situations. Dunbar is a game breaker. We need to stay healthy. Drake's ankle is a huge concern. Ross going down is a concern. We are already having the injury bug hit us. But we do have more depth than I have seen the last three or four seasons. Yellow flags were in abundance but that was to be expected in the first scrimmage. First offense looked so more confident. Great leadership by young starters on offense. DeLoach is a pistol and his defense fires and reloads with different looks every play. We are going to bring the heat from so many different alignments. It should be a great scrimmage this next Friday or Saturday.
  4. TD is the only man making the decisions.....Barrow just follows Dodge's direct marching orders. But hey, you can stand out the stadium and watch all u want. After awhile, they let u in.
  5. Unfortunately, several days ago, my source was correct. Evan could have contributed some, where Washington vacated, for getting kicked off the team. Evan ran routes well, had good hands and knew the system. But fortunately, it's a position that TD has a ton of depth. Several schollies are becoming available. Because of the depth, WR is not a bad place to gain back a scholly. Evan, all the best in your future endeavors.
  6. Out of the athletic office, look for two former SLC players not to be on the roster this season. I would be shocked if they come back.
  7. Great research that doesn't tell us crap. I love your interpretation of his media quotes that are basically meaningless. Call it playing poker, call it playing possum, or it whatever you want. He doesn't tell the media crap and really surely doesn't give a damn about what Vito thinks about him nor you. You just can't seem to freakin understand that YOU nor I no a damn thing about what happens behind the scenes, in practices, in film sessions, in life, or in TD's freakin head. Again, never did it any say he was starting Danny for f*ing life. Never did it say, or will it ever say, that Vizza will start now or ever again.. Stop your crying Rick and quit believing that TD hosed your boy. What your saying is that once a coach props up a player, he can't change his mind??. What kind of rationale is that? I believe Dodge knows right now in his heart who is going to start next season. He'll state it in August again like last seaon, and you know what Rick, he just might change his freaking mind again. Give him a break. Who really gives a shit on who he wants to start? Dodge needs to win, he needs to develop for the future and future is a long way off. He is gonna say all the correct political bull crap but when its all said and done, it's his team and he can do whatever the hell he wants to do. Tough sh*t for us all. TD calls the shots, he can change his mind a 100 times and as long as he takes full responsibility, it's cool with me. He pulled the plug on Mendoza, he'll pull the plug on a lot of players this season, if job doesn't get done. Unless your a coach or on the field everyday with the team, experts like you will never know the truth or the purpose behind the moves that TD or DeLoach will make. Listening some whining players doesn't get it done either.
  8. Who says Meager won't beat out the incumbent. No one is assured a starting position in August or November. It's play and play well or sit your ass on the bench. By the way, Riley is throwing the ball nicely in practice, he is tuning himself up for the All-star game in just a few weeks. He will be ready for August and yes he'll get his shot at jumping over DM and GV and anyone else in those QB drills. Sorry GV, look over your shoulder because hell is coming and his name is Riley Dodge. At the same time, GV will play his ass off and the chips will fall where TD says they will fall, not Fireman Rick. Will GV get hosed if he doesn't start, not hardly. Welcome to D-1 football where your job is about as safe as Rick agreeing with me. (players and coaches)
  9. No Rick you did say something, you basically said that Dodge hosed Meager and that he was not a man of his word. I have never seen a quote from Dodge that said Danny won the job and was going to be the starter forever and ever amen. What makes you the hall monitor for Dodge's philosphy and how he handles his business? You must have been the hall monitor in elementary school. Just like Vizza, he doesn't own the job, it's not his. Vizza has no right to assume he is going to start and play in 2008. Coach Dodge determines who plays and who sits. All coaches give politically correct statements and you have a problem with that. Rick you can love DM, you can hate Vizza, but what it boils down to is you don't know crap about the happenings and situations from the inside. You and I know NOTHING about TD's decisions and the inner workings of the team and moral. You and I know nothing about what happens inside the lines and in film sessions. Giving Meager or Vizza the job because he "doesn't want them looking ove their shoulder" is nothing but text book 101, head coach, bull shit. TD will play the best period. It will be Riley this season or next but it won't be because he didn't keep his word. Of all the people and with the job you hold, you should understand the company "line" and what is and what is not, said to the media. Rick and Brett Vito should lead the lynch mobbing of the staff, the AD, Mandy, and all those who don't play by Rick's rules and who give politically correct statements.
  10. Rick, this is some good dialogue. Dodge stated the obvious to the media when asked about how he handles his QB's (considering the prior regime of one DD). Dodge spoke right out of the college handbook of coaching about dealing with the media and player controversies. You know it and I know it. DM didn't have to look over his back to see what was coming. A young kid just cut in line and said F.U. I'm coming to believe that your not so sold on TD. You could be right. Maybe TD made the biggest blunder ever last season. I wonder how the team felt about the change? I guess I shouldn't have asked you that because you probably already know. I tell you what, lets start a campaign on this board to start Danny and see if we can get TD to change his mind on starting Riley. Better yet, lets get your take of the Dodge hire now and see where that lies. Please feel free to speak your mind because I doubt Todd will chase you down on the field, ala Mendoza.
  11. Lance Dunbar will be the new impact player of the year. He will make some big plays on offense and on special team returns.
  12. Speed rules. We lacked team speed on defense something awful last season. And Mendoza had no scheme to overcome our lack of speed the entire the season. Germaine, bring it my brotha, we need you. We need a lot of D.
  13. He is Houdini. I hope he can get in the back field unknown and unblocked as well.
  14. No news is good news??????? Doubt that is the case on this one but hoping that someone had the opportunity to go.
  15. Are you telling me that a D-1 program can't sell 300 brand new Under Armour jerseys? Hell, the fans will buy Riley's #11 by the hundreds by itself. Fitz's jersey would be the hot seller and then probably Dodge (if he starts).
  16. Your comparing apples to oranges. You had one kid 18 and another 21 (with big time college experience) competing for the same spot. The best player will play, be it Riley or Meager or whoever. If Riley is as advertised, then he'll be the next best thing since the invention of the wheel and he'll play, period.
  17. Holy Crap is about all you can say. Unproven everywhere on the team except for a few skill position players. WR's, QB, and Center (if healthy) are the strengths on offense. Horton is a complete unknown. Just because he was recruited heavily doesn't mean anything. JUCO OL better step up and compete. DB competition will be thick. Toby and Craig at LB are the strength of the Defense. After those two at LB, it falls off the chart. Maybe Vito can investigate the health of one Kelvin Drake. Kelvin is the heart of the OL. Watch out for Forrest Rucker at WR.
  18. Meager just might slip in and beat them all out, you just never know at this level. I bet he is working his ass off to prove he's the man.
  19. No mention of the best signing of the year...........no not Riley, but a true college defensive coordinator. Riley's shoulder is fine. He is out there everyday throwing routes and will be ready to go for the Texas High School All Star game. He is ready to play and compete. It WILL NOT be his shoulder or size that keeps him from being on the field NOW. If he is the man, he'll get the green light. The question is "if Riley is the best, will Papa Dodge put him behind the unproven OL (who got Meager and our previous freshman killed?) I seriously doubt Riley would have lasted long last season with the beating our QB's took, imo. You have to remember that Riley had 3 or 4 D-1 recruits on the offensive line to protect him for two straight seasons. He has never been physically beaten up before, for a whole season. Riley has never faced superior competition across the board. SLC totally dominated for years except for one game or two. I am a believer that Dodge will put his very best QB (as he calls it "he'll put his best on the bus" and ready for action). Make no mistake, if Riley is the best, he will play and should play. No shoulder or size or age excuses please, the best will play and the time is now to win. TD, if your son is the man, let's ride him home and see him play. I would have loved to have seen Riley play the same role as Vizza last season to see what the difference would have been? I have my thoughts but will refrain from the boredom. Stop by after work and watch the players throw and play 7 on 7 on Tuesday and Wednesday at Fouts. After really watching closely, get on the board and tell us what you see out of the QB's. You might back off a little bit and call Riley the best QB recruit ever or maybe not. You might back off from your statement that Riley can make all the throws and knows the system better than the rest OR you'll realize that he is truly a gift from the Mean Green gods. Make your call. Whatever the case, it's a tough position for Meager and Vizza. If that Scout article is correct, then it is a no brainer to play Riley if he is better, more athletic, and gifted than one Chase Daniel. Hell, that is one bold statement that has me scratching my head for a kid who was not recruited by any major conference to play QB. All the best to Daniel, Giovanni, and Riley. May the best leader and player represent the Green Nation, with no excuses because their are none to give. If Todd truly believes Rodge is the man, he should let him play against the big boys, take college hits and prepare him for conference play.
  20. 30 offers????????? With only 15 scholarships to give. I only look at Rivals and Rivals shows only 10 offers?
  21. Unfortunately, he was dismissed from the team and no longer part of the University.
  22. BJ Lewis will be an interesting player that has to fill the void of Washington's explosive plays. I expect Sam Dibrell to have the second most catches after Casey. Brock will be third in receptions but it will be interesting to see how well Roberson adapts to the college game and whether or not Fentriss will recover from injury and how much of an impact he will have.
  23. A&M couldn't beat Tech if they were spotted 14 in Lubbock.
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