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Mike Jackson

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Everything posted by Mike Jackson

  1. I still would prefer the billboard since we did not get to fly it at the last home game.
  2. UNT and the city of Denton do not work together. The residents of Denton do not embrace UNT like it is their university and key part of why the city is unique. As a Denton native and UNT graduate I have a unique perspective. I have NEVER felt in all my years in Denton the people of Denton loved UNT. There is a long history Denton residents, UNT and TWU being at odds with one another and it is a big part the reason our sports venues remain empty. Big things requiring the City of Denton and UNT to work together seem to never happen. The fact that there is a commuter train that goes through Denton and does not have a stop on campus almost criminal. Community support is almost just as important as alumni support. There are over 100k people living in the city limits of Denton and I believe 75% of them could care less about UNT or TWU and the remaining 25% only care minimally because they connected to the school in some way.
  3. I just laugh when I see my fair minded comments disliked. If you don't take into account the condition of a program before the young hot shot DC or OC arrived you are fools. An OC or DC used to coming into situations where he had quality talent already there for him is not a good predictor of how he will do at UNT as head coach. The guys are going to arrive here with limited talent on this roster. These guys know this and if they are currently at a program were they had a long history of getting quality recruits that is a better situation more stable position than UNT. It is a bad career risk for these guys and they know this. Not to mention many other issues UNT has that other jobs available won't have. We are going to get an under the radar candidate that probably has barely been mentioned this forum. And if he doesn't have head coaching experience and doesn't have experience on staff that turned a losing program into a winning one don't be surprised if blows up in our faces. Simply put any head coach coming here needs experience rather it be as head coach or assistant turning a loser into a winner because that is what we are expecting him to do here. So dislike that if you want but it doesn't change the fact that perfectly logical thought process.
  4. Harry I prefer an experienced head as well. But like others have cited Skip Holtz had long history of winning as a head coach before stumbling at USF. But to really get the best candidate for the money, I think we need to look coaches that are out of work right now. And have posted this thought in another thread. I would hope that they would be looking at any coach with track record of winning before the recent skid that got them fired. At North Texas I think experience at a challenging program is invaluable. But you have to had an 4 run of winning at those challenging programs for me to consider it valuable for North Texas. We definitely don't need a Mac 2.0. I don't like the idea of bring in a young hot shot OC or DC from a program that has consistently got 4 & 5 recruits every year before they arrived on staff. If I buy you Kobe Beef it doesn't make you a great chef if you can make a decent steak with it. I think coordinator that was part of team that turned a program around is the type of up and comer we should be looking for if they don't have head coaching experience. Someone from the Arkansas State staff that was held over from Steve Robert staff to see some the success of the "one and done" coach years. Maybe someone Hugh Freeze took with him to Ole Miss.
  5. Most of the candidates we have discussed on the forum already have jobs. I think getting someone desirable who already has a job to come here is a long shot here with so many other vacancies available. I believe if they are to hire a coach and keep RV they should hire someone now, to try to salvage whatever they can from the years recruiting class. When Pep Hamilton was fired from the Colts it got me to thinking. Could we put together a pretty good staff right now of all out-of-work coaches? I don't know about Pep Hamilton as a head coach but I would love him to replace Canales as assistant head coach/offensive coordinator/quarterbacks coach. And if we ran a pro-style offense that could be a recruiting tool for quarterbacks who have serious NFL aspirations. The spread is popular but if you can't master some the basic pro-style passing progressions you won't be a success in the NFL just ask (plug in Heisman Trophy candidate/winner spread offense running QB name here). Pep Hamilton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pep_Hamilton Please limit you responses to coaches who are currently out of work. Offensive Coordinator: ? Defensive Coordinator: ? Quarterbacks Coach: ? Wide Receivers Coach: ? Defensive Line Coach: ? Offensive Line Coach: ?
  6. What is Riley making? If he is making 700k he I don't think he is coming here for less than 900k. As for Norvell if 800k is current salary, I don't think he comes for less than 1.2 million. On a wild tangent; (Bare with me cause I know it isn't going to happen) what would you guys say to Lane Kiffin desperate to be a head coach again at the FBS to get back to the NFL? If he were willing to come here for 1.2 million what would you hire him here?
  7. Maybe his agent contacted him after UNT reached out and Riley said "I ca do better"
  8. Sounds like the bar would be set low by hiring him. Well, that means he is right in UNT's wheelhouse.
  9. 11-21 record so no to Mr Dykes. You need to be near .500 at program like Cal too many resources there. Recruits that have realistic NFL aspirations go to Cal all the time. You are not getting those recruits at North Texas until you put together two or three seasons with 8+ wins. With that said I would take ANYONE if that meant RV was kicked out as consequence.
  10. I would have to concur even though I like Canales. But you don't get killed like this regularly just because of coaching. The seeds of in conference beat downs like this start with bad recruiting. How many UNT players start of Louisiana Tech today? Wilson might split time with their running back and the best defensive player we have might get some significant playing time. Does anyone else get significant playing time on offense or defense?
  11. don't cry if you don't get the game, your cable provider is just doing a responsible intervention.
  12. They are 8-0 in last 8 home games, Wow who could blame La Tech for pulling a UAB at this point.
  13. I was about to post the same thing. It's homecoming there too. I know we don't show up when it's raining but come on the Bulldogs fans are acting like kitty cats.. You would they are 1-7. The first punt snap was bad and the punter made a play nobody noticed but the second punt was,worse and didn't give him a chance to make a play.
  14. There is no defense for keep RV around at this point. If you can't look me in the face and confidently bet me that another program that plays all the revenue sports at the top level would hire RV if he were available then there is nothing to discuss. And program has longer than current 10 year run at the FBS level would laugh at anyone proposing RV for their AD vacancy. That is the litmus test and I think anyone honest would acknowledge that. Just think about your current job. If your boss felt that no one else in the industry would value your production over the last 4 years you would be out of a job. Soon people like me are walking away from the program because it is clear our words don't mean anything. And why should we care when it is VERY CLEAR the leadership doesn't not give F@#*&%@*! because RV is still employed. Nothing is going to improve substantially while he is AD. And if forced chose I would be my life on that. So we can argue about scheduling, coaching philosophies, basketball coaches, recruiting, marketing, fan apathy, a future baseball program, parking, a State Fair rival game or the logistics getting to a game but it doesn't mean bleep. I am signing off of this forum indefinitely and leaving the MGC as soon as RV introduces the new head coach for football. That will be the funeral ceremony for this Mean Green Fan and many others whether they know it now or not.
  15. I think we agree on more that you think we do. However, I know Briles isn't coming here but than doesn't make the first part of that sentence BS. UNT needs casual fans to help turn the corner, especially if RV is here going into 2017. I know it won't happen but I presenting the only hypothetical scenario that would allow a coach to succeed here. We know right now that his first recruiting class we be garbage. And unless he is a genius and shocks the world he will be inviting recruits to an empty Apogee stadium in the 2017. I am not sure you could get 24k in Apogee if you gave out 10k free tickets to Denton residents. I am well aware that the 'sexy names' we need to attract fans aren't coming here. Forgive me but I am just going through the stages of mourning. This is the grasping at straws denial stage cause I don't want to accept the fact we won't have a competitive (over 2 season or more) football time until I am eligible for social security.
  16. Yes he is doing it wrong. The fact that we haven't had Southern Big 12 team at Apogee since it has opened or conversely gotten a 1.75 million dollar payday to play one of the upper echelon Big 10 team is testament to that. Can we at least get an Arizona, Arizona State, USC, Arkansas, or Oklahoma State in here once every 5 years.
  17. In state competition for recruits is very important. A lot of parent would like their child to stay in state just for peace of mind. And others just because if their scholarship is reduced or lost for any reason that allows them to be a regular student, in-state tuition is more affordable. Memphis for the reasons you already cited isn't a good case model for UNT. Paranoid over Mac Leaving: I believe RV convinced the administration that Mac leaving was a real possibility and that why he was allowed to give him that extension. UNT's track record made it an easier sell for RV to get that extension done. I don't recall anyone at the time being paranoid either but I don't recall the move being criticized either. Names: I have none that we could get that I would have any faith in turning the program around with RV as their boss. I would like to have Mack Brown as dual AD & HC for 3 years grooming someone like Kendal Briles. All the young guy candidates make sense with competent boss and without a pissed off fanbase that has plenty of other really good local sport entertainment options to spend their money on. There maybe as many as 5,000 to 10,000 people with direct connections to UNT/Denton at any given TCU home game. That is a huge problem I might be in the minority but that doesn't mean I am wrong. I believe I was in the minority that really didn't want Mac. A significant minority and I, wanted Canales but I still believe we were a minority. I maybe in the minority on this forum however the vast majority of casual fans this program needs are not going to be impressed with young guy names thrown around here except maybe Briles. But that will only because they recognize his last name than they know anything about him. I am firmly of the opinion that mediocrity is the ceiling for this program regardless of who RV brings in (unless be brings a name so huge it shocks everyone).
  18. I could not have said it better myself. RV makes 375K to lead the program into being a laughing stock with decent FBS facilities. It is not just about me, it about every alumni that ever wanted their university get be respected the way that should and be recognizable as a tier 1 university. That does NOT require you dominate CUSA but it sure hell mean you can be a bottom feeder that powerhouse program schedule interchangeably with FCS school for a push over game. Pulling money is the only recourse we have at this point. And arguing over the type of next head coach we should have means very little as long the boss of that new coach will be RV.
  19. I got a swim team member. Forgot the name, felt a little guilty knowing that I won't be continuing my membership. I enjoyed the call though and wish her the best.
  20. 1. You are quite naive if you think that doesn't have an impact on the money available to hire coach. Alumni and fans with money committed to professional sport franchises have less money and patience to deal with a losing college team. When you are one of the very few sport entertainment options in your market it makes a huge difference. There a lot of big Universities in big cities but only 2 in the whole country have won big in the last 35 years and one of them did not have to compete with a NFL team in their city for fans when they did. Miami 2. The answer is they DON'T which is why again UNT is the more difficult positions. 3. When I said rivals I meant school in the state they have to compete with or get the leftovers recruits from in state. (by the way I tired to delete Kentucky from my comment before I posted it, I know exactly where Memphis is and I have been there a couple of times) 4. CUSA is was a better conference so I don't know what your comment about basketball and the ACC have to do with anything. 5. The ACC is a Power 5 Conference. It might be the weakest of the 5 but their champion still has a guaranteed slot in the Old Traditional New Year's Six Bowl Games, CUSA does not. Side question, what is your promise land? Second place in the division and another HOD Bowl? Because I guarantee you that if this young hot coach puts together two mediocre winning seasons and bowl game win together he is gone. Say what you will about RV but part of the reason he got away with giving Dan Mac a raise was the fact that many were justly paranoid Mac would bolt for a better job. Even though I heard no reports of better programs sniffing around to see if he was interested. PS: Never wanted Brady Hoke. Absolutely scoffed at Mangino. And I was only curious about Turner Gil. So don't insult me like that please. It's not realistic to believe than anyone inexperienced will be a success at a program that no else has had success at. Memphis was an easier position, in a better conference with a more competitive revenue package available (relative to their conference and regional rivals) than we will have from day one and I don't know why you are disputing that. UNT is a uniquely hard job and I don't think you and everyone else clamoring for young hot shots acknowledge that.
  21. That is all fine and good. The comparison you presented is fine until you ask these questions: 1. How many professional sport franchises are Memphis competing with for fan attention in their metro area? 2. How many FBS programs that play in better conferences than them are within 45 miles of thier campus with better name recognition and history of success than their program? 3. How many in state FBS level rivals do they have? 4. CUSA when Memphis was in it was better conference that it is now. 5. The American Conference is better that CUSA Art Briles is not even close to Saban (today or even 2015 Briles if you compare him what Saban was 15 years ago) but Art Briles was sought after no doubt. The Baylor job at the time he took it wasn't a highly desired position because at the time you had OU, UT, and Texas A&M as road blocks in between the program and any big success. (BTW everyone should know that if Mack could have recruited a QB to replace McCoy effectively and Texas A&M doesn't bolt for the SEC we probably aren't talking about Art Briles the way we are now). The UNT is position is more challenging in my assessment than the Memphis job. And the gap between the desiraility gap between the 2007 Baylor job and the 2016 UNT is not as great as you may think it is. The real gap is money. (Memphis has more money than UNT also). And that is directly realated to the fundamental problem here and that is AD ineptness and by consequence fan apathy. You know the programs that share a lot of the challenges that UNT faces? UCF, FAU, FIU, and South Florida. So I still stand by my template as reasonable and the most likely way UNT can climb out of the pit it is in. Looking at the track record of UNT I think it is absolutely foolish be more than 15% confident that a 35 year old who has never been at struggling program is going to turn this mess around. Most likely we are going to get another Todd Dodge like situation. Yes, the coach probably get 2 more win a year than Dodge did, due to having some college experience but I don't see great success happening. And if he does have better success than I expected get ready for him to bolt and UNT return to square one. In my scenerio the young OC gets a chance to grow into head coach before the mentor leaves.
  22. Please can start speaking truthfully about the hiring of Dan McCarney? Look I like him as much as the next Mean Green fan but let get a few things straight about him. He arrived at UNT with losing 56-85 overall and 27-68 conference record as head coach. That is losing anyway you slice it. Yes, Iowa State has the deck stacked against them in the Big 12. But you can say they same thing about all the other old Big 12 North Division programs outside of Nebraska and Missouri. Mac arrived with great fan fare and energy here and all Mean Green Fans appreciated that. But there was little substantive in his resume as a head coach that should have made us so optimistic. Mac has deep roots in the Big 10 Conference region and that is part of the reason he had some the success he did at Iowa State. Therefore, I think it is a huge mistake to dismiss the value of experience in Texas in favor of just a young hot up and comer with Texas ties. I for one want BOTH an experienced leader with hot shots under him. Instead of Kendall Briles we need to be looking for our 'Art Briles'. And if our Art Briles leaves us we may end up promoting our 'Gary Patterson' from the staff he leaves behind. (If you are not following me look up Patterson's history at TCU). TCU had long journey getting back into the mix with the other big programs in the state and our journey will be even more difficult. I held my peace before and after McCarney was hired, I won't do that this time. Bring a coach under the age of 35 in this toxic situation is just a recipe for failure. So if we hire a 30-ish or younger bright star don't be surprised if it is another Dodge like situation 3 years from now.
  23. Ignoring the fact that he had a losing record as head coach when he got here (27-68)? Very few if any of the average fans knew much about Mac when he arrived. And I am sure most recruits had the same reaction. (That is by definition not a winning face) The people making the decision gave him a pass because Iowa State is tough place to win at. However with all his connection there he still had a losing record but they thought without Texas connections it would be easier here?... Dysfunctional and just plain dumb. I like his speeches and rah, rah and hope for the best without looking at his head coaching record. Which is part the reason Mac was surprised by the difficulty he had recruiting here. And it not the age of the face is the experience they have whether they are 35 or 55 years old. If Mac's record was closer to .500 when he arrived from coaching at places tough to recruit to with virtually no tradition of winning anything and had strong Texas connections it would be a very good hire in my opinion. Look, Mac was a great, likable guy with great coach speak so we hoped for the best and moving on from the Dodge era his approach was refreshingly different, What else could a good alumni do except support the new hire?
  24. Norm Chow at UNT in any role? Thoughts?
  25. No matter how confident you are this is the truth, either the AD is incompetent or UNT is just toxic coaching situation that goes way deeper than just the AD. That still means clearing the decks needs to happen. If he wanted Canales after Dodge was fired that he isn't incompetent, just castrated. (I was a big supporter of Canales back then and wondered what the hell happened so I feel a little sympathy for him if that is the case but not enough sympathy to set the program back another 5 to 10 years hoping he gets this opportunity right. I with Ben Gooding. I have yet to see a good argument with keeping RV around. RV is the very face of the dysfunction and instability here. Would you rather take a contracted job under boss with a horrible track record of success or a job in which the boss of your future boss told you "we are taking our time finding the right AD for our program, until that time you have complete freedom to run your program how you see fit and we will support you whatever way we can"? No direct boss is better that boss with a track record of failure who may try to take you out with him when he goes down.
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