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Green P1

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Everything posted by Green P1

  1. Damnit!!! Can I please, please gain entry into the VIP room? I promise I won't even post, won't share information with even my closest of friends, I just wanna read.....
  2. Don't listen to them. You are kicking everyone on this board's ass. You've taught us all an invaluable lesson.
  3. I like your style. You are one hardcore trash talking dude. I no longer think UNT stands a chance when the Golden Hurricanes come to town.
  4. I've been there when they've done both. If there's a consensus among most what the biggest game is they turn the sound up. During the NCAA tournament it was same as last night. In my opinion, if this is going to be the dedicated location of the Coach's show, then their priority every Monday should be the fans that show up to hear him speak, not those who show up for a casual dinner. I really don't think that having to listen to the show would have annoyed anyone like not listening to it did. All things considered, it was the first time at a new location. I expect all will be better in the next couple of weeks.
  5. I love the PourHouse and have watched many a Basketball game there thus far. That being said, does no one else feel that the theater room is just too small for the Coach's show? Having it in a room that small almost gives you the impression that they are planning/expecting not much of a turnout. I was also one of the unlucky fans in the main restaurant, unable to hear the show I found myself wishing I had just stayed home and turned on the Radio. I don't know if they could do it out by the lake, or in the main room, but if they can't at least pipe sound throughout the building I think my PourHouse attendance will be limited to purely game viewing.
  6. I don't mind them being there, but they take up a lot of the already limited room, and I would assume they have a pretty good idea what he's going to be saying.
  7. I would assume that competing at the JUCO level doesn't require quite the same level of fitness. Being well over 300lbs probably makes up for a lot of shortcomings in that arena.
  8. I ate at the Humperdink's in Arlington before a Rangers game last Tuesday. I can't remember which one of their brews I tried, but suffice to say it was followed by a Shiner. I will however say that my buddy enjoyed the one he tried enough to pound four of them before the game.
  9. You must have spent your one year here in a state of total oblivion.
  10. What say we round up a posse, get some stencils and spray paint, and go tag the hell out of SMU's main campus? Ya'know... take things into our own hands.
  11. Wonder if the T-shirt exchange is only for current students? I've got a UT rag thats been in the trunk of my car for about 3 years.......
  12. Theres nothing better than getting home from the bar and being treated to some hammered drunk Olympic basketball. Go Spain!!! I'm an underdog guy.....
  13. If the guy's retired you've got yourself a throwback. If the guy gets traded you've got garbage...... unless of course the team pulls a Kidd.
  14. Took me a while to notice this one. Yea, right on, screw the students, those spoiled rotten immature little jerks.......
  15. If you've got an HD tv this bad boy will bring in every channel broadcast in North Texas/South Oklahoma. Antenna
  16. Abner Haynes Joe Greene Toby Gowin RoboCop Very strong consideration to Stone Cold Steve Austin & Kevin Von Erich
  17. Way to show up for the draft everyone. Looking at my roster I wish i hadn't....
  18. Call me cynical, but I'm not sure he actually won..... had that close call been between two other spares, I think the gold would have gone the other way.
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