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Everything posted by GMG24

  1. The CALS Tweet announced the Symposium will be October 6-8th, 2019. So there you have your projected finish date!
  2. I was under the impression this whole area was going to be a new "Grand Entrance" of sorts that was a true ok I'm not on UNT's campus. Did I miss something?
  3. Did you see the article on him and the Manning Passing Academy? I bet he is even more prepared this year than any year prior, and that is saying A LOT! I have heard the guy is always in the film room getting ready for opponents.
  4. Or, when he wins 9 games again regardless of a bowl win/conference championship (which all of US desire badly). Seth wins 9 games 3 seasons in a row at UNT after what our program got turned into in previous years.....The guy will be carried away by piles of $$ to a much larger institution. No matter what every time he gets extended his buyout $$ goes up substantially meaning we wont be paying as much for our next HC because whatever school hires Seth away will be footing most of that bill.
  5. Sorry. 😞 I tried. All my guys were wanting to get out of state.
  6. He'll stay at TE that kind of versatility is a NIGHTMARE!!
  7. I hear that concern. This staff has proven they can take under rated/under recruited skill kids and turn them into solid players. I think this kids recruitment will pick up as schools boards fill up
  8. 1/3 spoke to several people in the industry and they believe he’s a kid that is very unpolished meaning the potential for him to become an elite player for us is very high. A lot of HS kids you get usually have received so much training and work that, what you see is what you get. Not what I’m hearing about this kid.
  9. Sounds like a smart AD/HC to me. If the dad is a coach and wants to work there....why not?
  10. Dad is a coach. Happens sometimes.
  11. 0 chance. Dudes going to Alabama.
  12. I don’t have those kind of pockets. Just your standard rented iPhone lol
  13. How this kid only has 3 offers is baffling. That is an impressive tape. Very destructive with his hands against would be blockers. WOW. Land this kid and you've got yourself a guy who can play early!
  14. Funny little ole TCU keeps following our offer trail and offering their pick of guys... hmmm
  15. We also had no time to make adjustments because our offense was without our Team MVP. I think when offense can stay on the field and let some adjustments be made or communicate the mistakes then the game is different. But yes, here is to praying we contain King. Also, King is better than Love. That is all.
  16. I will be shocked when we find out he is paying players in someway to attend WKU. Those guys don't just pick small schools for the fun of it. See massive NCAA Basketball Recruiting (Bribing) Scandal. Burn the whole thing down and start over.
  17. Yeah early in his coaching career but after he was established as a HC at SOC
  18. Emmett Jones strikes. The guy doesn't lose prospects from DFW that he wants. It is pretty impressive.
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