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Everything posted by j0nat8an

  1. thank goodness! i also like the "mean green" on the front
  2. it is running in denton. i've caught it a couple times, like it a lot!
  3. i don't know where the optimal location would be
  4. i would love to help out with this effort, but i'm not sure where the optimal location would be.
  5. i was just glad to actually read that the thread was about educating women on football and not putting them in pads. i had a girl in one of my classes who played for the dallas diamonds (women's pro football) and she would always advertise their crap. i think this is a great idea because besides the ladies learning more about football, they'll at least get to know each other and maybe that alone will draw them to the game.
  6. no sir, i completely agree!
  7. all i know about our linebackers is that with 2 new safeties, they better figure out some way to play some type of pass defense over the middle (although i think a lot of the problems last year were because that was the weak spot of our zone (between the lb and safeties)).
  8. that is the funniest sequence of posts i've read in a while!!!! i'm in a coba computer lab (doing homework) and i almost fell to the floor laughing
  9. i may be completely naive as i don't know much about how the university works, but how much of an impact will this have on athletics? and isn't there a possibility for improvement?
  10. does anyone have a clue when us poor individuals who can't afford the MGR (by the way, how much is it?) will hear an announcement?
  11. thank you (although i'm assuming there is actual news coming)
  12. oh, also, i am very against the eagle screech. if i heard that thing coming from the statdium, there is no way i would walk in.
  13. i am completely on board with people getting in 30 mins before kickoff. i really only care that the stands are full (as they're going to be) when the team runs onto the field, but 30 mins is good. what about if during any game where there are giveaways, being elligible for those ends at 15 mins before kickoff and the winner would have to be present to win during the fourth quarter. also, if t-shirts are given away (because i think i read on here that there is some tshirt promo this year) give them away also ending 15 mins before kickoff and give them away at the section entrances rather than the gate entrances, so that people will have to at least go up towards their seats to get the free stuff.
  14. i didn't think the post was anything offensive. it actually got me excited at the possibility of taking in a game in Death Valley. Too bad i'm so completely broke that there's no way i can get there!
  15. basically, if the guy isn't responsible enough to make it to class (which would be the only way for his gpa to drop so low) then i don't want him leading our team. i'm glad this has come up and am glad to get a guy under center who will also take care of other responsibilities. hopefully, byerly will learn from this and grow up.
  16. does anyone else think this is a good thing? it will force the coaches to choose a starter from the beginning. the team will not have to "pick a favorite" or anything and they will just be able to focus on how they will be able to succeed with the individual who IS going to be the starter. i don't really care if byerly is eligible or ineligible, but just that the coaches know by now (which with summer I grades out already, they'll have a pretty good idea) and can move on.
  17. lsu's defense is loaded and defense is always ahead of offense early on. because of that, i am expecting about 14 points (maybe). i spoke to a buddy who graduated from UT who thinks we will be close late with a chance to pull it out in the end. it may've been some perrilux (sp?) anger in his prediction, but i think he'll have to throw us a few balls for us to stay close (which is why i'm hoping he starts). all i expect is a 2-2 non conference schedule.
  18. i'm trying my best to pretend like the game is not out yet until i get through my summer II classes (org. mgmt & HR mgmt) and can devote real time to it, but this thread is tempting me to drop my classes and go get the game. Five weeks seem so long!
  19. "coming out" is a great way to describe the new shade of green!
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