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Everything posted by forevereagle

  1. I think my opinion on billboards is made pretty clear in that thread. But in short, if you can't determine if the money you are spending is creating a return, then why do it? Let's use SMU as an example. If June Jones goes 7-5 this year and takes the team to a bowl game, and attendance goes up, was it because of the new coach/better record, or was it because of the billboards? Last year, we didn't have any billboards and our attendance increased (with the exception of one game). I don't think it is a wise use of resources, but if SMU thinks it is, more power to them.
  2. He could have, we just didn't play enough games. Don't sell him short.
  3. An interesting read. They feel bad for MTSU, but they don't explain why we all dislike them.
  4. I have also heard rumor that Scarface or an altered Bane could be possible as support characters.
  5. For more information on billboards and why they may not be a good idea, please see this recent discussion.
  6. No arguement there. Maybe "letting her win" was the wrong way to say it. By completely withholding your money, you allow her to continue to stand in a position of power. When you redistribute your money and let people know that you are dissatisfied, you can speak louder. Vote with you dollars. Accompany your donation with a letter that speaks to what your intentions truely would be had you not been treated badly. Flood any public email address from the school with your opinion. There are plenty of ways to still support your university that will not help her get any recognition. As true fans of UNT, we should support our school and do what we are able to help it move forward. If you do not feel that you can do that in one area because of a person who is involved there, then redistribute your resources and let anyone who will listen know of your displeasure. As for the alumni who feel no conection to the university, that is a major problem. Given the track record that Mandy has among the people here, there isn't much that can be done from an athletics perspective to help with that situation. You are correct, no one is irreplaceable. If we want to recapture the lost alumni, there will need for some changes to be made.
  7. I see your point here, but there is a different angle to this. No one feels like a car dealership contributed to their life, and therefore, they want to contribute back to the car dealership. You can just go to another car dealership. Everyone here feels connected to our school, and that is why we donate. It is hard to just "go somewhere else." I understand the problems with Mandy. I have never had any problems with her myself, but I do not dispute that others have. I would not let that stop me, but I definately understand why it stops others. I hope that anyone who is not a member of the MGC because of Mandy does not let that stop them from making contributions in other ways. By letting her stop you, you let her win. Just my 2 cents.
  8. That would be interesting, but as soon as we got the signs made, we would have to change it.
  9. I don't think anyone is being a hypocrite. How many years did it DD to get those conference championships? Did we have that expectation of DD in his second year? DD was a victim of himself. If he had endeared himself to the fans, then we would have been more forgiving of a couple of losing seasons after 4 straight years of winning. By making the fans his enemy, he made his bed. The minute that we had cause, we wanted him gone. That's how this whole thing works. He made it so.
  10. I want to not be worried, but I was on campus for the last vote. I know you know things, but I will not believe it until I see it. Things may be different now, but last time, it was hard to get much buy-in from a lot of people. I hope that it wins in a landslide and that everything goes as planned, but I just don't know that I believe it. I hope you are right and I am wrong. The students have just made this difficult in the past, and history doesn't support what you are saying here. I want to believe.
  11. I don't remember Dodge ever saying that this is the worst job in college football. DD did, and that is why he lost the fans. Dodge has merely said that he was told that there would be a new stadium and that he believes a new stadium would further the program. What Dodge has done here is nothing like what DD did. Of course, maybe this Zach T is right, we are all, of course, m'fers.
  12. I too remember watching all this go down. It's probably a good thing that the bike cop showed up. I thought he was going to just laugh, but he held it together. Ah, nothing like sitting in the sun and not getting to setup your tent just because someone doesn't know about the 6 P's. Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance
  13. Notre Dame should probably be careful. If the Big 11 does take someone else, and the changes do go on, as the college football insider new AD they hired says, ND could be left on the outside looking in. A new system that doesn't give them an auto-bid if they are even a little good could really hurt. Everyone needs to quit bending over for a team that hasn't been relevant in a long time.
  14. The wife and I are going to be there as well.
  15. I think that this supports the theory that winning will bring more fans to games. We are not yet to the point that people will show up to watch, no matter how bad we are. It may not be the news we want, but it's the news we have.
  16. Let's all have a beer for Johnny Cash!
  17. Man, if only we had thought of this sooner. I have never seen a topic on this subject before. When does the season start?
  18. I haven't experienced anything yet, but I haven't put a ton of time into it yet. I do know that a lot of the bugs I experienced in the demo seem to be gone.
  19. That is unfortunate. That was one of the big selling points when I was at Clark. We were some of the most spirited people on campus. I was one of the first people on the field after the buzzer in 2001 over the MUTS in our attempt to tear down the goalpost.
  20. That's right people, you will all have to look at me in the background! You may all now begin your envy. On a side note, has anyone bothered to read the load screens? They have interesting history about the home team. There is some interesting stuff on UNT in there.
  21. Now that is solid advertising! Who wouldn't listen to a hobo with a sandwhich board? As long as it doesn't say "The End is Near."
  22. And I love that he refuses to talk about it with anyone. Let the speculators speculate, otherwise, they won't have a job. How generous is Brett Favre?
  23. He brought Chapman, and I would guess that Fitz will make the trip this year.
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