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Everything posted by DeepGreen

  1. Okay, reverse 1 & 2 if you wish.
  2. If the stadium fee is rejected, here's my 6 step approach- 1. RV Out 2. Dodge Out 3. Hire a new AD 4. Drive home the point that North Texas will field a successful FBS football program 5. Hire a football coach with successful college coaching experience; show the fans our University is committed to excellence, in academics, facilities, and athletics 6. Keep trying to raise money for a new stadium The University of North Texas should never, ever give up on FBS football and the quest for top notch facilities. If they do, and I don't care if UNT is the "best bang for the buck", UNT as a University will suffer.
  3. "If the decision is not to build a stadium, the football program will no longer be able to compete. It will continue to get worse and just become more of a detriment than a plus," he said. "When you're investing a penny and everyone else is investing a dollar, you're going to get what you get. That's just the reality of our program." This has to be one of the dumbest comments to come out of RV's mouth! Good grief. If the student vote does not pass, RV should just resign. He certainly can't do the job on his own.
  4. Now that would be a good stadium fundraising strategy. Have the coeds call potential donors, first stating that they are calling from the comfort of their beds, NAKED!
  5. Our White team beat our Green team in the final spring scrimmage game in April. And that's all I have to say about that.
  6. But... “It gets hard to go back and keep trying if you don’t win,” UNT wide receiver Casey Fitzgerald said.
  7. 428 total yards of offense gets us 10 points. I'm not impressed with Dodge's spread offense.
  8. You know this is the low point when you fear playing WKU.
  9. "As far as Dibrell goes, I understand wanting to make a change in life." I'd be willing to bet money he shows up at Sam Houston State, Texas State-San Marcus, or SFA next year.
  10. May be the reason some OOC teams will not come back to play us at Fouts. Who can blame them.
  11. One man's gibberish may be another man's reality and truth. Not saying....I'm just saying.
  12. In his nice FIU evaluation, CarribianGreen mentioned a term that I am not familiar with- defense. What is "defense"?
  13. I've even heard that this is one means by which the liberals are trying to make reparations to African Americans. And don't anyone bite my head off! I'm just reporting what I have read.
  14. "Police have made no arrests in the shooting." These thugs/killers just have to be found so that justice can be served. If they are captured and found guilty, send them to Texas. We'll take care of their worthless a$$es.
  15. I'm not trying to stir things up here, but thank you Barney Fife, I mean Barney Frank. This idiot was warned by the Republicans 4 years ago of the instability of Fan and Fred, yet insisted that all was well. What's going on in Washington and Wall Street is an absolute disgrace. I'm talking Democrats and Republicans.
  16. To stay out of the sun, my wife, daughter and I sat in the rows of shaded seats like so many others. Next to me was a very nice, very elderly couple who had to be in the 80's. The lady was next to me, holding a green and white pom pom in her left hand. Not sure if it was arthritis or something worse, but when NT scored those 20 points, the poor lady had barely any strength to wave the pom poms. You could tell by the glimmer in her eyes that she was excited when NT scored those 20 points, even if her left hand could barely raise that pom pom. I was genuinely happy for this couple. That little glimmer of excitement almost brought tears to my eyes. Could these folks have been following NT football for 6 decades? That's all I could wonder. How many years of ups and downs had these fans been through. Then the game turned South. Everytime I looked at the couple after a Rice score, I could see the sadness and frustration in their faces, especially the lady's. It was such a sad moment for me.
  17. I was thinking the same thing, but only if Dodge put in some two tight end sets with Vizza under center. Hell, mix up some eye formations using Cam or Dunbar at tailback, and Henderson. Move back into the shotgun.
  18. I agree. The Mob was unmerciful when they played Texas or Texas A & M in Houston.
  19. Holy sh!t. Wat a terrible team. I don't know if it's Dodge, lack of individual position coaching, lack of talent, team speed, lack of tackling fundamentals, failure at recruitment. What ever it is, we are terrible! That was not D1A football today. Rice was a much more disciplined team, decent speed, players in position, and overall very agressive. This is freakin' R-I-C-E! 2,000 students strong. I can't tell you how dejected I am tonight. Is North Texas destined to be a "winning season team every 10 years"? Seems that way. We'll never move up in athletic stature at this rate. I don't have an answer.
  20. I've shopped at both Gallerias and comparing the two is like night and day. The Houston Galleria is, hands down, the better of the two by a huge margin.
  21. I retract my earlier post. Sumbitchen host should be fired for those ads on our website. Let's do our own site.
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