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Everything posted by GrayEagle

  1. I believe that AAC Commissioner Aresco has let them know that what they are doing is wrong. He may be the lone voice crying in the wilderness, however, and perhaps if we got on other conferences blogs and complained maybe it's possible that the complaint would eventually reach their ADs and Commissioner. If no one says anything to the P5s it will never be corrected. Let's be the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. If the Mountain West and the Sun Belt joined the AAC perhaps that might be enough to get the attention of the P5 Commissioners.
  2. I am truly hoping that North Texas is the one. Texas could be in the NCAA but I'm actually pulling for FAU even though my daughter is a graduate of UT.
  3. Yes, but in a way we left her a nice going away present...three basketball teams in the final chase for both NCAA and NIT champions. She may be heralded another decade for her leadership in basketball.
  4. I wish; but I don't think so. Whoever gets him will give him playing time so that he doesn't think too hard about the transfer portal. I wish that we could come up with a scholarship and some NIL money before fall enrollment. I believe that he really wanted to come here or he wouldn't have accepted the PWO.
  5. I'd be happy if she recruited students to attend football, basketball and other sports events.
  6. Who is the NCAA? I thought that it consisted of members who met certain standards. It should be made up so that each member has a vote. Apparently, if you have more money you get a bigger vote. Maybe it's deja vu where we're giving money instead of both money and fine cars to our stars. We worked through that once but this time seems to be more out of control. Get some rules that are fair to all. Let each institution vote to their ability. Set standards that are fair and reachable for groups such as stadium, attendance, income, number of sports (that is one thing that I believe is being followed) and make every effort to at least break even in each school in each division. Whatever of these issues (and perhaps others) .can be agreed upon should now be the operating rules and rules of conduct for the Association. Put limits on NIL. BE FAIR. It's not rocket science.
  7. KD had the integrity to 'not accept' and he stands tall in my book of good men.
  8. If the law allowed you to rob a bank with no penalty, would you still rob a bank? I have enough integrity that would never happen.
  9. For the last ten or so years we have had the weakest/worst president of the NCAA. Mark Emmert had no backbone to run a clean operation. The Big 10 and the SEC (especially the Big 10) commissioners called the shots. In my opinion they have made a violation of the anti-trust laws. If you don't have the money to run with the big dogs you are out in the cold. There should be a limit on the NIL amount and there should be a penalty for tampering. I don't notice this happening in basketball. Basketball makes money but not to the extent that football does. The only Olympic sport that does does tampering that I recall is women's softball. The Big Money teams feel free to rob the lesser teams of their best talent. I have serious doubts that the new president, the ex-Governor of Massachusetts, will do any better and things will continue to get out of hand.
  10. Gang Busters! This is the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel!
  11. Rob, this wasn't just a walk on. He was the top quarterback in the Dallas area. He was an all-district and all-state performer with terrific statistics. I'm not worried about this year...Eric and the quarterback coach should do fine but he would have been a great quarterback for the future and he's from just about twenty miles down the road. I believe that the only reason was that there wasn't a scholarship available. It appears that his family didn't want to have to pay a year's tuition when they thought that he had performed well enough to have earned a scholarship somewhere. I would've felt the same way.
  12. I would dearly love it if somehow we could get CJ Noland from Oklahoma. I believe that he would be our first 4-star basketball player if that should happen.
  13. It's not that we don't have good quarterbacks but I believe that this one was special. Just my opinion, but I believe that he would've been a three-year starter here.
  14. And, in her time, a very good basketball player. Too bad that she couldn't coach equal to her playing ability. I hope that she can get a job somewhere as an assistant coach. She has a lot of knowledge to impart. Maybe she is a little like Seth...a very good coordinator but as a head coach, not so much.
  15. It would shock me. I know that they like each other but it didn't work in Austin, why would it work in San Antonio?
  16. OK, then they are University Park's team. No one can argue with that.
  17. Watch the video on this guy. You could put him and Sampson on the same side of the line and they could open a path wide enough to drive a semi thttps://www.hudl.com/profile/16090317/Keon-Johnsonhrough.
  18. He is the offensive line coach pulling double duty. I believe that most of our coaches pull double duty. We know for a fact that Patrick Cobbs does. There are about two or three on the staff that are recruiters only and I'm thinking that there are about the same that are coaches only but that may be subject to change. Coach Morris seems to like his coaches to know the high school coaches.
  19. Do you realize that the University of Texas played Wyoming AT Laramie? I'm not sure why they would do that unless it was to show them that any member of the same classification is not necessarily too high and mighty to play any other member. It could have been that Wyoming needed the sellout crowd to pay for stadium improvements. Whatever the reason these games will have benefits to both teams. Yellowstone is one of the most beautiful spots on planet Earth and I hope that I can visit there before my life ends. Maybe this game will give me the opportunity to do so.
  20. I hope not because he'll spend all of his time "loving her like the devil when he gets back home."
  21. Maybe, just maybe, a scholarship was found for Blake Fann. As I understand it, PWOs and walk-ons don't need to sign anything (although it seems to me that a PWO should sign something since he is guaranteed a roster spot}. I haven't seen anything official as to what his category is. I just assumed that it was PWO because I didn't think that we had any scholarships available.
  22. Absolutely agree. If they want academic elitism why not join the Ivy League?
  23. Hey, the pirate that I saw was green.
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