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Everything posted by Venson

  1. Agreed. I had a lady tell me the other day that she had never heard of North Texas until her job moved her to Denton from another state. She actually thought it was a small school and when I told her it was the 4th largest school in the state, she was genuinely shocked. She told me she had heard of Texas, Texas A&M, Baylor, TCU, Texas Tech, etc but never North Texas. Unfortunately even though ESPN knows we exist, they still consider us a bottom dweller so they won't rank us highly until we start to do the three things LongJim says we need to do and other people start to talk about us and know who we are.
  2. Agreed. I have learned to trust this staff in finding the best people to fit their system and that will represent the school well. So far there have not been any real disciplinary issues either. The ones who do want to walk on the shady side have been dismissed from the team and we have not missed them. I remember reading in the DRC how we would miss T. Goree at receiver, but we are actually better this year without him and he is now at the FCS level. So, no, I am not worried.
  3. I agree. I think most are grades. When you realize the crap you have been doing in the classroom is not paying off. Or should I say the lack of crap they are doing. It becomes real when they realize they won't even get accepted at the university because they don't have the grades.
  4. I personally would like to see a little more before renegotiating his contract. He gets enough bonuses right now. I think we need to better spend that money elsewhere. Like a replacement for NS when he leaves. Without an administration that believes in and supports athletics, it won't matter what AD we have, we won't be successful. We will need a Pres who can get that done.
  5. They are definitely not static line jumpers. Can you imagine doing a static line jump at that height?
  6. I am not saying RV was great, but not every single thing he did was bad. That's like saying everything Jimmy Carter did as President was bad. As much as he sucked as President, for those old enough to remember, not everything he did was bad. Did he need to go? Yes. But again he didn't do everything bad. Just most things. LOL. I am also saying that crowning WB king is too early because in my opinion he is largely riding the coat tails of NS right now. Will he be great? Only time will tell, but he's looking good so far.
  7. Soon is within the next 24 months. He said within the next 12, but with the way things are going, I think the donors can get him to change his mind. That's why I say within 24 months. At the end of the day, Smatresk is 66 years old. I am sure he wants to enjoy life without the headaches of work. When you have worked to that age, you deserve to retire and enjoy yourself.
  8. Yeah that's true, but I am pretty sure I have seen them jump in those conditions before at TCU. Now that was back in 200o or 2001. Or maybe the win was not quite that high because we didn't have all these weather apps back then to check the wind speed. Hopefully the winds will be negligible.
  9. Honestly I wouldn't care if the score was 3-0 just as long as the Mean Green win.
  10. I agree. That's why I say Smatresk is the real hero here. Don't get me wrong, WB is doing great things, but I think the initial success that is being made is because of the President. I talk to a guy who works in fundraising at UNT once a week and he personally told me that the donors love the President. That's why they don't want him to leave, but he is going to retire soon. He made the WB hire and gave him the title of Vice President and AD so we will be okay. We just need to get another President that believes in athletics like NS does when he does call it quits.
  11. No I don't, but we don't know otherwise either unless everyone involved tells the truth which I doubt will ever happen.
  12. That's why I think if we win the toss, we don't defer. We need to get the offense going early and often.
  13. I beg to differ. All the articles written about the situation says that RV went after SL. I know RV wasn't a great AD, but everything he did was not bad. He did a couple of good things and pursuing SL was one of them. Did he do some bad? Yes. Firing Dickey, hiring Dodge, hiring Benford, hiring McCarney, who was just trying to pad his retirement, to name a few. The good, getting Apogee, hiring Jalie Mitchell, and hiring SL.
  14. Yes he was. Littrell was hired December 5, 2015 and RV did not step down until May 23, 2016. Go research it.He was the last hire that RV made.
  15. I still say sellout when they bring all those trainees from Fort Sill.
  16. Nothing better than jumping out of airplanes. "Airborne all the way"
  17. Him bringing in the nutritionist is the type of support that I am talking about. Those are great things. Soccer has always been the best team on campus so I am not sure if the nutritionist had anything to do with their success. Now Volleyball on the other hand, maybe.
  18. Well, if the goarmy.com website says they will be here, then they will be here because that is USAREC's website.
  19. Really and truly the Golden Knights are a USAREC asset. Sorry USAREC= United States Army Recruiting Command. They jump into some Army games, but ultimately they go where USAREC tells them to go. When I was a recruiter in Fort Worth, we had them jump into the football game for North Crowley High School. So, they may or may not jump depending on the commitments that USAREC may have already given them. Because the DFW area is a hotbed for recruiting, I would think that they would be here.
  20. I would like to give all the credit to WB, but he has only hired one coach and that's Grant McCasland. All the rest were hired under RV. I give credit to WB for expressing a vision and providing support, but I think the real hero is President Smatresk. He has been intimately involved with the athletics program like no other President before. Not that WB is not a good hire, I just think he is riding the coat tails of the Pres now.
  21. I say 38-35. Defense won't stop Army ground game and they will score 21 in first half and 14 in the second. Mean Green win on last second FG by Trevor Moore.
  22. Seth said they decided to keep Wheeler out against UTEP so that he would be 100% this week.
  23. I agree. I know we like to defer to the second half, but I think this is a game that if we win the toss, we take the ball and try and score fast and often. I think we have more depth and if we can tire their defense with our speed, we should be okay. We already know they are methodical when they have the ball.
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