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Everything posted by DeepGreen

  1. What vision! He probably sees the MUTS football season tanking again this year and want's to leave before Andy boy gets canned!
  2. I believe the MGC sends you a form stating the value of the donation made for tax purposes. Also, I'm sure that Dennis Francione will somehow list his $1 million donation to TAMU on his tax form. I'm not a CPA, someone may want to weigh in on this subject.
  3. I'd like to weigh in on this subject, as it seems to be brought up every off-season. First of all, I originally wanted to be one of those aggie "wannebes" until I heard the military thing was a required activity. Heard about North Texas, visited the campus on my own even before campus tours were in vogue. It was the middle of July, hot as hell, all surrounding open fields of grass were burned to a crisp. You'd have thought I was in the middle east. Regardless, I decided I wanted to attend NT. I've never looked back. I'll sound like a broken record on this, but my take on NT's problems are: - Our early administrators being content with the teachers college mentality. - We were always outside of the Southwest Conference circle of universities. The public only heard of the SWC schools, particularly Texas and TAMU. Turn on the radio on any Saturday during the fall and you would only hear the SWC games. For all those years the public had those schools in their faces at every turn. It's no wonder NT was always an afterthought. - Rather than have vision on moving NT forward, presidents like JC Mathews <_< was content on never raising the bar. We only used athletics for students that wanted to play sports while attending college. Athletics was never meant to enhance the university or build alumni pride. I firmly believe that the tide is turning. I was at a social function recently, having dinner with three other couples at our table. I learned that two couples had daughters that would be attending NT this fall. A local, highly regarded and very competitive Catholic high school had a listing of all graduates and where they would be attending college this fall. Five students listed North Texas. I almost spewed my morning coffee all over the article! That's seven students that I know of from the Beaumont/Port Arthur area that will be in Denton this fall. I'm sure there are more. Unbelievable. Was TAMU or UT their first choice? I don't know. Will they support NT at athletic events and become supportive alumni after they graduate. I hope so. If only NT had, at the very least, put an emphasis on remaining D1A in athletics and not regress to 1AA. I dare say we would be charter members of CUSA and be much more respected in the academic, and athletic communities. What were they thinking back then?
  4. According to the latest issue of "Texas Highways Magazine", the legend and folklore regarding how TU's mascot, BEVO, got its name is purely fiction. I repeat, FICTION. You know the story, Texas a & m beat tu 13-0, in which the aggies branded the score on the longhorn; tu students then rebranded the steer by turning the 13-0 into "BEVO". The legend is bogus, phony, and purely fiction according to the article's writer Dale Weisman. Not that I really care about the tu mascot, but I've heard the story so many times from relatives.
  5. I remember attending a Texas-TAMU game in College Station in the early '60's. Kyle Field was at capacity that day, 33-35,000 fans. This was the old horseshoe shaped Kyle Field.
  6. Yep. Just enough to beat the MUTS again.
  7. A couple of observations. - Great that we are getting new turf - Wonder if La Tech could use our old stuff? - Fouts still looks lousy - You could "gold plate" that stadium and it would still look like Fouts
  8. Congratulations emmitt01!!!! You are the first poster in 161,592 posts that used the word "loose" properly.
  9. With regards to Matress Mac, one thing that would benefit UNT, would be for Mac to open a big furniture warehouse like he has in Houston. Did you know he was one of the big/main sponsors at the Texas a $ m spring football game? Probably 30,000+ fans were watching those ads he had on the scoreboard. It would stand to reason that he would do the same in the DFW area if he had a location there. At least I hope he would do the same for UNT.
  10. But does Theryn know he signed with MUTS?
  11. Player considering, or being contacted by NT, SFA, and Tulsa is Justin Loewe, 6-4 Junior guard from Caldwell, Tx. Played in 19 games last season, averaging only 2.8 minutes a game. Was released by A & M and will transfer somewhere at the end of this semester.
  12. I don't have the name in front of me right now, but I read in the Bryan newspaper that an a $ m transfer has been contacted by Tulsa, SFA, and North Texas. He was an All State player in HS. I'll get his name later tonight.
  13. You're correct. Fox did make the right choice for the interview. I overreacted because I forgot that UTA made it to the tourny this year. Kudos for UTA and their coach.
  14. Interesting that our Lady Eagle basketball coach of the past 50 years, Tina Slinker, was not part of the Fox Sports SW segment when they were discussing Baylor Lady Bears getting into the final four for the National Championship. No, they chose the womens coach from UTA. What a slap in the face to the NT program.
  15. Pay no attention to the mispelled "hurldes". Congratulations Kory! NT Track
  16. Much easier to just drool, err, stare at that picture. Good lord is she hot!
  17. What about JJ's four year contract extension? How do we get around that?
  18. You're right. Guess I'm so frustrated with this loss I can't see straight.
  19. Alumni working in and around the DFW Metroplex have real problems making it to games on time. My question is, don't we have 20,000 students living in and around the NT campus? Where are they? You'd think 4 to 5,000 students would attend a NT basketball game during tournament time. We have to depend on working Alums to go to games. Same old same old.
  20. How was the crowd for the NT men's game?
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