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Everything posted by hickoryhouse

  1. Wouldn't mind having a headphone in one ear if his dulcet tones were being broadcast...
  2. Merry mean green Christmas indeed. hell if a glass half full write up! I love it!
  3. Some guy on the pony fans board says smu announces distributed tickets as attendance. Even the free ones
  4. It was a fun game to watch over here that's for sure. Big crowd around the tv, both my folks went to OU. Mid way into the third quarter half of the people we're wondering who 25 was and why he didn't play more earlier this year, the other half, minus the folks, were upset that Dunbar wasn't getting a chance to finish his drives in then end zone. By the time he went out with the bum knee the Majority in the house was pulling for Lance and thought he was the better back... Drove my father nuts, and I couldn't have enjoyed I anymore if I tried.
  5. as a 17 year old he is 6'5" and 180... What happens in 2 years under our Strength and Conditioning bada** Wintrich... 6'5" 225...... good hands as we can see in the video... watch out CUSA!
  6. http://www.amazon.com/Fold-A-Flask-Collapsible-Plastic-Drink-Flask/dp/B0098O07GG
  7. me neither. back in my college days at fouts it was alcoholic oranges... drain the orange, add the clear.... good stuff. won't let you in with fruit anymore though.
  8. Lived on hickory at the intersection of Bernard for three years... It was a long commute each day, and even longer commuting on foot past fry every night....
  9. Is their website not working? tried to gobread it and found nothing but http errors...
  10. There is always this... http://youtu.be/sOVoi6GK6_U. Kinda clever
  11. They say mean green in the first verse.... and the last verse... just sayin
  12. Could not have enjoyed that any more.... awesome! we come on here day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year bitching about the lack of school spirit here at this amazing university, then people proudly display that spirit we are looking for and we bitch about the way they are showing it?! amazing! good for these kids, I love the video, I love the clever jabs at the other schools, especially the bologna bit. this is a great video and I am proud to have it associated with our school. times are a-changin and at some point that new generation gets to be heard, they are the ones on campus you know... these kids did a fabulous job and I hope this video is seen far and wide...
  13. UNT in a Bowl Game.... what is this??!?!?! If we don't end up CUSA #1 in the Liberty bowl give me the HOD vs. Iowa. that is a fantastic matchup.
  14. I have to agree.... Following this program since 2000 and one thing that our recent years have taught me is that something else is going to happen... always seems to. I do have confidence in this team however, haven't seen anything like it in years.
  15. The man is a class act, congrats Sarge!
  16. In the epic battle between coffee cake and key lime pie, Key Lime pie emerges victorious.
  17. I know that we were several times listed in the section, "Also receiving votes"... but I don't remember us ever breaking into the top 25. Not since the 70's or so I am told.
  18. I have been taping them all and this is going to screw up my season long collection....
  19. ah yes, the Bash Bros... amazing. If this D can continue with this pace I think we have a legitimate competition here. This group wins games for us, and does it dramatically... Either way, these guys are fun to watch and somewhere Hurd and Spencer and co. are enjoying watching this. you know.... we could settle this debate with some ringers at the GMG.com bowl next year.....
  20. I have to agree with MeanGreenD. When I was in school during the Darrell Dickey Invitational Bowl era I thought we would be hard pressed to find something that took offenses apart like Booger and co. but this group has shown me that we can do even better! Defenses need to be ranked by points allowed and that stat alone makes this d just as good if not better than Booger's years. We have a cast of characters that is just as intriguing and the hitting is amazing. The part that puts this group over the top for me is the turnovers and the defensive touchdowns. I can't remember the last time a saw a group racking up points on this side of the ball the way these guys do. I was thinking prior to last weekend that they would be a second place finish to the bowl era guys but The Stand really showed me that not only are we physical, intimidating and hard hitting but we are tough and get in the other team's head in a way that few groups seem to be able to do. I am loving watching these guys play and if they keep playing like this for the rest of the year in my opinion we can say this is as good as it has ever been in this neck of the woods, at least as long as I have been alive.
  21. I was watching from the other endzone and we knew in our heart of hearts as an endzone cheering section that after 7 stops we were going to get that 8th one. Honestly, I feel like we all felt that confidence after that penalty too, not as much but it grew with each passing down... it was an amazing feeling. every stop made it more real, every tackle made the realization that we were seeing something special more clear. In the end that penalty might end up being a good thing for us, because of that our confidence in the team as a fan base was galvanized, and I hope that if there was any doubt in that locker room, which I doubt there was, it all went away at that moment. And what a great moment, what a great feeling and I love feeling confidant in my team again! Not since Booger and co. have I felt, we got this.... right now and especially after " The Stand"... WE GOT THIS
  22. Chancellor and Dunbar on the same team again... epic
  23. we had a great time in the endzone, right up on the rail. good loud group over there.
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