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Anybody seen this shirt in Denton?


NIKE is supposed to be making this available for the first game...


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Someone had better make this freaking shirt

I would even be ok with using the forest green instead of the lime --- I just want this logo on a T-shirt for this game. I just think they would sell like hotcakes and it would look so awesome in the stands!!! Maybe give a version of this away to the first students or something like that!! It's not too late!!! We still have two weeks!

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I would even be ok with using the forest green instead of the lime --- I just want this logo on a T-shirt for this game. I just think they would sell like hotcakes and it would look so awesome in the stands!!! Maybe give a version of this away to the first students or something like that!! It's not too late!!! We still have two weeks!

Harry, it probably won't happen 'cause it makes too much $en$e.

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I would even be ok with using the forest green instead of the lime --- I just want this logo on a T-shirt for this game. I just think they would sell like hotcakes and it would look so awesome in the stands!!! Maybe give a version of this away to the first students or something like that!! It's not too late!!! We still have two weeks!

You seem to have the ear of RV, see if you can make some wheels rolling on this. It's crazy that they wouldn't act on this, but as DeepGreen said "It makes too much sense." The Bigger schools would have JUMPED on something like this and made it happen in weeks yet alone months.

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Alright, so if we'd all buy it, then why don't we?

Harry, et al:

I propose we crowd fund these shirts via Crowdtilt and have them printed locally by either Barefoot Apparel or Pan Ector Screenprinting.

Hear me out.

We could run a collection two ways; either just for the shirts everyone pays for -or- for a large order of shirts beyond the initial demand to provide a fundraising opportunity for GMG.com. I dunno, help out with the server costs or something.

Barefoot will certainly be the cheaper option with their supposed claim of getting certain costs down to $3.99/shirt. Pan Ector however would be greater in my opinion though as they use high-quality Next Level Apparel shirts, are all UNT grads, and if you've been to any Denton bars or festivals as of late, are the ones making all those cool shirts you want. Having worked with Pan Ector before, I can tell you that a run of 100 shirts with one color ink used on a color shirt would come to $5.59/shirt.


Now how to finance.

I've participated in Crowdtilt stuff before on Reddit to fund a special /r/CFB brick for Baylor's new stadium and it works really simply, in a manner much akin to Kickstarter. Essentially, you set a minimum and target amount to fund and once that goal is met or exceeded, those who pitched will then have their cards charged at the end of the pre-determined time period. If the campaign fails, then no one is charged anything.


So, what would ya'll think?

We could potentially do a campaign starting this weekend through maybe next Friday. And then go after an under-a-week rush order from either company and have the shirts in before the 31st.

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