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Everything posted by outoftown

  1. There were a few of the last hires (paticularly defense) where I was slightly scratching my head, but this one I fully get and think it is an awesome cv for that position.
  2. I doubt that. Home games are a very valuable commodity. FIU is not currently the kind of school that can afford to buy out of those games and UNT will not have interest in letting them out and end up with a 5 home game slate at any point. Buying G5s to come in without return game is expensive, so not interesting either. It was a sucky situation where UNT was short term in a weak negotiation situation (although FIU was in an even weaker situation) and i feel Mosely made the most of it by putting an away game in the bank and getting a valuable chip. He still needs a home game for 2024, but otherwise Mosely is now set with having 2 OOC home games until 2030 and he can negotiate from a great position of strength when looking for the remaining games.
  3. The article doesn't state the opposite. It says UNT receives "a portion" of it in cash. It seems reasonable to assume that said portion is less than half ( I think vito at the time unearthed the numbers but I forgot since.)
  4. Also, I thought I remembered folks complaining about the actual quality of those services to boot. I assume neither side was really happy with the contract in the end.
  5. Am I correct that he did not play in his year at the cajuns?
  6. Well, FAU is well on its way to get an at large should they fail to win the tournament. Currently 11th in NET. Two Q1 wins already (provided UNT and Florida remain in top 75) and one to two more opportunities (@ UAB and potentially @ Charlotte.) Every one else in C-USA needs to start distinguishing themselves fast. Without a win @ FAU there is zero chance for UNT. Absolutely got to have that one.
  7. All you said may be correct. But... I just can nooooooot hear that sentence on point 3 anymore. I expect that will last for about the next two years. Some places have swear jars. Can we get a coach speak jar into this forum?
  8. The question is not what is the percentage who are from Texas, but what is the quality. And for that to improve Texas HS coaches need to be willing to send kids who could also go to in conference competition or even P5, no matter if out of state or in state. It would be ok if it were only 75% Texas kids, provided the overall talent gets better.
  9. Ok, I'll bite. Morris is giving an all out focus on recruiting for less money, which allows reasignment of money on the staff. Plus SLfailed to get over the hump, and there is little reason to believe he would have gotten over it. Morris could be failure, but at least he gives hope that NT could get over the hump.
  10. Eady in double digits now. Mostly looking good
  11. right now everybody is hot. Could have used some of that two days ago
  12. This is a straw man argument. it is obvious that there is an in between for 0 vs 30 years of experience. It is anywhere from 2-5 years of being an actual position coach at an FBS program. We are fans and as such we scrutinize every part even if we like the head man. If you think it is more reasonable to just be patient, cheer and have blind faith, then you may as well just shut the football forum down from January to September and discuss nothing other than uniforms. I am sure people will be very willing to change their minds if it turns out these coaches do not just get more talent here (fairly hopeful on that front), but also squeeze out all the production and development out of that talent (currently a bit worried on the defense there). Almost nobody is going scorched earth here. But if the defense goes south, the fact that the hires are hard to understand will fall back on the HC and DC. They are taking risks here.
  13. I can easily see the recruiting involvement from the CV. But can you explain how he was involved in running that defense? Not trying to be snarky, I would love to see it, but looking at the cv it escapes me. Other than being at ISU at the same time as Caponi I need someone to enlighten me about how his role is involved in running the defense. I don't imagine an assistant director of player personnel breaking down film or teaching the intricacies of tackling, but maybe I am misunderstanding something about the role.
  14. Hmmm. Sounds like someone who has all the experience recruiting. This staff is really gonna be heavy on that part. But he is gonna coach linebackers? From the CV he's never even played or coached the defensive side of the ball, let alone linebackers. Sure hope Caponi knows what he is doing there, because from the outside this one is a head scratcher.
  15. Is it just me, or has Vito managed much more frequently to break news first since the end of the SL era and even when it is not breaking news it has gotten to be better writing. Well maybe it really is my bias seeing as I just find the news generally more optimistic.
  16. I wish him the best. It would be depressing if a guy who was as good as him at UNT wouldn't get any interest. That said: Arkansas doesn't strike me as a program going in the right direction. I mean, I am sure they have a good tight end use, but my expectations are that they are gonna struggle to go bowling the next 2 years.
  17. I think this is a reasonable number given his market value, and looking at how things seem, it feels like this was a much better thought through deal on UNTs part than the SL contracts (waiting for more details though). The buyout clauses for starters are better if Morris leaves NT for greener pastures. Also the buyout for NT will be decent bit cheaper if this should ever come up (hopefully not). Incentives maybe could have been a tad bit bigger, but that is a minor gripe. Most importantly: It looks like that money was not simply "saved". It was mostly invested in increasing the assistant pool, and it appears Morris is using it truly to the teams advantage. Hopefully if another part of what is left comes from donors, then that might have been redirected into NIL. Both of those things make coach Morris more likely to succeed in the mid and long term. I was always critical of the SL deals, as I thought the structure and clauses were bad, independent of whether he was going to be a good coach. I really like the structure of this deal, independent of whether or not Morris will turn out to be as good as we hope .
  18. That is in a way good for him. Looking at the language in the contract concerning offset, it would definitely be good for UNT. Only thing I am thinking: that means he has to face off with Kiffen again. That didn't go so well when Kiffen was at FAU. Although, if SL is not responsible for the defense -who knows - maybe it ll work better.
  19. So, you are saying this WASN'T UNTs charitable visit to play a game with the inmates?
  20. Well, I would assume the staff at the very least knows which ones of these are worth going after, and which ones just couldn't cut it.
  21. I guess this is to see what kind of NIL deals are out there for him, seing as there probably isn't too much if going the NFL route. If you can get to 50-80k at college level, you essentially are a pro. Maybe there is a place willing to pony that up for him. Wish him the best as long as he isn't playing NT.
  22. Someone explain to me why only now. He was neither the DC at his position and ISU isn't even having a bowl game. And I doubt they had much turnover. So wht wait until after NSD
  23. I don't get the logic behind this. Why should NT have to wait for another school to get their class done. When other schools hire NTs coaches they don't wait for NSD to be over, they do it before, because it is important. Also, it might play well with the coaches you leave behind. but i doubt it plays well with the players who committed to playing with you and then you leave immediately.
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