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Everything posted by Rudy

  1. Im not sure why so many root against our conference. We should want our conference to do well. If we were in a BcS Conference, that would be another story. I don't think its a bad thing that they hired a local high school band. Im sure many other mid-majors would have found it difficult to travel to a distant bowl. Why not higer a local HS band? besides, it may help drum up some interest in their school from outside the state. And yes, I would have travelled to Detroit. I could have escaped into Canada for a visit. I heard that Detroit did alot of renovations to its downtown though.
  2. All I ask is that you back up your statement, with something other than an apparant slam, which you did, thanks. As to the No. Never. comment, that tells me you dont know jack about the sport. If Im wrong, please contribute to the discussion. Yeah, I know the ratings for the all star game sucked. That has more to do with Bettman and the presentation. I think the product is excellent. The NHL will always struggle until Bettman is gone, and they promote more stars like Ovechkin and Crosby. If the current trend of bowl games continues, the NHL should look at a double or triple header of outdoor games every New Year. One in Canada, one in the Northern US, and one in the Southern US. If the City of Dallas can operate an ice rink in the West End, then I think a southern city can manage an outdoor rink for one day. If nothing else, have 2 games in northern states, both a "southern team" vs a "northern team" ie Dallas @ Chicago, or LA @ New York. There are only 4 or 5 bowl games over the entire New Years day. and they have it spread out in a manner which puts the freakin GMAC Bowl on the 6th, the day before the National Chamionship. People want sports to watch on a holiday. I think the NHL can benefit, if they do this properly.
  3. Yeah, the ice was bad, but when you have the game's youngest and greatest star saying they have something there (in playing outdoors), and with the bowl system become more screwy, who knows. And I know there are alot of people who dont like hockey on here, so can we please limit the responses to people who actually either know something about the sport, or who can at least contribute to the conversation? Everyone else, please go pad your post count somewhere else.
  4. So, every major sport has their holiday games. NFL has Thanksgiving, NBA has Christmas, and NCAA football has New Year's. Or do they? Last year the NHL began their new tradition of playing outdoor games on New Year's in an effort to get back to the rots of traditional hockey, playing outdoors on a frozen pond. Last year Pittsburgh and Buffalo played in Buffalos Wilson Stadium in a snowstorm, and the game was a huge success. I think this was the best idea Bettman ever had. I just wasnt sure that New Year's was the best day to do it, with the traditional big bowl games on New Year's. Look at this year though. The bowl games are all screwd up. You only have 4 or 5 bowl games on New Year's and one, maybe two of those are your big bowls. Even the Cotton Bowl is on the 2nd. They have the GMAC bowl as the next to last bowl game before the National Championship on the 6th. The NHL is rolling out the Red Wings vs the Blackhawks at Wrigley. 2 of the most storied franchises in hockey, and 2 of the original 6 (if you dont count the actual original 4 NHL teams) My question is do you think that the NHL could possible steal New Year's away from the NCAA if they keep screwing up the bowls? All this is of course assuming Bettman can grow a brain at some point.
  5. I prefer Samuel Jackson Lite, as instructed by Dave Chappelle.
  6. In Texas, you do not have a duty to render first aid, however, should you choose to try to help, you are not legally responsible, as long as you dont do anything that is obviously negligent, and once you do help, you do not pass the injured individual's care to someone who is less qulaified than you.
  7. Love the Frogs, but I would like to see BSU win and go undefeated. Would look good for the Non BcS schools and give them a voice in the national title discussion.
  8. I think we should consider Hulk Hogan or John Cena as our next strength coaches. Although our penalties per game might go up.
  9. No, a degree helps provide you the opportunity to make a living. Its the job of everyone; coaches, teachers, friends, and famliy to prepare someone for a life after football. Yes, suicide is actually a very selfish act. Many times one does not consider the feelings and the aftermath of their actions.
  10. Terrible. I agree, more emphasis needs to be put on preparing for a life AFTER sports. Sports are designed to teach you about life, not be your life. Just terrible.
  11. Yeah, he is promising the kid that he will start DURING SRPING PRACTICE. Its up to Smith to do well enough to keep the job. Seriosuly, if you and Vito ever have a love child, That will be the most ugly, evil, hate filled child in history.
  12. Better send them to LSU, Texas U, USC, UCon, ULala, or Miami then.
  13. That line will always be greatness. Of course its always fun to get someone to repeat it really fast.
  14. Odd sare maybe one in a million... So you're telling me theres a chance.
  15. And that is diferent from an other BcS school how?
  16. Bingo!! Im suprised that more haven't realized this. I'm all for a playoff as being the only fair way to decide a champion. However, knowing that the playoff system will probably screw the non-bcs even more, Im actually against it, until it is fair to everyone. Till then, I enjoy seeing the bcs chaos, and i like hearing their douche fans whining. F-em
  17. Go Buckeyes!!!! Im going to bust out my OSU shirt for that game.
  18. Yeah, They are the rightful national champs. Nevermind that whole not winning your conference thing.
  19. Tough call. Utah and Boise St both had undefeated seasons and are solid teams. Id have to say that Boise State is your natioanl champion, provided both win their bowl games.
  20. Ok seriously, I know you are upset and honestly I dont blame you. However your pure hatred for Dodge and your non relenting attacks on him are freakin annoying. After that last comment, Im going to laugh my ass off if Danny plays Saturday.
  21. That guy from Pulp Fiction is available. Preach to you then blow your head off! Seriously, IF I were crying like a little baby for a new coach, Id say go after an assistant from South Florida, Boise State, or Utah. Someone who comes from a young winning program and who can build the program. I still say give Dodge another year, or at least part of next year to see if he can turn it around. If not, then we can start talking.
  22. First off, yeah, its definitely a felony. There is something called the theft ladder. As the monetary value of the theft increases, so does the penalty. The victim doesnt have to press charges, then again, they also have a certain amount of time to decide if they want to file the charges. If this is a "friend" or "acquaintance" they may decide to have Rucker pay off the charges to avoid jail time.
  23. Gagree! I love those games where the field is coverd in mud, or there is snow falling, or fog covers the field. Im estatic that they have started playing NHL games outdoors!!!
  24. How many years has JJ been here? Isnt this year6 or so? Look how many years it took for the team and system to start geling. You have to give Dodge time. It is wrong to just abandon him this soon. I know we are in a now, me, what have you done for me lately society, but some on this board have to get a grip. How would you feel if you were fired after your second week while you were still learning the ropes? Like most of you, I want to see improvement next year, but we all need to tap the freakin brakes.
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