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Everything posted by GMG24

  1. Please do NOT post unless you know for sure.
  2. IF we change coaches I would love to get Coach Cross from UTA. His teams are always competing at a very high level.
  3. I wonder how soon College football would put a stop to all the crazy helmets? The NFL starting to clamp down on changing helmets (thus the cowboys not wearing white helmet with blue star) they say it creates a higher chance for concussion because the helmet has not had time to fit to the players head properly. I think it is a decent point, but curious if that will ever infiltrate the college level.
  4. Marshall has an interesting twist by putting their best Wr's at slots creating mis-match nightmares with LBs or safeties who are not used to covering one on one. There QB is pretty smooth as well.
  5. Yes you are right, Beating TCU 69-61, losing to Arkansas 89-78 @ Arkansas, losing to Virginia 76-73, and beating Texas A&M 55-52 is no body in OOC. You have no clue what you are talking about. That is also with the remainder of the guys that are not Larry's own hand picked guys. But what do I know.
  6. ARE YOU SERIOUS!! Playing at 11 AM on ESPN Central Florida @ SMU BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA let the nation see how irrelevant they are. ESPN 2 CUSA conference championship
  7. 35 is a disaster The DPD tweeted earlier they had responded to 14 minor accidents, 0 major, 37 traffic hazard (stuck cars in the roadway) and 119 motor assists (slid off the road or stuck on the side of the road) from 5:30 pm to 8:00 am (today). I keep hearing what a nightmare stretch it is on 35 N and S bound between the Sanger Drag strip and downtown Sanger where both of those inclines are frozen solid and the grade is too high they were shut down yesterday for almost 9 hours. Stay inside it just isn't worth it.
  8. That is greatness. A Sliding roof!!
  9. Serious question here, while Benford still has my support and backing (not that its worth much ) I would have loved to see us pursue and spend the $$ on Larry Brown. Anyone else see what he has done with SMU in 2 years time. This time next year they will crack into the top 25 and never look back. I went to watch them play against Sam Houston State and I was very unimpressed with the offense but he sure does have those fellas playing Defense. Seriously though, Larry Brown would have cost us ______ million dollars. Jankovich who is the highest paid assistant in College Hoops is making 700,000 per year. That is some serious money, but isn't that what it takes to get programs on the right track to making money and keeping themselves afloat??
  10. What All black or the throwback Unis are my vote.
  11. While your point is decent, let me throw this out there (not to attack just to shed light b/c I do think that the Goree get is HUGE. Colorado just finished 4-8 this season 1-8 against pac 12 schools. There other 3 wins (Colorado State, Central Arkansas, and Charleston Southern). There previous record since joining the Pac 12 was (4-21) and in conference it was (3-15). I believe West Virginias recent success in the national spotlight has kept them afloat with swinging recruits and I know close to the same can be said of West Virginias (more recent) lack of success could help us swing the DT. My main point in saying what I said above was that it was a bit bothersome that UNT fans seem to think they have the luxury of just saying we want that guy and assume he's coming. We will have to work very hard to get someone of this guys talent level. I believe Coach Mac and his recruiting coordinators and recruiters will bring in the RIGHT players with talent. I think they've worked very hard at creating a culture at UNT where the majority of our players are good people and good players. I love my school and am having a blast with all the excitement that continues to grow with our success. After all that rambling I think I made the point I was originally trying to make.
  12. Good point, however, those schools would still at least get the ear of a recruit because they are SEC at least thats IMO. Please don't take my post as I am saying I don't want this kid. I would love him, but I think some people (no one in particular) think just because we had a winning season all of a sudden this border line guys are going to jump on the UNT wagon.
  13. No not paging, Sending Mr. Trice and his minions to as many legal and rule abiding visits as possible. This should be an all out assault to show this kid how big of a deal he is to UNT.
  14. Top of or bottom of Big 12 doesn't matter. It is big 12. That is like a big 12 school saying ya well they're only being recruited by bottom rung SEC it is still SEC. I love UNT but the seemingly flippant attitude towards big 12 is somewhat comical.
  15. He just got an offer from WVU and is planning a trip in the next week. UNT better cross there fingers he doesn't qualify. I don't see us pulling him from the likes of WVU
  16. I think you could mark off the safety from Bishop Dunne as well. WOMP WOMP thats what happens when you don't read the entire post. This weather has me all out of sorts.
  17. I will be at the game for sure, and will be yelling my lungs out. However, I am just curious as to the realistic chance we have of beating them. Running QBs have given us some trouble this year particularly in the spread offenses. I believe we would fight tooth and nail with them, but I am just curious how many people understand how good Michigan still is.
  18. Clay I would agree. I can see the Michigan vote because IF we were to complete that upset it would be a gigantic shot in the arm for our program.
  19. If you were a high school kid, wouldn't you want to take as many visits as allowed by the rules?? Even if I was a "Solid verbal" I would sure as heck want to travel wherever I could for free and see different places I may or may not otherwise see.
  20. Do people on this board truly believe playing against Michigan would be in the best interest of the UNT football team?? We need wins and bowl wins. That is what begins turning recruits heads. Not saying we went to a bowl and played Michigan tough but they pulled away late. Just my opinion but I am curious as to the people who chose Michigan. They may not be the top 15 team they usually are but I guarantee they are MUCH better than just about any team we have played with exception to Georgia. I will probably get blasted for this post but oh well. Fire away.
  21. We will reel this one in. Noah Joseph has been assigned his "recruiter." That means Marcus Trice will also be helping. It is a great time to be a fan of North Texas
  22. This better be blasted all over our page. He is a great man, and football player. I am proud to say that he plays for my university. What an awesome time to be a fan of North Texas!
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