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Everything posted by meanrob

  1. The best way to increase attendance is to increase the season ticket base. And what are we doing to increase that?
  2. "We could be easlily 15-7 or 16-6 right now" Not really. We are what we are. We've lost one game on a last second shot so please explain how we could be improved by that much. There are no excuses for this basketball program. I'm not expecting Duke but 4-7 in Sun Belt play??? No excuses for a fourth year coach with no injuries and a very easy non-conf schedule.
  3. Uh, I have a question about the Pearl Jam cd. I could've swore they played "Rats" and it's not on the cd. Things I remember about that night- I got stood up by this girl and went alone. Lines were ridiculously long for beer. I like BH Surfers but they were horrible that night. Vedder was pretty drunk after drinking a two liter bottle filled with wine onstage. It was pretty cool when that guy picked up Vedder and carried him around while he sang some song. Actually Eddie crawled on top of the guy. Crowd was pretty intense on the floor so I watched the show from the seats. The Super Pit was cut in half length-wise so everybody had a pretty good seat. That $%## missed a great show.
  4. In most people's vernacular the word "some" would mean not a whole lot. If I had "some" of anything, you would think that I probably didn't have much of it. Or if there were "some" of anything left you would probably think there weren't many left. Meanwhile, down at the UNT ticket office where vagueness abounds, the word "some" must have a different meaning. Becuase I guarantee there are a hell of a lot more than some tickets left in the upper deck. More like.....all.
  5. I may be wrong on this but I want Dupree to be hanging out with the football team. Maybe he'll realise what he's missing and get his grades in order. Would you have said the same thing about Buckles? Somewhat similar circumstances in that both needed to shore up their studies before they could play. The rest I don't know. Brewster just needs to be told to cool it and realise he gets watched more than the regular college student. I can only hope that Smith didn't know the guy had a gun.
  6. Eastern Michigan of the MAC lost to Western Illinios (I-AA) last night 34-12. Eastern had -2 yards rushing. Ouch.
  7. Oh yeah, by the way UNT Lifer. Baylor is still getting an #@$ whippin Saturday.
  8. I know they're trying to raise money but damn they just price me out of these things by asking for $150. Especially during football season.
  9. USA lost to Spain 2-0 although they didn't start 5 normal starters. Next up in the quarterfinals- Brazil (ugh) Sunday 7am on Gala Newcastle vs ManU 6am on FoxSports World Yeah, you read it right...AM. I desperately need TIVO.
  10. USA U17 2 Sierre Leon 1 Adu gets mauled all game, the USA team gets a lesson in speed, and still Adu scores a late goal to win the game. I was criticizing the long ball counter attack strategy and then it works to perfection when Adu scored. Newcastle 2 Leeds 2 The godfather himself, Shearer, scores a late one to give Newcastle a tie in a game they should've won but almost lost. Next up- USA vs Spain on Wed (USA already is moving on) Newcastle vs ManU on Sat
  11. hehe USA 6 Korea 1 Total domination, Korea only scored on an own goal. Next up...Sierre Leone on Sunday. My new handle is- FreddieAduisfreakingawesomerob
  12. Evan, I know we are not alone.....(enter spooky space music) Is two a party?
  13. hehe Newcastle won 1-0. By the way, I have a microwave for sale. (Non-UNT Sports joke)
  14. Champions League gets started today. U17s World Cup begins today and the US team plays tomorrow. All of the US and Mexico games are on Galavision. Premiership starts Saturday. Go Newcastle!
  15. I'm tired of losing to Denver. We should've beat them the last time they played here but tied. Maybe this is the year the women break through to the NCAAs.
  16. Ahhhh talking futbol, almost as good as talking football. Obviously I want Friedel and Keller to do good, but Newcastle is my team. The songs in England are the best (sung to Yellow Submarine) Peter Reid's got a f%ckin monkey heed, a f%ckin monkey heed, a f%ckin monkey heed. Man those fans are brutal. Your description of the leagues is right on. Now you should rate them in "best flop" order. Probably either the Brazilians or Italians are #1. I'm partial to the Irish and Sweden myself, but all of the African teams are fun to watch. Don't like the French, Italians, or Argentina.
  17. We lost to Turkey 2-1. It reminded me of USA soccer before this past world cup. The game would be close but the other team dominated possession and could've won by more. I'm not a big fan of using one forward but doing that usually keeps the game close. The game will be shown tape-delayed on GALA tonight at 8.
  18. According to the DaMN, the game is on tape-delay tonight on GALA. I really, really try to support the Burn but a couple of things make it hard. The Cotton Bowl was too far away and too big. Southlake is closer but it's a joke to watch a game on a football field. Even so, I'll go to a game or two this year. I'll be glad when they move to Frisco although I fear the atmosphere and crowd will be dull. I love the Premiership. With Fox Sports World there are plenty of games on. Started following Newcastle United. It's a tough league with not a lot of flash like the Brazilian or Mexican leagues but it's still the league I follow the most. Needless to say, I'm a huge fan of the National team. A friend and I went to see the U17 USA team play the Newcastle United U17 team in Richardson during the Dallas Cup. We were stunned to find 10,000 people there and the stadium packed. Freddy Adu didn't disappoint either, scoring the only goal.
  19. I saw the game with Turkey but didn't get to see the game with Brasil. I only saw the highlights but it sure look liked Donovan was brought down in the box. Hope to see the game with Cameroon today. Probably one of the few on this board who loves futbol.
  20. My name is Rob Black and I am on the 10 year North Texas Plan. I started attending in 94 and met my wife Sara at UNT. I was about 30 hours from graduating when she was diagnosed with leukemia and I had to quit school. She's better now and I work full time and take one class a semester so I'm about 12 hours from being an actual grad. Came to NT after a stint in the Marines and some junior college in Santa Cruz, California. If somehow we could move the campus to Santa Cruz, I would be in heaven. As it is I really love Denton. Went to a game in 93 knowing I was going to NT and then jumped in head first in 94. Haven't missed a home game since. Mitch Maher is still one of my all-time favorite players. Usually go to at least 3 road games a year too. Started the old Mean Green Club when I felt the school wasn't doing enough to promote tailgating and having fun at the games. Had a blast and met some great fans even in the lean years. The party at the Warren's house, the party at the Watkins' house, and the pre-games at the Baylor game and other games are great memories. If you weren't at the pre-game party in Waco a few years back.....well, we made an impression down there. Can't say enough about those who helped with the old MGC. You guys were/are great. I have total respect for those fans who have been around for 20-30 years. I've only been around 10 and it's been a rollercoaster ride. GMG!
  21. I get a little heated, sometimes too heated, when I hear people pointing the finger for some of the woes of NT Athletics. Whether it be the music department, liberals, city of Denton, mayor, and whoever you want to throw under the bus there comes a time when NT Athletics is gonna have to pick itself up and get it done. We have a conference champion who won their bowl on national TV and almost the whole team returning. An opening home game against Baylor with a very favorable schedule. Interest and enthusiasm have to be at an all-time high. I don't want excuses and I don't want finger pointing from the fans. Certainly not finger pointing at the outside variables listed above. Not when I don't believe we are getting maximum effort from the main variable. The Greenbackers get it done. GomeanGreen.com gets it done. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but sooner or later the buck stops with the athletic department. I don't want plans or speeches, have had enough of those. DD and his coaches have gotten it done under tough circumstances and certainly not with the support given RV. Time for the athletic department to step up and the fans to quit blaming others for our troubles. Or the troubles will continue.
  22. I don't think the community gets a free pass but neither do the alums or university or certainly not the athletic department. At the end of the day only a few people get paid to get the word out about UNT. It's not you and not I and not business owners. Coming off a successful season I expect more from those who do get paid and I hope you do too.
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