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Daddy Dumpsalot

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Everything posted by Daddy Dumpsalot

  1. But did they actually go to the game or get sloshed on Bourbon Street?
  2. I miss the feeling of having us be in a bowl game.
  3. Ha ha. I just saw this. Is it an eagle with a whale tale?
  4. Your request won't be granted until you're a donor.
  5. First, I'm not your pal. Second, your assumption doesn't explain why they have to leave (with their luggage) and not return until Sunday night.
  6. I'm sorry...I just can't see how staying on campus during the weekend vs. going home each weekend can keep a student out of debt. Are you going to say the cost of a meal plan for those 2 days??? Price difference is minimal and doesn't back up your comment.
  7. Not going to happen. Being down by 20 points to WKU and thinking we will be winning in Arkansas simply cannot go together. I think we better put our stock in next season.
  8. I don't blame TCU for not playing them again. The chance that a defeated team will beat the defeater goes up incredibly the second time around...unless you are North Texas.
  9. Problem is about 4,500 of the 5,700 go home every weekend.
  10. So let me get this straight: CMJ posted the score with 7:33 left and UNT had 52 points. You're telling me that in 7 and a half minutes we only scored 3 points???????? This is depressing. Not only does our team suck now, our SunBelt officiators are even worse. Do they get bonuses based on the number of fouls they call?
  11. This team is terrible and showing zero hustle tonight.
  12. I'm sorry but I think these Belt refs are a little foul whistle happy. I have never heard of so many fouls in one half of basketball. This is a bit ridiculous. Where do we get these high school refs?
  13. i think we can kiss the tourney good bye.
  14. I was thinking about this and apologize if I have missed where it was talked about but do we know what sort of offensive and defensive schemes D-Mac is going to be running next season? I assume it will be the spread but will he throw in a few other looks? That was the frustrating part about Dodge's offense because you knew how we were going to set up every play whether 3-1 or 3-15, always in the shotgun. I am hoping to see some more looks the new coaching staff.
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