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Everything posted by Stix

  1. It's your house - choose the shade of green you feel is "Mean Green".
  2. UH is probably more po-ed than us - it's in their backyard.
  3. A stop at an Iowa Kum & Go was a highlight of a driving trip to Minneapolis back 15 years ago ** - my wife & I still get a laugh over the name! I still treasure the coffee cup I bought there. ** We were on our way to the MST 3000 Conventio-con - good times!
  4. When you're heading down to the UH game, plan on stopping at Buc-ee's in Madisonville. You can't miss all of their "Burma-Shave"-style billboards along I-45. http://www.bucees.com/ I hope they start expanding northward - I'd love for them to open one somewhere between Fairfield and I-20. Here's an article from the Houston Chronicle about the opening of the New Braunfels store: http://www.chron.com/news/local_news/article/Wait-is-over-for-fans-of-Buc-ee-s-its-restrooms-3540830.php
  5. Oh, he was a little guy... Kinda funny lookin', just in a general kinda way.
  6. So, I'm tendin' bar there at Ecklund and Swedlin's last Tuesday, and this little guy's drinkin' and he says, "So where can a guy find some action? I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake." And I says, "What kinda action?" and he says, "Woman action, what do I look like?" And I says, "Well, what do I look like, I don't arrange that kinda thing," and he says, "But I'm goin' crazy out there at the lake," and I says, "Well, this ain't that kinda place."
  7. He's listed on the roster now - had he previously been removed? http://www.meangreensports.com/SportSelect.dbml?&DB_OEM_ID=1800&SPID=562&SPSID=9053
  8. Hey, any publicity is good publicity - for both TFLF and GMG - right?
  9. 30-23? I was watching one of the Houston local channel's news this morning (13? wasn't really paying attention), and not only did the sports reporter say that the game ended in a 23-23 tie, but they showed an interview with the Texas coach, who said he wished that they would have let the kids play so there would be a winner. To quote Bob Watson in "The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training" - Let the kids play! No, I'm not imagining it: http://www.chron.com/sports/highschool/article/All-stars-settle-for-tie-in-Bayou-Bowl-3639899.php GreenBat, you've got the link to the story from last year's game.
  10. If we expect to have any chance to play in that bowl, we better recruit more players from Salado.
  11. Already have the Tostito's Fiesta Bowl, so how about... the Frito Bandito Bowl!
  12. hash tags - isn't that something that Ron Paul wants to legalize?
  13. i'm waiting for the proper response regarding the meaning of life.
  14. I remember reading that the main bridge structure will be built off-site (I assume in several sections), and put in place once the supporting structure was done.
  15. W. T. White... Longhorns? Do the teams and band still have mini-me longhorn uniforms? How do you stomach your kids wearing 'horns gear?
  16. What we need is an aerial view of the construction...
  17. Contact the Houston chapter of the Parent's Association and invite all of them to attend with their sons & daughters. As for Mattress Mac, I'm not sure if he will be open to it or not, but no harm in trying! I'm not in the market for furniture, but maybe it would be worth a window-shopping trip to Gallery furniture while wearing Mean Green gear.
  18. Unfortunately, the turnout for the "Green Light to Greatness" event was nowhere as good as the Bataille event. But yes, I would love the a Coaches Caravan stop in Houston.
  19. Since I have GL2whatever set to ignore, I have no idea how Stony Brook factors in this thread, but I still have to put my 2 cents in... [rambling] I'm originally from Long Island. My family moved to Stony Brook when I was 12. I went to Stony Brook U. for one year until I came (sight unseen) to North Texas to test myself in the NT Jazz program, and stayed in Texas after graduating. My parents and sister still live there, so I go back 3 - 4 times a year, and always hear what's going on. A short history of Stony Brook U.: It was created in the 1960s as a small college. The local benefactor in the community, Ward Melville (heir to the Thom McAnn shoe fortune, and who my high school is named after) was trying to rejuvenate the village of Stony Brook, in the mold of Williamsburg, VA. He wanted a small college like William & Mary, with colonial style buildings, so he donated land to the state of NY. Nelson Rockefeller fixed him - good. Rockefeller decided that the campus would be one of four major universities in the state, and Stony Brook U.'s mission was to become the "Berkeley of the East", focusing on the sciences. The first couple of decades, it grew exponentially, with new buildings of every possible style of architecture, and the community hated it. The only thing that came close to it being like Berkeley was the radical nature of the student body. The lowlight was a big drug raid in the late 60s or early 70s that was covered on the national news by Walter Cronkite. I went to a couple of basketball games when I was a student that one year. The school was Div III. The team name was the Patriots - the same as my high school (it's no surprise that no one from my high school wanted to go there). The basketball team played Four Corners, and so did their competition, leading to scores like 32-30. I don't think there was a football team. Since I left in 1980, the university has slowly matured, and actually now has the reputation in the sciences and health sciences that was desired so long ago. As for sports, at some point the students, desiring their own identity, voted to change the team name to the Sea Wolves. I think they made the jump to I-AA in the mid-90s. They built a football stadium - I think it seats 5,000 - with money from the State Legislature (things are different up there), helped by the local legislator, Kenneth P. LaValle, so they named it for him. If they want to make it to the FBS, they're going to need a lot more money. I don't have any idea what the school's endowment is, but I doubt that they have any big athletics donors. They've been helped in expanding their football program by Hofstra canceling their program. You might remember Hofstra making it to the I-AA playoffs several times. The school always has been a commuter school, since it is in the middle of suburbia, and adjacent to a Long Island Rail Road station. Dorm residents would head home for the weekend - there was no town, no nightlife, except for parties in the bars in the dorm basements that were permitted up through the early 80s. While the student population is much different now than it was in the 60s & 70s, I doubt the commuter nature has changed. Who attends their football games? Good question. Probably as many local high school students (like my nephew) looking for something to do on a Saturday as there are students of Stony Brook. Oh yes, about lacrosse - no surprise. Ward Melville High School is the perennial state champs in lacrosse, beginning with my senior year. It's big in all of the Long Island high schools, much bigger than football in most. So obviously Stony Brook will be good in lacrosse - although the players would probably rather be playing for Johns Hopkins. Edit: the official name of all four of the universities in NY is: State University of New York at __________, or... SUNY __________. Obviously people are just going to call it Stony Brook (or Buffalo, or Albany, or Binghamton). [/rambling]
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