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Everything posted by UTSA Fan

  1. Welcome to the club. Obviously truth is uncomfortable and scary. This will get down voted as well. So, the only program that has a worse record in sending players to the NFL doesn't actually send players to the NFL. Good grief.
  2. Does the AAC permanently carry the mantle of best G5 or does this factor into that?
  3. My fear in reading all these posts is that vision, mission, goals, accountability, culture change, etc. All assume one thing, the desire to change with the will to do so. I kept asking myself over the past few months of my Fandom how does all of this continue to happen? It's like seriel emotional battery. Incompetence is the front runner, but that assumes effort. I'm struggling to not think that in the power structure this is acceptable, that's why it continues. I'm very confused about what is happening with the program. I personally need to see a marked improvement next season for me to remain positive & optimistic the potential will be realized. Its going to be a long summer.
  4. What has the highest odds of success-great coaching with average players, or average coaching with great players? It is interesting to see the answer as it may shed light on the development vs recruiting needing to be priorotized in a program paradigm. Obviously a program needs both, but which as the primary philosophy?
  5. I know I'm viewed suspiciously on the board, but I've read on other posts it took 3 years to impliment this system at another school and 10 to 20 players (new to program ) are arriving this fall. This sounds like this season is going to try the souls of all on this board. I guess when stated that way, that is true of any offense.
  6. Someone with x and o please address the following concern. High tempo can devestate an opposing defense IF you move the chains. If not, quick 3 and outs devestate your d, no?
  7. True. The first few minuets are the worst, after that both of you will be giggling, wondering where the time went. You kiddos have a good time and be back by 11.
  8. I will take the ban in exchange for 90s' immunity. The board must remain free for microagressions of all types without regard to passion or prejudice.
  9. Okay, let's make this simple by illustrating with a practical exercise. My proposition is it is the university, yours the players. Does a university loose all the fans, season ticket holders and merchandise sales every 4 years when a class of players graduates, thus, necessitating new fans, sales, etc. be aquired because there are new players?
  10. Seriously, a down vote? Personally it's a free education worth at least 7 figures over a lifetime with food, shelter, Healthcare, social networking and development and work cloths provided in addition to COA. But wait, that not all. They also get close to world class vocational skills training, to include health/life coaching (strength, nutrition, etc.), a professional networking environment with coaches, AD and alumni for drafting and free agency as well as post football employment and they get millions of dollars of free marketing of their skills to showcase on TV and bowl games with free travel. If this exploitation is too grievous, they can reject the scholarship (they are not legally required to accept an offer or stay with a team if they do), hire their own trainers and handlers and go interview (combine) and get the $ they "deserve".
  11. They are compensated very well, both personally and vocationally.
  12. Being a UNT fan outside of DFW, it is difficult to stay engaged. Proximity eliminates tv and radio programing, the Rivals site was several years old last I checked and there doesn't seem to be a recruiting service guy to follow on twitter. This board, to my knowledge, is the only real source of information for me. Please understand my comment hasn't been "vetted" by knowledge from other sources, experience, experience exposure. I have found it challenging using this board and deciphering fact and estimation from frustration and venting, but there is value. Although it may take patience, it does provide value and I hope you find it satisfies your desire for knowledge, understanding and entertainment. I hope you have additional resources to shorten your learning curve. Good luck!
  13. Eagle eye, I will weigh in to give perspective from a neophyte as you are as well. The 17 as far as I can tell are the big money donors running things financially in addition to road P5 games earnings. They appear (I claim no knowledge or experience in this matter) to maintain their cover of stealth in exchange for continued financial support, meaning, protection from some of the more vocal fans input by remaining unidentified. Almost quid pro quo if you will. It appears their numbers are small, thus concentrated, giving them a disproportionately large influence. If there would be, say, 200 large donors, a couple getting pissed off would have a negligible impact. To the point, who they are. A closely guarded piece of information for sure, as those privy to such information keep silent for the perceived benefit of the university. Modern day Knights Templar, the higher education Illuminati. They are ever watching, never recognized, always moving, never seen.
  14. This topic is a beating. I can't believe something as simple as a sign panel has baffled the department and impeded corrective action. I'm embarrassed and hope no one that I know notices.
  15. Frank Harris, QB from San Antonio Clemens. Supposed to be one of, if not the best QB in San Antonio.
  16. Anyone have a pic of RV? A Brooks Brothers Sweater Vest fetish and a mustache attendant? That's hilarious!
  17. I guess I missed it, why a hung fabric banner on an electronic sign? Is it covering graffiti or storm damage?
  18. True. Most success is living very close to the edge and operating in blind spots. As a neophyte, it's inexplicable that the program struggles as presented on the forum. I have to believe these rules will not go unamended, but there should be a huge advantage with the DFW area as large as it is. Even if you assume the P5 get their pick, it's hard to imagine the program struggling with an embarrassment of riches at arm's length.
  19. Walkers post specifically mentions Tech and the context of the thread was isolated campuses being disadvantaged. I contributed the post in context of the thread and your post, I believe, asserted a small % at an FBS outpost. The imput seemed to address all three mentioned issues, although not precisely the exact campi in question. I apologize for my sloppy handling of content.
  20. I read for Texas Tech it was 16 roster players from satellite camps. Sounds like a significant number.
  21. I started following at the end of last season and been through a banner, HC firing, total azz stomping by an fcs and a contract extension. Now there is a new scheme which I have no clue what it will look like and now camps for recruiting are banned off property. I feel like I have lived 3 lives already of Fandom and it's not even been half of a season. Welcome and good luck.
  22. I see both your and Aldo position and agree that the rules impact recruiting in your peer group. My next question is, I guess, how do you recruit outside of relationships with HS coaches? UNT is fortunate that DFW is large and UTSA is fortunate that their recruiting historically is essentially in the field of Austin, SA and Houston since proximity doesn't limit these guys from taking unofficial visits. But, I am willing to bet both schools need to reach beyond these fields. This is why I think TT is going to get killed. Too far for a kid to take an unofficial visit.
  23. Not nit picking, but the rule says camps, not coach visits. I think those visits will become the bread and butter of G5 recruiting.
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