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Everything posted by Greenrex

  1. I'm over here in Atlanta where it just turned midnight which means that I'm one of the first Mean Greeners to experience the feeling of our new conference. I highly recommend you stay up another hour there in Texas and take it all in.
  2. Just got off the phone with Judy. She made me promise I'd call.
  3. Also notice: not one D-1 school in Mexico or Canada.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002BZ361W/ref=sspa_dk_detail_4?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B002BZ361W&pd_rd_w=ETUUc&content-id=amzn1.sym.0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_p=0d1092dc-81bb-493f-8769-d5c802257e94&pf_rd_r=S2XCY2QMQWQZFZHR3VQ6&pd_rd_wg=4dHKg&pd_rd_r=c8e2e2c5-6af7-4401-9033-52261040d8bf&s=sporting-goods&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWwy
  5. Could this possibly be copyright infringement?
  6. Acme Stadium might stir up some national interest when the Roadrunners visit. Fun stuff.
  7. Peterbilt would be great. I was wondering if Acme Brick is big enough to do it?
  8. I heard this company was interested: Apergy Systems
  9. Thanks, MG 93-98. She's just generally looking for music. Piano, performance, voice, ed. My wife found a couple rankings that embarrassed me because I have been drinking green kool-aid for decades telling folks we're ranked in the top top but, that is just not true! My green music bubble has popped!
  10. I searched to no avail for a ranking service referencing our music program only to find paywalls or dubious providers. Can anyone give me a solid ranking reference? I've been bragging about North Texas for many years and now I'm trying to advise a youngster looking for a highly ranked music school. Thanks!
  11. I'm not sure if we can still accomplish the challenges of all three phases (was it something like Hunting, Punting, and Grunting?) Anyway, I'm looking for us to finish somewhere in the top half and a decent bowl game...really excited about it!
  12. There are so many more...wish I could remember all the names.
  13. I'm thinking Tylor has narrowed his choice down to Texas Tech.
  14. Fluid and strong. Fun to watch. She is a pure athlete.
  15. Got mine in the mail yesterday...could barely squeeze into it. Order a size larger than you normally wear!
  16. What a fun game. We're over here in Atlanta jumping up and down! Go Mean Green!
  17. Maybe there's a Vice President of Course Credit Transfer.
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