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Hunter Green

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Everything posted by Hunter Green

  1. Actually, it was the Lone Ranger who mistreated Tonto... even though Tonto saved his life... but, Ill bet he would have left him for the wolves if he'd known he was a entitled, white supremacist racist.
  2. All of them first round NFL picks? Defensive line all day long. Dominate the line of scrimmage and you'll win championships.
  3. Couldn't agree more! Thanks, Emmitt.
  4. That, my friends, is the $64 question.
  5. Stand pat until the TV contracts expire and wait for realignment to really begin. Wren will hopefully have us positioned to make a step forward. If not, I've proposed a "new SWC" consisting of, UNT, UTEP, UTSA, Rice, Ark. St, LaLa, La Tech, S. Miss, Texas St and any other regional who might be left out of the realignment. (Texas Tech?) Let the rest of SBCUSA eat cake.
  6. Well then, I guess there's hope for you yet! As to the Civil War example, it's a fact. If you want to put a moral disclaimer to it, fine. But no other country fought a war with itself to end slavery. I choose to take to positive side of it. I suppose that's my optimistic view so we'll just have to agree to disagree on this and many other issues. I for one, am proud of this country and can accept it's shortcomings. Life isn't perfect, America isn't perfect. I understand all of the failings of this country. I don't know how old you are, but my old, antiquated thinking. as you put it, was shaped by my experiences growing up. I remember JFK's assassination, MLK's, RFK's, the Watts riots of the mid 60's, Rodney King, OJ, and now this. Each one was a gut punch. But I have to be honest, the events of the last month pale in comparison to those previously mentioned, in my opinion, and I'm only speaking from experience. The country was rocked by all of it, but life goes on and we all tried to do better as a result. Some of us learned lessons, some didn't. But we've come a long way and even elected a black President!. Twice! So yes, I choose to focus on the good this country has done and yes, I think it is exceptional. We've done more to help countries when disaster hits than anyone. I believe we're the most generous people on earth. To whom much is given, much is required in return. (Luke 12:48) Yes, we have been blessed. You might say privileged...so be it. I'll bastardize RFK's quote and not ask why not, but ask why can't we do more? I believe we will do more if we don't tear it apart first. OK. I think we've beaten this horse to death.
  7. He doesn't have the relationships at other schools that he does here.
  8. I was wondering about people like you who find nothing good about our country and constantly degrade and belittle others viewpoints. I mean, I can accept our founders failings along with their accomplishments. I just wonder who are your heroes? Who is it in history that you admire? And before you list, and I'm just assuming here, JFK, RFK, MLK and others, I admire those men and their accomplishments as well, despite their shortcomings. As I stated, I'm just assuming on your behalf. I'm sure I'm WAY off.
  9. I'm glad you enjoyed my post. But I'm wondering...is your glass half empty, or half full? Because you come across to me as one miserable SOB.
  10. Are we all too stupid to realize that the times we're talking about are history that most people have forgotten about, or never even learned? Or are we too stupid to realize that Washington, Jefferson, et.al, were a product of their times? Not to justify it, but it's true. We are 155 years past all of that. Those founding fathers are not being honored because they were slave owners, it's because they devised a plan to create the greatest country the world has ever seen. Is this a perfect world? Are we a perfect country? No. But we have evolved to a point where the Amendments to the Constitution corrected many of those wrongs, at least on paper. We're the only country that warred with itself to end slavery. Can everyone be changed by words on a piece of paper? Hardly. Only one person can change the hearts of man (people) and that is by His grace and our acceptance of His forgiveness. The inherent fallibility of humans gives rise to these "errors" in judgement and behaviors re. slavery and other wrongs. We have come so far, but we all know there is a ways to go yet. We have to stop living in just a portion of the past and look forward to even more greatness. The foundation for greatness is there for all of us. We have to learn from our mistakes, but if we continue on our path to erase history, we'll have learned nothing.
  11. Hey, Steamin! I have no issue what so ever eliminating minstrel music. But, who plays that anymore? I never knew the history of "The Eyes of Texas" until about a week or so ago. It never occurred to me in all of my 64 years of existence. To me, it was just a snappy fight song with Texas undertones. Racist imagery? Depends on the definition of racist, to me anyway. Never have I ever, looked at a bottle of Aunt Jemima pancake syrup, and thought, well, I don't even want to think such thoughts. Traitors? Again, depends on your definition, doesn't it? Now, I don't know you from Adam, but I'l bet we've stood side by side at several games with a common bond and considered each other brothers in arms, cheering for a common goal. I'm assuming we are of different ethnic persuasions and frankly, I couldn't care less if we are. The point is, when people share a common goal, no matter what it is, we are all brothers. I look at the confederacy and their representatives strictly from a historical perspective. To me, they were brothers in arms, fighting for a common goal, whether we think it noble or not. I ascribe no moral judgement to it other than to think that the battle for states rights was noble, but the battle for slavery was not. Nevertheless, it was history, but nothing I dwell on or long for, and I know from a human and Christian perspective slavery was wrong. Dead wrong. But we have moved so far from that, haven't we? I mean, we've had our first black President, right? I'd say at least half of the voters we're white. Bottom line, I think we have common ground on many things and we don't have to throw out the baby with the bath water.
  12. So if we changed Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben to white people, would that make everyone feel better? Have the old, shriveled up white racists "talk like hicks." I'd be OK with that as long as the syrup and rice tasted as good as it does now!
  13. I'm not sure how eliminating everything is supposed to unite everyone. Unless unity isn't the goal. Just sayin.
  14. He may get a pass with losses to A&M, Houston and smut, but if we're contending for a conference championship at the end of the year, he'll be OK.
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