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Everything posted by class84

  1. The only way we can salvage something from this year is if we empty the benches in the next three games and figure out who can play and who can't. It will be a total waste if we go into Spring drills not having a clue about who can compete at the corners, fullback, backup running back, tight end, linebackers and most importantly, both lines.
  2. Has anything been said about Jamario's weight? I had to watch the game on TV, and when I first saw him, he looked like Brandon Kennedy from the waist down. I thought it might be the camera, but the color announcer commented after the injury that his weight has been an issue all year. I haven't seen anything on this board or the papers about that. Can anyone help clarify?
  3. We're due for an OT game: Us 16 Them 13 In typical Sunbelt fashion, ULL will fumble the ball through the back of the end zone on their way to the winning touchdown.
  4. They played Oklahoma St. there earlier in the season, and there weren't more than 3,000 people in the stadium. That place is going to be a tomb for our game. Boca Raton doesn't look that far from Miami on a map, but its a long drive for their supporters to make for a 1-7 team. I-95 is a joke in that part of the state.
  5. Oh, so there is a reality thread on the board today. I was beginning to think I was supposed to feel good about losing by 53 again. Is progress really defined by ALMOST scoring A touchdown? We ONLY gave up 28 points in each half? The truly sad thing is that I think we will win out and go to the Cajun Bowl again. That's not a statement on our "progress", but I don't think there is a team in the Belt that has the gumption to stand up and take it away from us. Then we'll hear the DD "us vs. the world" speech again, and everything will be OK in Mean Green Land. Forever into perpetual mediocraty...........
  6. I'd take it without a doubt. We're still living off of the Tennessee upset from 30+ years ago, and this would be 10x the magnitude of that game. This would go down as the greatest college upset of the last 25 years, at least. Back to reality, ain't no way it's happening.
  7. No, we really don't Thanks for the positivity, though
  8. LSU can't be too happy about falling 2 spots in the BCS after beating Auburn. We didn't need them to have extra incentive to batter us LSU 60 US 0
  9. I don't think I could take the DD "nobody had any faith in us, but we stuck together as a team......" speech if we do happen to win out. Winning the conference would only reinforce the fact that doing the bare minimum is good enough to win the Sunbelt every year. There should be no way we could win it, but as goofy as this collection of teams is, you never know.
  10. In closing: Really good defense, really bad offense. Lots of turnovers forced, not very many given away. Lots of yards given up, not many points given up. This sound familiar to anyone? ←
  11. That would mean we would have to move deep into their territory 5 times. I wish I could see it, but its not likely. La Tech 20 us 7
  12. I can't imagine ULM playing in a bowl game. The Sunbelt may never recover from that embarrassment.
  13. This will tell us who is incapable of playing on a Division I level. If Meager can't move it against a provisional D1 defense, replace him and try Phillips out. If the line can't open holes, go to the second team. If the receivers continue to drop passes and fail to get open, play the reserves. We won't have a better chance to get our wheels on than this. If we can't establish anything early, its time to play for next year. That said: us 20 them 16
  15. Just think where we'd be if we had the LSU stats in there!
  16. 1. Give PC 35 carries, and throw him 5 passes. If they stuff him and he gains 60 yards, so be it. I want the ball in the hands of our playmakers, not the freshman QB. 2. If Jamario is healthy, give him half of PC's carries and play them together in the backfield half the time. If he isn't healthy, don't suit him up. Running him out there at less than 100% for 8 carries a game is a disservice to the offense and to JT. Let him get healthy, and let the offense find a rhythm. 3. Give JQuinn opportunities to make plays. If we can't get the ball downfield, try some wide receiver screens or reverses. The obligatory Hail Mary twice a game is no way to use your best wideout. I can live with getting beaten (badly) today if we at least try to get back to the things that have made us successful. If they don't work against K-State, fine, they will work against the Sunbelt--we've proven that for four years. We won't succeed this year by throwing the ball 20+ times with a freshman QB.
  17. I'll take 76 in any poll right now. This morning's Sagarin had us at 143, which DROPPED us 78 places
  18. Yeah, I think that's right on the money. I think we compound the problem by insisting on going off-tackle on most every running play. Tulsa had two very large DT's that weren't going to be moved off the line. Most good defensive teams have run-stoppers in the middle (Booger, for example). My frustration Saturday was that PC had success getting to the corners when given the chance. He broke one for 38 yds and was real close on a couple of others. We aren't giving him enough opportunity to use his moves and quickness to make big plays.
  19. I can't defend the O-line much because they were bad, but Meager takes forever and a day to get set up and look for receivers. Then again, I can't blame him much because he is a freshman and really doesn't know what he is doing yet. Which leads to the playcalling. Why would a running team start EVERY series trying a drop-back pass play with a new QB? The point of having Cobbs/JT is to let them shoulder the load, and not rely on Meager to make plays. He should only have to worry about not forcing plays at this point. Cobbs averaged 6 yards a carry, even going off-tackle on every carry. Having second-and-five situations instead of second-and-fifteens every series would have helped.
  20. My guess is 22-23,000. Don't count on seeing that again this season.
  21. We had nine months to come up with a way to use JMo and Patrick together, and this is what we came up with? At least we are using Patrick as a receiver, but JMo is an afterthought right now. On a positive note, Jamel has adjusted to defense a lot faster than I expected. He and Covington are playing well right now.
  22. I can't believe they started this at 9:30 am. I know TV is important to programs, but that's like waving a large middle finger at your paying fans.
  23. 1. I like FAU's quarterback a lot. He doesn't have enough weapons to help him out, though. 2. I don't know why FAU was written off as an 0-11 team. They play decent defense and should be able to beat half the teams in the Sunbelt. We don't need to laugh off their game against them. 3. I don't understand the economics of renting Joe Robbie to play in front of 1,000 people, plus pay OSU for coming out. Someone please explain. 4. OSU is going to get killed in the Big 12. How have they sunk so far in one year?
  24. I suck at putting in http addresses. Go to giants.com for the story.
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