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Everything posted by meangreen-mba

  1. If he is the kid from Hebron - He signed with Texas State in San Marcus. They did a nice piece about him last night on CBS news. Lot's of good things to say about him Dodge should has gone after him. They say we will be a DB in college.
  2. I may not know a lot about these kds that are signing; but we are getting some size, address defense, filling in a skill and athletic positions. Plus, we have 18 returning starters. I would like to see the QB from Glen Rose play. Never saw him in HS. Big kid. Move Riley to Wildcat and go from there. I would have added to the previous thread, but it was just too long to read through it all.
  3. Get a grip, I was just tossing it up in the air. I knwo Gruden will not come here....I was just having fun on the board. They make a really good decaff these days!!!!
  4. I was jsut saying....Jon Gruden is available. I think Dodge will eventually turn this around....but the thought to JG would be interesting. I like his attitude about winning. Kind of reminds me of Jimmy Johnson. Again, I dont think money is an issue with him. He is rich already
  5. Not sure that money is his motivation anymore. I think a challenge like UNT might make it worth while He is a egomaniac. What better challenge than to prove what a great coach he is by turning UNT into a 12 -1 team from the Sunbelt Conference. He is still young. He does that, then his next gig will pay him whatever....if he decideds to move on. I think he is just a football coach wanting to coach football. UNT plays football.....sort of.
  6. Did anybody else hear that Jon Gruden is looking for a job, any job as long as it is coaching. He said NFL, College ( I would love to coach college kids), or High School. "I am addicted to coaching". Not a bads option. I think he would be a hard-a$$ that could turn this program around. Now dont get me wrong, I'm not a Dodge hater, or even want him gone.....I'm just saying..........
  7. cut him. We need character more than ever on this team. end of story
  8. U.S. Navy. AT-2, served during the Gulf War VFA-82, aboard USS America Started UNT after my hitch in 1993. 7 yrs of night school (G.I. Bill) to get my BA in 2000, 2 yrs now of Grad School (Hazelwood Act) for my MBA...May 2009 Thanks to the military for paying for my education.......all of my education
  9. my $.02 is to have the external part of the stadium look like the stadium at the China Olympics. Kind of like a nest. The Stadium could then be call the "Eagles Nest" Any takers?
  10. the weather can only help. I have a good feeling about this game.....much like the first 2 games. However, I think this one is real. Bad weather, rain, mud....Mike will not be on the field. Short, quick passes, solid running, and no turnovers......UNT 21 LSU 7
  11. Would a mud bowl type game slow their players down to more our speed? Will the BIG UGLY"S they have get worn-out trying to slug around in the mud? Does our size and type of game cater to this type of play better than LSU? Short routes hoping to break a play open? Running power ball dows not always work in this type of game. Receivers know where they are going, defenders have toreact. I say let it rain!!!!!!! Remember, our QB has more experience than their QB (Harvard boy you know)
  12. Here is a thought. Maybe daddy/coach is looking out for the future of his son/player and possible life after UNT. If Riley is going anywhere after UNT, it will be as a slot receiver, not a QB. That may have been the plan all along. Get 4 years of running the field, some crazy stats, and boom....a possible chance at NFL stardom....something TD did not get himself. I think TD is craftier than we think...remember, he has been there himself. A star HS QB, who only got 1 yr as a star college QB because of his size. Riley is a bit like Wes Welker in size, speed.............just a thought
  13. If TD is not winning in 4 yrs, he wont be around to recruit QB's. I say play RDodge. Put the best players out there. He is fast, slippery, can catch............and allows for a wrinkle at WR.....he can throw the ball on a reverse, backward pass.......keep the "D" thinking. Move him around. He can come in and take a direct snap....is he going to run...is he going to throw? He is our "SLASH" or would it be "FLASH"? how about "DASH" We need a nickname for RDODGE and his new addition to the game.
  14. 42 LSU 28 UNT RDodge scores 2 times. He might even throw for a score. GV tosses 1 TD, and Cam get the other. LSU still has Mr. Harvard at the helm.
  15. I have an idea for the student ticket program. This will give us "SOLD" tickets to report for attendence, plus I bet puts more students in the stadium. I say offer a 5 game package to the games as an option when registering, and let it be paid out like tuition. I say 5 ticket for $20, as a fee in the tuition, then they get a packet in the mail with their tickets. Parents/Students will not see it as paying for the students to go to the games, just another fee. If tuition is paid out over the semester, who will feel the crunch of $20 over 4 months. If you chose not to buy the packet of tickets, the single game tickets are $5 per game. Add value to the tickets. Most students will just say, I might go to the game its only $20, put the tickets in my tuition. Those that dont, may be compelled to buy single game ticket because their friends that bought the packet are going to the game. Also, get the greeks involved in the games. Have competition and prizes for the most spirited (lame phrase) fraternity/sorority. The frat/sor that has the most students at this weeks game, gets a student "reserved section" for the next home game..........and recognized over the PA system, and on the Jumbo-tron. Make if fun for the students to go to the game. Give away 12 hrs of tuition for a ticket holder that is present at the game if their ticket number is called (what would that really cost the university?) Have club day, and recognize them at each game. This is not rocket science. If the job existed to create buzz around campus to go to the games, and it paid what I make now, I would take it in a heart beat.
  16. I'm confused. Did we bring TD in to take 2 or 3 yrs to ramp up? I think NOT. If we want this to be a top notch program, we have to expect big things from our leaders. Do not give them excuses to say,"if we win 5 games, everybody will be happy"! I want Bowl Games, I want UNT press coverage, I want Thursday Night Football on ESPN. "Did we give in when the German's bombed Pearl Harbor"? No! let's not accept anything thing but 8 wins and push for 10!!!!! Todd Dodge - We Want a Bowl Game THIS year!!!!!!!!! Rick V. - We WANT a new Stadium by 2010....and want to see the plans before the end of this season!!!!!! If we want to be a BIT TIME PROGRAM, alumni have to demand BIG things!!!!! I didn't spend 10yrs of my life getting an undergrad and MBA from this school to expect anything less. (I'm somewhat of an academic under-achiever)
  17. Remember our offense. Quick passes, slants, outs, slips, screens, draws. Linemen just have to redirect the big guys, not pancake them. It's all in the scheme. Make the d-line run after the ball for 2 - 2.5 quarters. Get them tired, then start moving the ball down field. Dodge has always coached this. He score in bunches from mid-way 3rd quarter on.
  18. DUI the day BEFORE the Super Bowl, counts even more!!!!!
  19. I like the look. If you put a 2nd tier on the other side to take it up to 50K, it would look a lot like the stadium that Baylor plays in. Big enough for a BIG time conference. We could finally get a decent nc home game. That is a nice stadium....I hope RV can make it happen........sooner than later.
  20. I like the look. If you put a 2nd tier on the other side to take it up to 50K, it would look a lot like the stadium that Baylor plays in. Big enough for a BIG time conference. We could finally get a decent nc home game. That is a nice stadium....I hope RV can make it happen........sooner than later.
  21. You know, I'm no BIG donator, but give what I can. I am a MGC member with season tickets for FB and BB. I get my free gift each year. With this, I agree that we need to be better informed by the administration. However, being new to this board, I wonder how many on this board are gripping to the chior? Why post here, and not in the Pres or AD mailbox? I have a feeling that if they got this much grief from alumni, they would have to respond publically. Why would they care what is posted on a forum that I doubt they even read. I can totally agree we need a new stadium, and with the student population, there is no reason they cannot raise the $$$$$ How did Florida Atlantic finance their new home? 200K alumni (in the area), 35K students. Let's look at it this way. There are 235K people including current students and alumni in the DFW area alone. If each of these people were assessed, or donated $100/yr, that would be 23.5M/yrs for athletics alone. That is not a huge amount to add to student fees, or to ask from alumni. We could pay for the stadium in 3 yrs; a really nice stadium. Has anybody looked at it that way? Break it down to it's simplest form.
  22. Has anybody seen the new Pizza Hut Park in Frisco? That would be a perfect model for a new stadium. It holds about 26K for games, and is a great out-door venue for concerts which will hold about 30 -35K for concerts....... easy access to the highway, lots of kids around for concerts. people from Oklahoma could make it down in an hour+, Ft. Wrth/Dallas access. Think BIG RV. Iwas kind of a costly ($65M) project, but it could be scaled down. However, it is a beautiful stadium...great for recruiting. On the other hand, does naybody know the cost of Ford Filed at SMU? These are the types of facilities that will help push UNT to respectability.
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