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Everything posted by JesseMartin

  1. I'm in with almost all of your picks, except I think Lars and the Real Girl will beat out Juno. Still want to see Depp and Mortensen get their props, but I don't think this is the year. Day-Lewis is a juggernaut, even when you consider talent like the other two. It almost seems like he only picks roles that might get him Oscars. Am I the only one who was bored to tears by Atonement? I fell asleep halfway in. And they said that Brad Pitt's only chance to win an Oscar would be from Jesse James...looks like he's never gonna win, huh?
  2. Exact opposite of my prediction. Now for my next one, let's see if it's any better: I predict a shitty and boring Super Bowl.
  3. The beginning of our huge Sun Belt run...pretty much everybody expected us to get destroyed by them. Outside of UNT, that is.
  4. Hah...I was referring to the date in the article. All of my anonymous sex has been in the vag, thank you (and them heheheh).
  5. Imagine if San Diego had gotten into the endzone... Green Bay by 2-4 points is my bet.
  6. Indeed. Who are the team captains? I need to be sure I'm in *hack, hack* good shape, right? *KAFF* Ugh...is there a play clock? I have smoker's lungs. One play every 3 minutes sounds good to me.
  7. I've said the same thing here. Unless we're playing them, I'm all for them kicking ass. Another Texas team, and an underdog...I say, good for them. You know exactly what you can suck...
  8. Alumni and current students are the heartbeat of any school. Boosters and other alums have a greater investment, both financial and social, in the system they come from than do people who are hired on to do a job. Not that administrators don't know what they're doing, but many run it as a business with little or no affection for the school itself. Alums are involved because they care about more than just a paycheck and/or promotion. I would usually trust the opinions of alums more than those of administrators, because the alumi have a much more altruistic state of involvement. I don't see the problem with alumni putting some pressure on to make sure that their alma mater remains something to be proud of...and as long as it doesn't violate laws or rules, then so be it.
  9. Thanks, I'll remember this the next time I have wild anonymous anal sex. 2005? Why haven't we heard about this sooner??
  10. It must have rotated or something because I looked up and just saw the "ny" in blue. Wife saw it too. Must have been an evolving logo or something.
  11. Yup. Remember when MTSU was supposedly a "guaranteed loss"? Let's hope that this comeback is an even bigger one. We've had times when we went from Power 16 to Bottom 10 to Conference Champs, so let's not be too negative right now, shall we?
  12. You people are nuts... ... ... ...and coming from me, that should mean something
  13. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying go with their preference, I'm just saying you probably wouldn't hear many outcries if the government decided to go this way. And...aren't there plenty of ways to keep track already? I mean, look at the people who already have the ankle bracelets...
  14. When I read about possibilities such as this, I consider nonviolent criminals more than any others. Stick them in prison and spend tax dollars...or level them with a hefty fine and make them work it off under strict scrutiny. For people with such records, we can get the $$ back into the tax base faster, and possibly increase the fines...all the while keeping tabs on them. And I'm pretty sure most non-violent offenders who aren't part of a major criminal network would probably also prefer this to imprisonment.
  15. I moved around a bit, too. When I was really little, it was all Buffalo and a little Philly. My parents grew up right outside of Philly and still rooted for the Sixers, Flyers, Eagles, and Phillies, but because of our location had transitioned a bit since all of their friends loved all things Buffalo. Since we weren't in NYC, the basketball team was still the Sixers, but all the other games tended to be Buffalo...except for hockey, which was split with the Flyers. Then, when they moved back to Philly, they got back to all those teams, and I got into baseball a bit, so my team was the Phillies, at the end of the Mike Schmidt era (all-around great person, good for the franchise, in my opinion). Got bored with baseball around age 13 and lightly followed the Sixers, then in high school was moderately interested in the Flyers, especially with a young Eric Lindros becoming team captain and reinvigorating the franchise. That all just seemed really cool to me at the time. Finally, I moved to Texas and got away from everything I hated. I had never really been welcome in my own home or school growing up, but North Texas was equal parts school, home, and family, so I quickly adopted all of the Dallas-area teams. I still feel a bit of affinity for the Flyers and Sixers. All of the jackasses from my youth were obsessed with the PA college teams, so I've never liked them. North Texas is my #1 for NCAA, but as I've said before, I have a sort of system for who I root for: 1) UNT 2) Mid-Major BCS breakers 3) Texas Teams 4) Underdogs So, I'll go for Hawai'i, Boise, Utah, etc. to take down the big boys, and always dig Texas teams rocking it. Barring that, I love seeing the little guy take down anybody, whether BCS or otherwise.
  16. At about 8:10 left in the 4th, the little blurb at the bottom of the screen popped up, something like, "Next Sunday, NFC Championship" and had the Packers' and Giants' logos. With some of the calls that were made, my wife said maybe they already had everything planned out Still, that's crappy planning and a poor point to make if you're a network. Like they were assuming Dallas couldn't catch up with 8 minutes left...
  17. LOL until I read your title I didn't even make the connection to "Leave Britney Alone", but that is funny. Very cool, though, with "bad boy" T.O. being so supportive of his teammate. I think his relationship with Romo has really changed his professional attitude a lot, and he seems to be a real team player now.
  18. If we want to be constructive about this whole thing... Wherever this came from, can we get a hold of the sources? Give me a few days, I have a friend in the biz that could make a few calls...what we really need to know is the exact type of funding they received before we start calling shots on each other. Cool?
  19. Damn...I thought this thread was a request for a massive pee-fest, and here I am, full bladder and all... Oh yeah, and Frenchy's takes my vote. Strong supporter? Frenchy is almost psychotically supportive of UNT. And he's everywhere in Denton, holy crap! Even when I come back now, all I see are Frenchy's trucks, like he's selling franchises or something!
  20. Flashbacks...thanks. It was black like my soul. Thanks, kettle.
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