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Everything posted by outoftown

  1. Players who graduate being able to transfer and play immeaditely. The most reasonable (maybe the only one) rule the NCAA has introduced on transefrring
  2. I guess there is an ok chance in the first round... getting past A&M and the second round would take a minor miracle though.
  3. Yes, because NT qualified for regionals as a team all players are also qualified as individuals in regionals, and should the team fail to qualify for the finals, may possibly qualfy as individuals for the finals if their effort is i think the second best of all individuals at the regional that are not already qualified with the team.
  4. And it's official. North texas wins the 2013 Sun Belt Mens Golf Championship!!!
  5. 4 shots and only one group to come in. This pretty much means we won it. can't give up more than two shots, since the worst player of the day does not count so on top of that happening the GSU player would have to make 2 birdies on the last 3. happy
  6. the first ones have come in, and NT has a 1 shot lead again 4 guys left to come in.
  7. Dang it.... 3 holes to go for everyone and we are a shot behind
  8. 2 guys with 6 holes left, 3 with 3. one shot ahead of Georgia State. South Alabama has dropped of the pace a bit and is now 5 behind. This probably won't be won until the last hole
  9. Halftime for the day. we lead by one itty bitty tiny shot. But at least we lead. Ortiz is having a great day so far, cazaubon tied for the lead in individuals.
  10. great start for ortiz Scarola and rubio: -1 after 3 holes and we have already taken the lead by 2 shots. let's hope this keeps going down that road
  11. What a great round by our team. i just wish they could have shot a decent first round for once... but whatever... bygones. if they shoot good tomorrow the championship is absolutely doable.
  12. yeah it did. 11 shots behind is quite a bit. I know the NT boys always suck on the first day, but 11 shots is a big hole to climb out of.
  13. I don't know how much he knows about mens basketball.. and I don't care..... i want him to take over the team anyway
  14. No it is not a drop in the bucket. There is nothing guaranteeing that loads of almni would return because we play memphis instead of ECU. I personally believe that is a pipe dream. To me, what will make them come is winning and (local) rivals, no matter what conference. Also unless we get this by donations if we are making about 1 to 1.5 million per year more in revenue (I don't know if that number is accurate but from what I see from TV contract etc it seems ballparkwise ok to me), then it takes us half a decade or more just to break even, while we are competing cash strapped against (slightly) better competition. And that is in the best case scenario, where the conference will stay stable; recent history tells us that this is not exceedingly probable.
  15. They started picking it up: tied for second and only 1 shot behind USA.
  16. I am honestly not sure that at 5 million $ exit and entry fees and more costs for travel, I would really want to do that.
  17. This one should be between south alabama (ranked 48) and NT (ranked 38). But you never know. Started today. so far not going to well, 4 shots behind already. Seems that is a recurring theme lately, I think they had bad first days on the last 3 tournaments... Well only 6 holes in so far, maybe they wake up before day 2 this time. I'd guess second place would be good enough to get an nivite to the Regionals.
  18. And this is it. Vykydalova wins it! NT wins the championship!!!
  19. Congratulations to the tennis ladies of the mean green nation, who have just won the Sun Belt Championship for the second year in a row!! They defeat Georgia State University 4-2 in the finals
  20. with those two last matches in the 3rd and us just needing one of them, we lead 4-1 on nr 2 and 2-0 on number 6
  21. We won the second set on nr 2, it's looking like the second set is slipping away on number 6 though 5-4 GSU, afet NT had a 4-0 lead
  22. It is 3-2 NT now. We finally won at number 5, ., but lost a lot of the lead at number 6, only 4-3 now. leading the second on number 2 5-4 after loosing the first. we need one of those to clinch.
  23. We just lost the nr 1, but are getting really close to the whole thing: matchpoint at the nr 5 singles. nr 6 is 4-0 in the second. we bring both home then the ladies are sun belt champions
  24. ok, we on number 3, lost the number 4 singles score overall 2-1- not looking good on nr 1. lost set 1 on number 2 leading the second set, close to winning number 5, and leading in the second after winning the first set on court 6. This is starting to look good right now.
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