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Everything posted by Monkeypox

  1. Personally, I never said I thought Canales would have trouble recruiting Texas. I said I don't know. I can tell you, for instance, that Trooper Taylor at Auburn would not have trouble recruiting Texas, AT ALL. Nor would much of the staff of, say, Tulsa. Is Taylor on the list/being contacted/available/in our price range? Don't know. Are there other questions about him as well? Certainly. Point is, some people have experience recruiting this state, and that experience is valuable. It doesn't guarantee anything. It doesn't say that Canales CAN'T do it. Just says that on him it's a question mark that would only be answered through experimentation. Are you willing to take the risk? Personally, I'd want SOMEONE on staff with good experience in that field. So then, who is that person going to be. Understanding that any DC outside of FCS would see it as a lateral move at best to go to NT as a DC, do you accept a DL/LB/DB coach as a DC bc he can recruit the state? Does Canales?
  2. I think it's still about a year away from trial. Could be wrong, though.
  3. I think if you believe that it's simply team inspiration, then you're overlooking the X's and O's side. This team isn't the Cowboys. They didn't get a ton of money and get lazy. They didn't need someone to come in and make them accountable. They needed confidence, sure. And Canales can be given credit for some of that. Confidence, like losing, is contagious. One of the best coaching decisions made at this school was Canales sending his freshman kicker in to kick a 53-yarder against the wind on the road. He put his faith in the team and they responded. And I knew they would. But these kids aren't winning because they've got a magic feather in their caps. Dodge isn't suddenly a good quarterback because he mysteriously lost confidence under his father. The team is being put in a position to win games. That's also play-calling and execution. Also, if you simply thought of it as inspiration, you'd be ignoring Canales' past success at other schools. He has both fans and detractors, as any coach would, but he's been working in college football a long time, including working under one of the board favorites in building a program. I'm personally of the belief that someday he'll end up as someone's "franchise coach." Everywhere you look, from USF and Arizona and NC State, you'll find players who give a lot of credit to Canales, players with skins to back it up. Is that here? I don't know. I have concerns, too, that it's just a temporary thing. That if Canales were given the contract, he'd find the going a little tougher over the long-term. He lacks recruiting ties in Texas. USF mainly recruited up from underneath schools like FSU and Miami. Our expectations for him right now aren't high (nor should they be). That won't be the case two years down the line. What staff can he put together that DOES have more Texas ties? The fact that you WOULD have to give a multi-year deal to him makes me wary as well. But I'd have these (or other) questions about a number of coaches. I'm just glad the decision won't really come down to an internet poll on this website.
  4. I knew we were in for it when ASU refused to change their name to the Dirty Red Engines.
  5. It was my model girlfriend. She's Canadian. You wouldn't know her.
  6. These would be my main concerns as well. The guy can recruit Florida. That actually IS a known. You just have to do some digging on the internet, since there aren't lists compiled like "All players ever recruited by Coach Canales." But we'd really have to have someone on staff with more Texas ties, at least from a recruiting standpoint, and if you were to retain Canales, I personally would want to get that from your DC.
  7. Listening to it, I'm at least 100% sure it's Biggie Smalls, Elvis Presley, Tupac, Patsy Cline, and Michael Hutchence.
  8. In preparation for the vacancy, I've change my name to Monkeypox Leach-Coker-Stoops-Franchione-Paterno-Lombardi, making me the sexiest name and most likely successor of Coach Dodge. Wait til you see my helmet stickers!
  9. I prefer not knowing where I stand. It's why most of my relationships end so... something, I think.
  10. If Canales can pile up some wins while having this team competitive to finish out a season, then I do believe he deserves consideration. Names are sexy, and they generally work, but I think you're kidding yourselves if you think a Fran or a Leavitt's going to lend any instant credibility to a team that's been mired in futility this long and at this point in time is a metroplex (and state-wide) Participation Trophy candidate. There will be some degree of renewed interest, sure, but wins are the only cure. I've not been the biggest proponent of Canales, based on our offense this season (and what appeared to be much of the same ol' situation. However, sometimes I wonder if he wouldn't be looked at differently if he were still the OC of a Leavitt-run USF team. He might be an experiment, but I'm of the opinion that every head coach is an experiment for a particular University. Sometimes guys just don't fit. Sometimes they just don't work, and I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater just because something says "experiment." ANYBODY who's available right now is available for a reason. They all come with question marks. And a brand new coach and system isn't any more likely to have immediate results based on a name than someone who's already here and working. And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, stop comparing Canales to Dodge or Dickey. Canales has been a successful coordinator at multiple Div 1A/FBS schools as well as a WR coach in the NFL.
  11. All this "next coach" talk is boring. Let's get to talking about who's going to replace him. I think our next next coach should be the total opposite of what our next coach is gonna be.
  12. This kinda bad special teams is really an artform.
  13. Yeah, but Stalin only won Lenin's recruits, so we know he wouldn't do that here.
  14. NO DARK HORSES! Our colors are green and white! Green and white horses only! Why am I the only person saying this?!
  15. How many good head coach candidates are there that you believe could make an impact here? We've yet to come up with a list of more coaches than there will be openings at the end of the year. Heck, last time a name bandied about was Jerry Glanville, but I don't see too many clamoring for him after his terrible stint with Portland State. Fact of the matter is, if they're good, AND you know who they are, so does every other one of those 120 schools, and a good number of those can and will pay $1million plus, and there will be plenty of good openings at the end of the year. Money might not be the #1 factor, but the others that come into play - Conference, Facilities, History, Fan Base - still favor a great number of schools over NT. That's just reality. I'm not saying to forget Mike Leach talk. I'm just saying you need to have a plan B-Q, because odds are not in your favor for getting a "name" coach.
  16. Not a chance on a Cowboy comeback. This Cowboys team folds under pressure, and for the Redskins this is the Super Bowl.
  17. I can. Players failed in their blocking assignments. Players threw interceptions and fumbled. Players kicked it out of bounds on the kickoffs. This was a team loss, and no one, and I mean no one, can escape blame in it. Every phase of the game failed tonight. So yes, I can blame him for making stupid comments that, if they weren't so ludicrous, could only have served to what? Drive a wedge between the players and coaching staff?
  18. The way those plays work is you show them something to set them up for something else... not to just telegraph what you're doing with it. Regardless, the package never quite worked, so I have no idea why you use it, in exactly the same way, on 3rd and short deep in your own territory with a defense that's crashing your line all night. I was dumbfounded.
  19. I didn't blame him for the loss. If anything, I blame the coaches for being unable to utilize him in any way to make a difference. ALL you had to do was read the thread. I posted a fact about the game. That is all.
  20. Turnovers and execution killed the O. Big plays killed the D. Special Teams killed everyone.
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