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Everything posted by UNTLifer

  1. If this is true, and I have absolutely no reason to doubt you, I would email this story to RV. That is unacceptable and this staff person should be fired. If it is who I think it is, she is the same one that doesn't return phone calls, etc... I know many, that are alumni of NT, that would love to have her position and would do a much better job. Email RV
  2. Really? I think the coaches share in the preparation department.
  3. I wish this were more definite as to the start date:
  4. Those losses could be helpful in the long run.
  5. North Texas is bigger than Meager or any player for that matter. Like him or not, choosing not to cheer for your team is wrong.
  6. Don't take his silence to mean he is accepting of the results. I'm sure Dodge has addressed this (assumption), and would hope he doesn't air his issues publicly ala Mike Leach.
  7. Son Of A B$*(^! If I keep agreeing with all of your posts, I'm going to start questioning my sanity! Great post and the absolute truth.
  8. I have no problem with TD's offensive system. We have seen glimpses of what it can and will do. I do have a problem with a defense that doesn't utilize the talent it has and puts the players in a position to fail.
  9. I could forgive the OU game, but this is downright embarrassing. Yes, Double D's system shortened the game, but his defenses never looked this poor. Mendoza is not putting our players in position to succeed.
  10. I watched part of the USC/Washington game Saturday evening, and the announcers kept mentioning how well USC disguised their blitz packages and coverage schemes. Mendoza needs to step up in a big way. If OU laughed at our system, then Mendoza and the defensive staff should have taken that to heart, but from what I can tell no adjustments were made until the FAU game and that is not acceptable. D1 players are smarter, faster and have been exposed to more schemes than HS players. That is why there is a learning curve for incoming freshmen and rookies in the NFL. Coaching football is coaching football regardless of the level, but it becomes more creative and more complex as you move from one level to another. I don't know Mendoza and wish him the best, but it is time for him to step up. We have too many returning starters to be playing this poorly on the defensive side of the ball.
  11. My family moved to Denton in August of 1965, 3 months prior to my arrival on earth, when my father took a position at then North Texas State University. I was carried to my first game as a baby during the Joe Greene, Steve Ramsey, Ron Shanklin, Coach Mitchell era, but unfortunately don't remember any of that. My first memories from the games probably occur around the age of 5. My dad used to go to the grocery store and buy peanuts, we would roast them at home and haul them to the games. I thought Fouts was the greatest thing ever since I had never been exposed to another stadium. Our family became good friends with Coach Mitchell, Coach Rust and Coach Fry, so I got to run around on the field at practice. That alone probably made the Mean Green Eagles bigger in my eyes than the Cowboys. My favorite memory is probably the Florida State game in the snow. I got into to a snowball fight with some of my friends after the game down on the field, back when the track was cinder is the turf was natural. Anyway, a couple FSU players wander out of their dressing room and were kicking around the snow. One of my friends ask what they were doing, and they stated that they had never seen snow in person until that game. Well, one thing led to another, and before I knew me and my 10 year old buddies were in a massive snowball fight with about 10 FSU players. My parents were always season ticket holders and my brother used to sell drinks in the stands, which was my dream job next to being a ballboy. Anyway, I just always followed NTSU because they were my team. Of course, I attend NTSU/UNT and graduated and have always had a connection to the university. NT provided for my family when my father worked there and has allowed me to provide for mine. I miss living in the Denton area, because it is now tough to attend games and all the other activities on campus. I've watched NT grow from a teacher's college into one of, in my opinion, the best universities in the state. The potential has always been there, but the frustration has been almost unbearable watching the school almost disreguard athletics. There is no reason NT shouldn't have a program like Tech or A&M with the support to match. I am excited about Dr. B, RV, Coach Dodge and the future. While they are fine universities, there is no reason NT should be considered a step behind TCU or SMU in the Metroplex. With the current administration in place I foresee great things for the athletic program at NT. It should be the window to our university. A window that will allow many more to realize what a great school NT is.
  12. I would be considered an old fan. Yes, I hate to admit it, but I've been a fan as long as I can remember, which would be about 36 years. I tempered my expectations this year knowing that Dodge was bringing in a new system and trying to mold players that were recruited for a totally different system, so I planned on having patience with the offense. I figured we would see glimpses of how good this offense can be, SMU and FAU first half, and then we would really struggle. The one thing I didn't expect was to see a total meltdown on the defensive side of the ball. This has been totally unexpected, and I think it is more a reflection of the scheme we are running as opposed to the talent on that side of the ball. One thing I've always counted on is NT having a strong defense, and this is unexceptable in my book with 9 returning starters. I also didn't expect the troubles in the kicking game. I thought we might need a few games to get our new field goal kicker up and running with confidence, but I never dreamed of Spencer getting punts blocked, etc...
  13. The communte from Hacketville to Jonesboro just isn't the same as the commute from Dallas to Denton on I35.
  14. It should. Isn't that the whole reason to come to a football game?
  15. Good. Maybe the parking lot won't be as full during the games.
  16. So......any pics of this new design? Stadium, that is.
  17. Must have been some carbon that flaked off his diamonds What a moron, or is it maroon? Whatever, it describes Vick and A&M's choice of color.
  18. And remember he was out last year, didn't participate in the spring or the majority of the fall. He has nowhere to go but up. If he keeps everything in line, he will be special.
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