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Everything posted by outoftown

  1. Do we? I hope it is the case, but color me skeptic until there are at least 3 people not on the team or on staff that have seen this with their own eyes
  2. I hope you are right, but the last seasons don't make me all that optimistic about the short leash part. I too belive that there is good evidence that QBs can improve in their senior year (and again when they get to the NFL), but I agree that Canales still owes us the proof that he gets a QB to take a real step in his development. Our sample size may be very small, but that is part of the buisness he works in.
  3. I am not for firing Mac but the fact that he gives us pretty much 0 independent information is something that I as a scientist find both heavily suspicious and frustrating. I was tought not to take people at their word (no matter who they are) without steady evidence. Someone saying trust me is not good enough in my world. Under these circumstances someone needs to keep an absolutely clean sheet with the truth and/or good outcomes. so If I read the following and it is about all the independent (since I don't know whithers940, I can't say whether it is really independent) information i got, it makes me very suspicious: If only a fraction of this is true then I got some serious Beef with Mac as a coach, because it means he always knew who it was going to be no matter what happened in practice. If this open competition thing was all coach speak then that is not ok. That is a problem. If results should not be good at the end of the season i will not be able to believe him if he says it will get better, because he has proven to BS the fans. This whole action has cost him some credit with fans he might be needing at the end of the season.
  4. seriously, this had GL2greatness voting optimistic? Must be cold in hell right now. I wish I could muster optimisim about it. Hope I am wrong though.
  5. I had Cyrill Lemon last year, and I was not disappointed, thus adopting him this year again. One more of that sort of lemon please!
  6. Hmm not sure. should I feel stupid now for having considered that there may have been something to the coach speak, when probably it was clear all along that DT would be the starter?
  7. How much overhype and overinterpretation may I put into this picture? Is this ordered according to where th QBs are on the depth chart (from left to right?) (DW, AM, DT, BB, JG)
  8. Hmmm to me it DOES look like Jordan Gill http://www.meangreensports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/jordan_gill_847252.html
  9. 3 guys. ouff. I guess they had good cases, most previews had accounted for these guys being there... but I sure hope that NT also gets that kind of a big break with the NCAA sometime
  10. Now don't get me wrong... while I may or may not agree on your political opinions I think it is cool you talk about them. ... but isn't there a specific forum for that kind of stuff on GMG?
  11. I fear men's golf is in complete reload mode this year, so the answer is probably between soccer and tennis
  12. athletically this sure seems a great hire.... but I sure hope that RV had the office do very due dilligence on this one and not just the normal stuff. The language in the reason for firing seems very criptic and could really mean a lot of different things from not so bad to very bad.
  13. ok everything nicely hearable now
  14. Thanks for the description. Can only be a good thing to hve this many kids come in and at least take a look at them. BTW are there rules and limits as to at what age players can come in, how long you can have this kind of camp with em, how many of them they can attend etc? Really got no clue, but since the NCAA is so heavily regulated is was starting to wonder
  15. now, since it has been on vitos blog, i think we can assume it is real. And he plans to enrol early too!!
  16. I guess it is worth waiting till vito has confirmed it. untill then it's more like a rumour of decent probability. ... and even then, players have been known to change their minds between mid july and signing day.
  17. well I guess athletic wise this may be a great player, so maybe we should go after ... i am seriously worried though not only about the fact of what he did, which i would consider pretty darn bad, but also about the fact that his daddy is making the statements and seemsy to have taken the decisions. That does not make me particularly confident that the young man will make good decisions, once they are up to him again. I guess there will also be some bigger names than us going after him, after he played at Texas as a true freshman, even if it was not a lot.
  18. I guess this will be 'on' from the first time they play each other as FBS, which will almost certainly be a mandated conference game (in 2015 i guess, I lost track of the timelines for realignment). I sure would not like to be the comissioner who has to decide who gets to play at home first. Now this much division, I don't know if it is good cause it creates rivalries, or if it will create a problem because conference mates don't talk to each other, but I fear it is more the latter Edit: reading the article It seems it got updated: http://hamptonroads.com/2013/07/unc-charlotte-pulls-out-nov-game-against-odu
  19. i guess with this guy on board NT has all the means necessary to win C-USA
  20. Those are several good news: no injuries pretty much no man lost from spring to fall, may mot sound spectacular, but it absolutely is! You will not find many teams out in the FBS who can say this. This helps big time. I also like how McCarney handled the Abbe thing. You absolutely can't say that this punishment does not hurt, I am absolutely sure it does. But it also does not throw the player under the bus for something that is rather repeated stupidity than being a conscious criminal.
  21. This is how you build programs for long term success
  22. I agree with everyone who says we need more balance on first downs. Concerning DT: no FBS OL allowed less sacks than NTs OL. And we can't say that the main reason is that the QB released the ball so quickly all the time. This means that the receivers may have been subpar.... but they must have been really really awful for a decent QB not to thrive a little bit more with so little pressure. I would say that at least a decent part of the blame lies with the QB at that point. That said: Do we have someone better? If things don't work this season, it would be nice to at least get to see if we do.
  23. hmmm. not good... is the new conference disrespecting us? on another note: don't you want to pin this?
  24. confused what to do.... it is AM where you are.. it is PM where I am. what to do?
  25. I say UT. Not only will that fill apogee. UT might actually be willing to do this for a milllion or so, in some not too distant future, since it is close enough, their fan base can all go to the game and most importantly if they think getting guaranteed road wins is one of the things that seriously enhance your chances with the playoff comittee (ok i guess first that comittee has to show they care for roasd games, far from certain, but I may be allowed to dream).
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