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Everything posted by Quoner

  1. Wow - the RV defense seamlessly repurposed for Judy. What a time to be alive.
  2. Andrew thread or rejected Bloodhound Gang track?
  3. I don't think you actually know what I've typed and what other people have typed the last time you got dogpiled (for the record, I think the NCAA is a cartel and busting random programs to keep up the charade is terrible and most recruits would be lucky to play there), but I stand by my point that this hard realness is just bad interneting. I'm also bummed to be the second most deluded guy here, especially when I have yet to actually post a single thought about the recent struggles of the team and season so far. How do I move up?
  4. That sounds really tough. At least Kansas won though!
  5. Everyone downvoted me... I'm so damn edgy but oh noes - this proves how REAL I am. OR Sometimes you're just so bad at making even a valid point that people go right to mashing the simplest and easiest way to give real time feedback. This seems to especially happen to people who ONLY seem to show up right when the train goes off the track (especially if you've only been around for 3-4 derailments vs. dozens upon dozens. So yes, even if all the points or valid, you may just suck at conveying it or add absolutely nothing to the discussion. @CMJ is right - let it go. I'm pretty sure [NAME REDACTED] downvotes every post of mine he sees, but I'd still buy him a ham sandwich and a soda if we ever cross paths. I'm also pretty sure another dude had a fake account now banned that eventually became dedicated to downvoting all my old posts. I guess I could be super pissed about it, but the idea of someone spending his time that way and giving me the headspace is fairly awesome. Also, if someone pisses you off consistently, hit ignore.
  6. Have you been lately? Because as much I loved it.... good.
  7. I just wanted his two biggest fans to know the legacy lives on and the torch will never flicker. Bless you.
  8. And there's nothing wrong with it, I just appreciated it based on the thread title and topic. Shall we....fuggedaboutit?
  9. Hate those damn Yankees! /settles in to hoover an Italian sub under a picture of the '86 Mets groping Rudy Guliani on September 18, 2001 while Patrick Ewing claps one last tearful time
  10. You totally forgot the Kerusch Krew and we are all worst for it. What's next - assigning the badass one-legged Denver cheerleader a spot on the FAU squad? OMV and his twin brother are the ones that killed their parents in the 90s. There was a big trial and everything.
  11. Lol - a conflicting school and coach statement. https://www.clarionledger.com/story/sports/2019/02/06/art-briles-southern-miss-usm-says-not-candidate-position-offensive-coordinator/2788193002/ The GMG Briles Brigade must be crushed, but hey, WE still have an OC position open...
  12. I'm good. You focus on defending the sacred honor of the Kansas Jayhawks and I'll keep doing my thing. Cool?
  13. I hope you are building a sweet news desk then. I want Harry barking at you, Tasty and Cerebus to get the eff out of the chair and find the real scoops.
  14. Right? Ever since I had to stop posting stormfront links and facilitating rape because of this BS "accountability" to "women" and "minorities", I've found life to be just the biggest chore.
  15. I mean, this has been in the either for a couple of weeks now and only one of you has to get someone to say something on the record. Just curious if you burned a source or the school gave you full confirmation before Vito. Either scenario is hilarious - the AD is either embracing GMG as news central because of how much they dislike Vito or you are gonna get someone in trouble/lose a source. As a chaos agent, I'm here for all of it.
  16. @Censored by Laurie looks like your precious cock holster quote has a new name in it. Sorry bro~
  17. Maybe something smaller, like a blue or red ring or perhaps a silver arrow for the runners up? Don't want to patranize anyone - but maybe if the rewards are a secret to everybody, they are less likely to grumble grumble.
  18. Yeah, it was great like 9 years ago, but things fell apart because SOME babies couldn't handle seeing the Hilltopper's exposed nipples and dinner plate areolas. It was like the banner argument and 2012 election combined and the sad part is a few really good fans have yet to return.
  19. As a fellow sex-haver, let's see the sexy pics, my dude - maybe in the VVIP sex-doers forum so we don't offend younger eyes? Post! Post! Post!
  20. I think you can't try and force a winner here, but have to let it play out on the court. Master using the tournament and you can have this trophy is how I would approach it - and then whoever comes out on top of death mountain is the high ruler.
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