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Everything posted by Shuke-D

  1. Well, if you don't feel like answering Harry's thoughtfully articulated question and instead want to put someone else's words in quotes, how about defining what you understand the word "affordable" to mean. Therein might lie the subjective crux of the dispute here.
  2. I'm no tee-totaler, but it's hot out there and ice cream sounds good. The original 31 flavors when Baskin-Robbins first opened in 1945 were: Banana Nut Fudge Black Walnut Burgundy Cherry Butterscotch Ribbon Cherry Macaroon Chocolate Chocolate Almond Chocolate Chip Chocolate Fudge Chocolate Mint Chocolate Ribbon Coffee Coffee Candy Date Nut Egg Nog French Vanilla Green Mint Stick Lemon Crisp Lemon Custard Lemon Sherbet Maple Nut Orange Sherbet Peach Peppermint Fudge Ribbon Peppermint Stick Pineapple Sherbet Raspberry Sherbet Rocky Road Strawberry Vanilla Vanilla Burnt Almond
  3. Nitrous Oxide or the Dark Side. Both are pretty potent.
  4. Didn't China offer this kid, but not as dictator. Just Vice Chancellor of Atrocities against Humanity. That's how North Korea got him.
  5. Ouch. Swing and a miss. Understandable though. CBL, GreenP1, Tasty, and Quoner all look the same to you, right?
  6. Better call Gary Busey's lawyer first. Might be a copyright issue.
  7. Make em sleeveless and call the line "Reality Beaters."
  8. Don't take this as a knock on Palin. I've never said a cross word about her. But, this logic bothers me a bit. Are you saying that personal ambition trumps the duty that constituents delegate to the representatives they elect to serve their values? Are you saying that her saying "screw this backwater dump, and the loser, minor-media-market people in it that elected me, cause I need to go Primetime" is somehow a virtue? My understanding is that if she served out her term, she'd still have 16-18 months to mount a full national campaign for 2012. Not saying that's what she's doing. You are. I'm curious how that fits into the ideas of service, committment, and fidelity.
  9. As old as that thing is, a better word is gerontophile. Not as catchy, though. Nor current.
  10. Newt Gingrich, right? [just playing. There's heinous douche-bags on both sides of the aisle, and in between]
  11. What's not to like. He's passionate, caring, and knows how to grip the shaft.
  12. "Black or White" had Macaulay. Yeah, you're right. Points to "Beat It."
  13. Just repeating some of the things I've read on some of the outlier reaches of the nut-world blogosphere. Not giving any credence to it personally. Though, if true, there'll be enough fodder for word-play, inappropriate puns, and potentially bannable allusions to last the board for a week.
  14. "It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men! Amen!" Just wanted to get this in there in case some of the more outlandish rumors about this turn out to be true.
  15. "I really don't like watching boogers during a football game." he clearly never saw a North Texas game back in those days.
  16. OPP has always had broad bipartisan support. It's the one issue people on both sides of the aisle really want to get behind and push hard for.
  17. Your anti-camel agenda could not be more blatant and is not appropriate for this forum. Please refrain from posting links to such anti-species sources as Sandstormfront.com. They are already here and live among us peacefully. We should embrace them as a part of our great country (www.toelickersunite.com). And the Comfort Wipe may seem creepy now, but the way this country is going fat-wise, it's gonna become standard issue in another 15 years, so get used to it
  18. 6hrs and 46mns for vague references to bestiality to blossom into full blown allusions to camel to. . . well, you know. That's not a record, but we are a little out of practice here. With the right kind of commitment, training regimen, and close study of Pimp Daddy's Yo Mama Snaps, we can get ready for Olympic competition in the very near future. Well done
  19. That's a good point. I wouldn't want to be accused of making too much out of the situation. So long as it was a consenting camel, it's no one else's business what goes on privately.
  20. Apparently, it's worthy of a psa: How to Though, I think they forgot one part. Often, this is the result of Rick Rolling someone too many times:
  21. You haven't answered my question yet (might have been lost in all the posts). How do you know what a camel smells like post-copulation? This is a fact I am not aware of. I've never been around a camel, so I wouldn't know what it smells like before and after a date. Not that I'd need this info in the immediate future(?), but it is a fact that has piqued my curiosity. Please answer the question.
  22. And Neil Patrick Harris is their leader. If you want to know the secret of Being, you will go with them.
  23. Ok. This just got interesting. Facts, as you've defined them before, are indisputable pieces of data typically acquired through empirical means. Given that definition, please explain how you arrived at this particular fact you listed: "smells like he just copulated with a camel" I'm hoping for 'deep' ethnography.
  24. Yeah. My first draft had it as Qram1. But since this particular thread just didn't feel like it was living up to the toxicity mean for the forum in general, I revised it kick to it up a notch. Bam!
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