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Everything posted by mgfan

  1. Crowd was good. I thought it was more, but glad when visitors bring fans. Unt travels prettty well. It's part of college football, make games more interesting. Also, a chance to show off apogee.
  2. They get paid that much?! That is crazy! for reffing a football game? Why do I teach? I'm going to be a ref. I get called nasty and ugly things all the time anyway.
  3. Cusa refs are the worst refs in the NCAA. Targeting Missed block in the back Unt Wide receiver wasn't down and called down Too many to name.
  4. Sorry, no. We are forced to play them, if they weren't in the same conference I would see no point in playing them. I don't think we would for that matter. SMU on the other is our rival. We don't have to play them, but choose to because we HATE each other and can't wait to destroy each other on the gridiron. UTSA.... meh.
  5. Band was off all night. My wife said something about it as well. They also played when we had the near the end zone. that place gets so loud because of the echo (lack of people).
  6. No saw a reply of that, but I couldn't spot it as the play happened. Also, I could have swore we were in on the run right before the end of the 2nd quarter.
  7. In the 4th qt our center was leaped over and ended up sacking Fine. My father in-law said he saw the replay of this on tv. Did anyone else see the play? Also, am I correct that contact must be made with center and you cannot leap over him? Litteral seemed very upset, I couldn't tell if he was upset about that or maybe what looked like a horse collar tackle.
  8. I hope so. Being associated with teams that don't have their own stadium is not I want for UNT. I forgot to mention how bad the utsa fans are. The least welcoming I have met in awhile. They get mad when you cheer for your team, when they are sitting in the visitor section. I don't think think they realize that some money we spent there goes back to their university, or maybe they don't care. On that note I don't dislike them because they won (as in a rivarly) I dislike them because how they act, treat visitors, don't have an on field campus and UNT has to be associated with them.
  9. Place is a dump. Parking is terrible Acoustics suck Concessions are terrible Cleanliness is none existent THANK GOD FOR APOGEE
  10. Bad start, still plenty of time. Can anyone understand the announcer or the refs?
  11. I'm unsure, but I would call ahead if you can. Anyone know where the band is sitting?
  12. Wife and I just decided to go to utsa. What section is everyone sitting in?
  13. Reading these post and predictions we are a beaten down fan base. Hopefully this win gets us 1 step closer to being more optimistic. Enjoy the win and the rest weekend. See ya in SA.
  14. Black HOD helmet. Great game, Great helmet, great time!
  15. I believe that is the best way to go about it. Get football and other sports in order first, then expand into other sports.
  16. Good job Rv and Mac! Pat yoursleves on the back.
  17. Oh geez here we go. RV and Mac were the greatest... we know, we known. Moving on.
  18. That was under RV. I am not sure if you heard..... we got a new AD.
  19. IPC is great to have. We have one at the HS I work at. It comes in useful all time. It is connected to the weight room and coaches office. Transitioning from weights to IPC is easy and great and saves a lot of time over a course of a season. Having temperature control is great either making it hotter or colder. And with bay doors we can help to simulate the weather outside while still being inside.
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