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Everything posted by VideoEagle

  1. I think he does. Maybe he goes on vacation this time of year and want to do a column he can just recycle without putting in much work.
  2. I have always heard and read that the chief obstacle to PAC10 expansion was giving up the annual games with USC and UCLA. Those are huge draws for the other 10 teams and they were reluctant to give those up. It seemed that having one or the other of those teams playing at the other 8's stadiums made more money than the one twelfth share of title game TV revenue would generate. What I understand is that is especially true for the Arizona and Oregon schools and to a lesser extent true for Washington State, Stanford, Cal and Washington. As for BYU, there was some issue about scheduling games in sports other than football that somehow related to the LDS church. I can't remember the specifics but I seem to remember reading about a lot of opposition to BYU from USC and Stanford. Nothing is set in stone anymore, but I don't see the PAC 10 expanding till they are forced by outside influences. Remember, they really would prefer not to even be in the BCS alliance.
  3. I just don't see either TCU or SMU going for a rivalry type series against NT. Perhaps sometime in the future, but not now. Texas State is still FCS and will be till the moratorium on moving up ends. Even then, it will take several years for them to prove themselves at the FBS level. Arkansas State, Louisiana or Louisiana Monroe all three have potential. I think a NT-Arkansas State contest for some kind of trophy would be a lot of fun for fans of both teams.
  4. I don't remember the exact cause, but a remember the Commandant was livid after the letter.
  5. I'm glad RV was able to repair our relationship with Army. Matt Simon wrote a nasty letter to the commandant of West Point and General in charged vows to never play North Texas again.
  6. Everything I've read is the Boise Bowl is doing alright. The city of Boise is solidly behind the bowl. Businesses contribute heavily. Yes, it's not a place I'd try to go to from DFW - you generally have to change planes twice from here! But it is a good location for the WAC, MWC and potentially the Pac 10. I believe they have sent teams in the past. I don't think the Boise Bowl is going away anytime soon.
  7. It will take more than just winning and a few bowl games to convince people of that. In 78 I had SWC fans tell me they thought NT played in Div. 2, even as we were trying to get into the SWC!
  8. How low do you have to be to have a member of Congress say they don't like your ethics? I found it interesting that McNamee doesn't have an attorney counseling him on his answers. And while I question him, now that Andy Pettitte and Chuck Knoblauch are apparently BOTH saying Clemens did this I'm wondering about him. His "it would be easier for me to confess to something I didn't do" answer might work, accept he already testified under oath he never did anything. To change now admits perjury. Did you guys notice the lead investigate of the Barry Bonds perjury case on the second row of the gallery? If the Justice Department thinks they have a case, they can investigate Clemens without Congress even asking. That is probably why Clemens is so adamant in he "innocence" now.
  9. Back in the 70s - the age of over rated NT football - they showed Barbarella at least once a year. It should be required viewing to be visually literate. Come on, we can stretch this thread a lot more if we try.
  10. They are before and after, but the "before" is on the right. It's what she looked like around 2003 or 2004 and her first album. That was before she not only became an addict, but then married one as well. He is in some combination of jail/rehab right now. (One story reads jail, another reads rehab.)
  11. Why do you believe Joe can get into doors that RV can't? He has no connection what so ever to Ross Perot. The Staubach company is one of Dallas' most successful commercial real estate firms but I don't think Joe Greene has any special connection to it's founder. Joe is a very nice guy and is extremely friendly, but he simply is not what you would call a corporate power broker in Dallas.
  12. The Pac-10 is not going to expand. From a practical stand point, the conference is two big powerhouses - USC and UCLA - with eight other strong, but not powerhouse, schools. Any kind of expansion means the eight would play the two less often which cuts into the eight's ticket revenues significantly. The Presidents of USC, Cal, and Standford have all written they don't like the idea of a conference championship no mater the potential revenue. As a group, they believe they have extremely high academic standards and the only Western school that comes close to those is BYU. And they have repeated said they don't want BYU in the Pac 10. As for Mountain West expansion, I'll believe it when I see it. The conference was created because the schools could not play each other every year and that was hurting their rivalries. They can't expand to 12 and still play everyone every year. I've read Air Force has even been making noises about going independent if the conference expands again.
  13. When I first read the thread, I was thinking of the All American Football Conference. That's where the Browns, 49ers and Colts came from. But, these guys are just recycling the name. They are here on the web. Looking at the "Texas" team I'm a bit insulted at their promotion, "Be a part of the crowd for the National TV broadcast of the draft as we select players from UT, A&M, Houston, Rice, Texas Tech and all of the other colleges in Texas and around the country!" They appear to want our players but not want to mention our name!
  14. Besides NT, Bill Mercer did Dallas Cowboy games, Texas Ranger games and Chicago White Sox games. He got to call a Superbowl on the radio for the Cowboys. NT was very lucky to have someone of his stature for during the 60s and 70s. Large portions of his book are devoted to NT sports as Bill was around from Coach Mitchell through Dennis Parker. There are a number of interesting insights into the NT athletic department and various people. It's well worth reading for a NT fan!
  15. It's very doubtful any team will ever be forced to FCS because of having lower than 15000 in attendance. Yes, that is suppose to be the limit, but the committee that is suppose to do the enforcing includes at least two ADs from the Mac. The Mac has more teams with attendance problems than the Belt does! Not much of a chance that committee is going to seriously sanction many teams. More likely, they will be put on "probation" and nothing else. The "probation" can go on for as long as the committee chooses before any other action needs to be taken. When the rules were first passed, a couple of schools (Kent State, I think and a couple of others) threatened legal action against the NCAA if they enforced the rules as first written. Multiple attorneys weighed in saying the rules were probably unenforceable. Part of the reason is in every other sport and sub-division, it is a mater of the school just being willing to pay to be at the level they want. Any school willing to be D1 just has to offer the required number of scholarships for every other sport except football. Unless game attendance requirements are implemented for basketball, baseball and all other sports, the attorneys thought the football only rules would be something that could trigger anti-trust action against the NCAA.
  16. You missed one other reason the Plus One plan might get support - more money overall. Adding a fifth bowl, the Cotton, to the mix increases the total cash by 25% while the number of auto-qualifying conferences remains the same. Two more of the big six conferences will get a second team into a BCS payout. While I would suggest the non-auto-qualifiers could get a second team, the number of years that happens would probably be very low. Although, to appear fair, the BCS might allow a second non-auto-qualifier into the mix in those years one is ranked high enough. But, I doubt they really want to be that fair! And once the Cotton Bow is in the new stadium in Jerry-land, it is going to be spectacular. Say what you will about Jerry Jones, the man does know how to market and is willing to spend money - especially other people's money - to make a big splash. The two big things that kept the Cotton out of the mix before was the antique stadium and being on NBC at the time. The Cotton is on Fox now and will be in the best football venue ever constructed.
  17. It will take some work, but just look at the NCAA Basketball playoffs. One network having ALL of the college games! They would be bidding beyond belief. That could make up for loss of bowls, not in the minds of the bowl cities, but in the minds of the donors and supports of the colleges!
  18. I might have misunderstood but I thought RV had written a "money game" is the equivalent of a 25K game at Fouts. So we don't have to average 25k, just have as many 25k games a year as money games - no more than 2 - and keep the other games averaging 16k. That's not easy, but still easier than averaging 25k.
  19. Please, God, no, anything but that! No thread, no reporter and even no coach is worth that!
  20. No, you are not making anything like a bad request. I still think that’s who they should be after instead of Jones! If he gets the SMU job, how quick is the recruiting budget going to be blown on $4000 trips to American Samoa looking for tackles! Mike Shula is exactly the guy SMU should be going after even if it means NT looses some recruits to them. I’m certain that a better SMU program helps NT. Some of our best years were during the Pony Express.
  21. Number one, I want to write I'm NOT an SMU fan, but.. If this is true, 1. Orisini and the current SMU administration didn't do anything to deserver this kind of treatment. 2. Jones should be negotiating through his agent, not letters, the media or web sites 3. SMU has more than enough going for their program to not have to deal with this kind of s**t. They raised $10 million for a coach and staff, that can get someone with integrity. I hope we beat SMU like a red-headed step child everytime we play them, but IF this is true, it’s ridiculous.
  22. I think Mike Shula would be a GREAT hire for SMU. Southern Mustang is quite correct on the raw deal he got at 'Bama. They eat their own young over there. While I don't think a lot of Francione, I do think 'Bama misled him when he was hired. The newspaper article referenced by Harry in another thread makes it look like SMU is making a serious run at Jones. Not sure how that would work out. The culture between Hawai'i and SMU is totally different. Jome won't be ending conversations with "mahalo" on the Hilltop!
  23. Back when the SBC first started planning to add football, the then Mobile Bowl wanted to be involved. But, there was a delay in adding football to the SBC - the Big West hadn’t broken up just yet - and Mobile became a MAC verse WAC (and maybe the upstart CUSA).
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