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Everything posted by PHSCoach

  1. Per Breece's mother he has played a total of 5 plays this year........
  2. Yes that was about 3 months after he had his foot cut on
  3. I don't know Quinn ran a 4.37 40 before he had the problem with his ankle
  4. Most schools want them close to the area that the interaction between the staff and players is taking place. Most of these recruits want to see and feel this interaction as it could be them for the next 4 or 5 years.
  5. Yes and our set were what 60 yards from the field???
  6. Last year at the UT game 23 people were taken to the hospital for dehydration they still do not have water fountains.........
  7. I agree with some of your points the style of ball DD played is out dated. But I can not agree on the on the level. Per Rivals 2003 was 72nd 2004 was 71st 2005 droped to 86th if I remember correctly. The class of 2007 was 100+. The players that are left are doing all they can to learn the new system and the 56 of them should not be ran into the ground by what should be fans of the team...........
  8. This from a 35 year old that is still trying to get a Masters that fells he will make more than any of the players on the team. Sorry chump but there are kids that are working on their masters with two years to play. And others that pay more in taxes then you make as an IT manager.....
  9. When are the boys going to eat?? On the bus
  10. Why do you think they will post a travel roster
  11. Smitty They are working fine. Thanks for your time and you did a great job..........
  12. That is where they are playing homes games until their stadium is comp[lete
  13. and who said we had to pay money
  14. Depends on the number of fans that go to the NOB. Its all about money
  15. Matt Sent this to the students at Trinity University in San Antonio this is a place that they know well
  16. Brett was traded for a first round draft pick after the team went 10-6 and lost in the champ game
  17. Not on the 105 man roster so can not start pratice until school starts or he can replace some that requests to be removed from the roster aka Alexander
  18. The boys were shown the layout in 2004 and told that they would be playing in this stadium not later 2008. Now in 2007 they don't know if it "is a feasible project"??
  19. Screaming Please tell me what happened to the black uniforms, that the school ordered, when it came time to use them in the game.........
  20. Roberts ramps are closed for about another 30 days per Parks & Wildlife Fork is a little high and the water is only about 83 the fish are not in the deep water let Went to Toledo Bend last weekend and the water on the North end is muddy and about 5 foot high You can go to this web site and see which boat ramps are closed and it is updated twice a day. Parks & Wildlife Report
  21. Of the three players that were taking classes off campus none of them asked to come back was the last I heard. Deavin was asked to move back to DB going into two-a-days but will see the O side of the ball I feel sure of. We now have what 22 DB's Cam is still learning the blitz pick-ups and should do fine in the backfield Have not seen Mostley take any hits so no ideas on him Who is Dunbar?
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