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Everything posted by Udomann

  1. WTF is up with these tackles? We playing PeeWee football?
  2. Seth "Halftime adjustment" Littrell. So that's a first
  3. 0-20 first quarter 3-0 second Who feels the winds shifting? Wait. sorry. that was me. Pardon.
  4. I guarantee you if they show a shot of Reeder he's reading a "CFB Offense for dummies" book at this very moment. That's why we are doing better.
  5. Remember when we all laughed at the guy who said on the "get your rear on the record" we'd go 7-5? Yeah... I think we might have over reached
  6. We were a team with aspirations of top 25 coming into this season. We look like a bottom 25 right now. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as a crisis in personnel.
  7. I think SL see's the game as a guaranteed loss, so he's going to let Reeder get some experience. Problem is, the fan base is slowly turning off.
  8. Reeder is looking like the Linehan of UNT. No imagination. Just dump it off for short yardage and hope for the best.
  9. Who has given Cal more yardage? Their offense, or our defense?
  10. Well that was pretty effortless for them to score on us... Going to be a rough day
  11. Just did the same. even better, it has a DVR option. Pretty sweet And looks like Alamo is also doing showings for those who can make it: https://drafthouse.com/dfw/tickets/showtime/0707/18810 Was a great experience despite being the UAB game last time I went
  12. Crud. I figured since Frontier had pac 12 network I'd be ok. Looks like same problem with Utah game. Here's hoping pac 12 now works with frontier...
  13. Not stopping Houston. Now up on the #20 team. I need to get more scotch for the 28th
  14. Houston has a scary good ground game. Lot of penalties but we are going to have some troubles with the big runs.
  15. Anyone know of Alamo drafthouse plans to show games again? I rather enjoyed that option too.
  16. If there was a clear definition of "first world problems", this would belong in the dictionary. so used to winning they don't bother to stay.
  17. 41-17 But cal fans so far get a 10* review. All the editorials, all the visitors (except one questionable one) have been top notch so far! Couldn't lose to nicer folk
  18. My worst fear is that our o-line plays the same ol' same ol', Pac 12 sized pass rush wrecks Fine, and we end up 1-2 staring at another season of seeing Fine have to play through minor (or worse) injuries. Save the quarterback, save the world. If he goes down, so does the season.
  19. Ok fine. Kia. Or used saturns. We understand you can't afford much after overpaying for that degree. Economy hit us all a lil bit
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