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Everything posted by SMU2006

  1. Yes you would. We all would. That is lifestyle changing money. These coaches do this b/c its a business.
  2. Funded almost exclusively by one man. David Miller.
  3. So none of you would consider going from making $700,000 to $2,200,000 as a step up? I bet his W-2 would disagree with your assessments.
  4. Jank has been the HC at SMU for 6 seasons and the program is stuck in neutral. He's also a terrible recruiter and has alienated all of the big money boosters. He was told NCAA tourney or you're gone after last season. He knew what he had to do to keep his job and didn't get it done. See ya.
  5. 34-6-1. I'm excited about UNT being in the AAC but for this thing to be a rivalry it would be nice for the game to be competitive at the start of the 4th quarter one of these years at Ford.
  6. What does he make currently at UNT? I only ask b/c Jank was in the low $2m range and David Miller (huge basketball booster) has the warchest in the 2.5-3m annual salary range.
  7. Nothing is done until its done but its at the proverbial 1 yard line. He's told all other schools that reached out to him when he entered the portal that he's going to SMU.
  8. Yes, Camar Wheaton. It isn't official but he'll be enrolling at SMU this summer. He was the top running back recruit in the nation for 2020 and is best buds with 4 star freshman QB Preston Stone. Camar got injured very early in fall camp in Tuscaloosa and never really got comfortable there. The talent is undeniable. Hopefully being around family and friends will allow him to tap into his natural abilities.
  9. Again, highly presumptuous and lazy but hey lets zoom in on a group of 20 frat dudes at a football game and flick some boogers right?
  10. Extremely presumptuous and a lazy take. SMU's Life After Ball program was literally built by boosters and alumni to assist football student-athletes with landing internships and entry level positions in the Dallas area. This is regardless of whether the player is a starter or the last guy on the bench.
  11. UBIV didn't really like hearing the NIL deal that we're throwing at Wheaton. I get it. He's been a very productive player and I wish him well but he saw the writing on the wall with Wheaton.
  12. I like Mike a lot but this is sort of silly. This "letter" will get wadded up and thrown in the waste basket.
  13. Definitely agree that there will be some burnout (especially among the lower tier P5's) when they start to analyze the ROI when they're still getting their butts kicked by the traditional blue bloods. Other institutions, particularly those with deep pocketed alumni, will simply view NIL as a cost of doing business and won't really look at it as anything other than a necessary expense to keep up in the modern era. SMU for example has multiple NIL platforms being run at the $1m and above donor level and several at the $500k and below levels. Each group is coordinated in its efforts to target existing players, transfers, etc. I know personally that giving $100/month to NIL is a far better "investment" than just handing over $100/month to the Mustang Club that will whatever they want with it. This way I know I'm having a direct impact on the program.
  14. Considering what we're having to shell out for Camar Wheaton I'm hoping to count on your donation too 🙂
  15. There is a reason the old SWC was called the OPEC Conference.
  16. Probably a bit exaggerated but not much. NIL is about to become far more important than facilities, coaching, early PT, conference affiliation, etc.
  17. Don't know that we will have room honestly with Camar Wheaton also headed to SMU. They both seem like good kids and yes LB is a position of need (and they're from Dallas). Maybe?
  18. Our situation was wild. My three year old tested positive but only had what I would describe as a mild cold and just felt tired for two days. Then he was fine. My wife felt really bad for 2-3 days bordering on a severe case of the flu. Barely got out of bed. I have tested negative the entire time and I'm fully vaxxed but not boosted. It makes zero sense but I suppose its possible I was positive much early and had no symptoms.
  19. Sorry to hear that about Coach Littrell. Hope he recovers quickly. My wife got omicron and it wasn't the walk in the park that its been made out to be. Rough couple of days and she's good now. And she was boosted!
  20. Whoa. Who leases a beamer? You had me until then. And Uptown? c'mon bruh. Santa Monica/Hollywood Heights. Uptown is for the normies.
  21. Are you correlating being a UNT fan to being homeless? Sheeeeit.
  22. Wow calling someone a lowlife for calling NIL for what it is (the future of college football)? Classy stuff. IMO, NIL is fantastic for the student athletes that are investing a ton of time and energy into representing their institutions on the field. Also risking serious, potentially life threatening injuries. If they can make some money and provide a little bit of financial security for themselves in the process they have more than earned it. SMU has already stated a goal of $4-5m annually for NIL. For some of these kids that's going to significantly impact their daily lives. Money well spent.
  23. They are 3-9 and floundering in virtually all aspects of their program. And NIL is a joke for Colorado State. If your program isn't on the cutting edge of NIL you're going to get left in the dust.
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