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Everything posted by Udomann

  1. this might be genius. But notice that I just said It might be might be so bite me
  2. Incoming ticket discounts in 3...2...1
  3. Gotta be honest here, +2.5 is much better than I expected. That's rather encouraging. See ya'll at the game!
  4. Personally I avoid sleeping on rice. It gets into every crack and crevice.. it's like sleeping on sand
  5. Well this A$$holes comment didn't age well. Idiot
  6. 26 on the clock. 3 time outs. predicting a kneel
  7. KFC Clown bowl. now featuring additional poultry options? the "trophy" can be that golden toilet? https://boingboing.net/2019/09/19/5-million-gold-toilet-stolen.html
  8. Defense is challenging my perceptions of reality. I'm good with this. Very good with this
  9. Angry birds bowl wasn't terrible. But forcing the thing is super cringe
  10. So statistically we should be infinity to zero. Still 7-0
  11. How am I wrong? Defense got us field positions. Offense had done almost nothing?
  12. Defense showed up despite expectations. Waiting for offense to figure it out... Reeder might be out of his league
  13. Nothing has mad me laugh harder than That UTSA kicker. That guy is comedic gold. Netflix should give him his own series...
  14. I hereby dub this the "hyundai method" Come at me SMU!
  15. Im like... 78% positive something shady is going on. Would not be remotely surprised to see them investigated by NCAA... Smu history has always been shady. And not one single school had near the p5 transfers they do
  16. Just goes to show what can happen when you pay off 17+ transfer students with a brand new Hyundai...
  17. You've lost weight! and your husband looks good too
  18. The best perspective I can add is, how did SMU view us 5 years ago? Not even a blip. How did UTSA see us? Opportunity. We've had a LOT of success since. UTSA still see's opportunity. SMU is still to be convinced. We are firmly entrenched between those 2. This was our year to finally get out. We didn't. So back into our trench we go for another 2 years. Maybe one day we'll rise above them there chicken eaters, to finally feast on pony.
  19. Usually my UNT game time ritual is a nice grilled NY strip steak and some nice beer. But every year on one occasion I allow myself a KFC family bucket. Take one guess when...
  20. it's a pipe dream to think any (supposedly) talented coach would consider UNT his "forever home" Even UCF lost it's coach. And we aren't UCF. yet.
  21. If it got you this angry, I think you got yourself a rival. I'll own it, I hate those pavement chickens. They made us look bad once upon a time and I want to football punch them in the nards every season from now until Bretts parking pass expires.
  22. I know it's hard for so many of us to take this news, so before we collectively dive into that hole of despair (I call it my "Dodge" hole), a few motivational quotes to get you through the week: “TEAMWORK: A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction.” “You have to make the good out of the bad because that is all you have got to make it out of.” "What goes up must come down. What goes down usually gets mouth herpes."
  23. Welcome back darkness, my old friend: https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/27638937/the-bottom-10-welcomes-acc-former-pal-maryland
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