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Everything posted by emmitt01

  1. Were it not for the Green Wave we would have managed to lose to every 1A school in the state of Louisiana.
  2. The last time my Mean Green went winless at home I was 4.
  3. Medpilot, I was originally compelled to instruct you to warn this poor child against going to Arkansas State for a visit. After much consideration, though, I have decided it may be in his best interest. Only when a person has seen what the "other half" of humanity lives like can they truly appreciate the culture of Denton Texas. By this I do not mean that they will come to see just how civilized we are...quite to the contrary. I simply mean that, after seeing the 'love' that Arkansas citizens have for their livestock, this boy will probably be unfazed by some of our more 'artistic' students who they perpetually find to interview about our football team. Let's see, multiple piercings and ignorance about athletics....or PATA? (People for the Anal Treatment of Animals)
  4. Deep Green, Plumm Mean Green's posts have been compiled over the last few years by monks in a private monestary in Denton. It took me several weeks to kidnap all of the Denia residents and convert them to Emmittism but they fell in line when I threatened to have Green Grenade babysit their children. Anyway, Plumm's posts will soon be available in one large manuscript much like the bible once the monks have had time to transcribe them all. The books of "Intersection of two highways" and "Hell's Bells" are among my favorites. Of course no reading of the Book of Plumm would be complete without flipping over to Plumm 3:16.
  5. There are hats with the new logos at the hat world in the Denton Mall...and lots of em.
  6. My sources in the AD network tell me that ASU's board of regents have looked at both of the candidates you mentioned and have decided against the both of them. Seems that neither of them have the qualifications they are looking for. Mr. Odonnis graduated valedictorian of his GED program and would become the most educated person on their campus upon his arrival. I'm told there would be quite a faculty backlash. The Master of Tennessee refuses to block out so he was stricken from the list as well.
  7. Seeing as our offensive coordinator (hopefully for a short while longer) Ramon Flanigan has dubbed me "the AD" I will be fielding questions from anyone who has them. Here's a letter I received from an alum in Jonesboro Arkansas: "Dear AD Emmitt, I've noticed that we continually beat up on the poor ol' Indians from Arkansas State. Is it the offensive schemes, the talent difference, or does ASU just plain suck? Many of the fans around here make fun of Jamario Thomas for his dyslexia, do you think this is fair seeing as how he torched them last year? Thanks, Green in Arkansas P.S. My wife says hello. Our mother will be coming in for Thanksgiving tomorrow" Green in Arkansas, Yes, we do beat up on Arkie State quite a bit. I think the reason stems from the talent we have here in Denton cuz it aint the coaching. And yes, Arkansas State sucking does help. As to Jamario Thomas and his dyslexia, he and I talked just yesterday. We agree that "touchdown" and "blowout loss" sound the same and hurt just as much for Arkansas State fans even if you spell them "nwodhcuot" and "ssol tuowolb". Thanks for your letter. AD Emmitt
  8. I admit that I'm no RF fan, lover or apologist. I am though concerned about the hit we could/would take in recruiting if he were to go. Not that I think he has brought in a wealth of talent over the years but continuity is at a premium at a time when we are looking to pick ourselves up off the ground next season. I'll give you an example. Remember the QB Carson Coffman that we were all talking about wanting to sign. Guess who is listed as doing the recruiting on this kid? Yep, our very own offensive genius Ramon "asleep at the wheel" Flanigan.
  9. Nope, not every day. Occassionally I wear my "Higher Expectations! Unacceptable!" shirt.
  10. I totally agree. I got nothing from that sentence other than that 10 seniors will be playing their last collegiate game. And, as to your question, yes you are...I'll have your t-shirt on Saturday.
  11. So, if all the speculation around here comes true, we could lose DD and RF in one offseason? I know the Hallelujah chorus would begin for some of you but I just hope the old "careful what you wish for" adage doesn't start echoing around Denton. You may not like one/both of them but at a time when recruiting and continuity are at a premium this would be a heavy pill to swallow.
  12. Uhh, the big west was better but only because Boise is better. The rest of the big west was: North Texas Idaho Nevada Utah State New Mexico State Arkansas State (I believe) So, really, I'd give the nod to the Big West but only because Boise St has grown in the WAC.
  13. If we only had this we could turn around our fortunes in no timel http://cgi.ebay.com/THE-RUNNING-BACK-VIDEO...1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. Under the arm. It's the only part of the upper torso that the vest doesn't cover. Being hit from that spot means the bullet passes through your lungs and possibly your heart. A sight I will never ever forget.
  15. Tell your husband or wife how much you love them. Hug your children. I just got home from the scene of an officer I know dying as a result of some shit head with a gun. He just got married about a month ago. I'm sure it will be on the news all day but I thought I'd take this time to remind everyone to appreciate what you have. My wife is at her mother's because her cousin is in from California and right now all I want is her home to hold. I apologize for putting this on the football board but I knew it would be read here.
  16. And this, my friends, is all the proof I need that this thread should never have been started. But, since we have all wasted five minutes of our lives (that we will never get back) I will spell it out for catman. Where I was going with that was this...claiming to be an expert and showing expertise are two distinct things. You say that Flanigan has this plethora of football experience. It doesn't show. Clear enough?
  17. Floor, meet Talons face. Seriously folks, if someone REALLY wanted to do it then an event for the basketball game could be pulled off. And, no, it wouldn't require waiting until next Wednesday to commune the Talons Mensa club. Just an industrious student or two and a few visits to the proper admin folks. Or, we could just say the hell with it because only a "spirit" organization would go to such great lengths.
  18. Ok, genius, explain this one to me. How does a guy who has "been around football for years" not have a play in his playbook for 3rd and long? How does a guy who has "been around football for years" not land at least several recruits a year, or even in a couple of years? How does a guy who has "been around football for years" not show innovation in his offense over a 5 year period? You can play the "he's more of an expert" game all you want. Experts, or those that claim to be so, should also exhibit a little something called expertise! Even see a chef at a 5 star restaraunt who wasn't capable of making more than what you yourself could at home? Ever see an expert plumber who just looked at your toilet and said "I wouldn't even know where to begin." By your logic I should take my car to certified mechanics who can't even change my oil...cuz they've been around and seen waaaaaaaayyyy more cars than I ever have. Give me a break!!!!
  19. You can put me down for 5 of them and I'll worry about finding buyers (if 12 people don't step forward in a reasonable amount of time, otherwise put me down for 1).
  20. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord....(you know the rest)
  21. I think you can find your answer to the question of whether RF will be gone at year's end in this quote from the release: From RV
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